Trump’s former campaign chairman secretly worked to advance the interests of Russia’s President a decade ago contradicting assertions by the Trump administration that it never happened, majority prefer Obamacare over Trumpcare, the price we pay for Trump’s lies, on the immoral, unethical White House that has no rules, despite Trump’s dubious claims of ‘America first,’ his businesses keep hiring foreign workers, betting on whether Trump will resign or be impeached before his first term is up, the life cycle of a Trump conspiracy theory, Trumpcare bill betrays key Trump campaign promise, Trump still breaking ethics – and probably the law – with his business dealings, when a president lies too much, most failed Presidency start ever, another unsatisfied Trump voter pivots against him, Wall Street Journal turns on Trump and more.
AP Exclusive: Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government article from Yahoo! News. ––politics.html
Less than 25 percent of Americans think Trump is respected by world leaders article from AOL News. –
Wonder how many think Trump is actually respected by anyone…
Poll: Majority prefer Obamacare to Trumpcare article from AOL News. –
The Insidious Effect on the Psyche of Trump’s Torrent of Lies article from AlterNet. –
“Research shows that repeating a lie, even to refute it, imprints it on our brain.
There’s a problem with the media’s repetitive refutation of Donald Trump’s lies: It makes them more credible. Research finds that repeating a lie, even to refute it, imprints it on our brains, and they become more memorable than the refutations.
Most presidents lie. Nixon said he was not a crook. Reagan said he wasn’t aware of the Iran-Contra deal. Clinton said he did not have sex with that woman.
But Trump’s lies are different. They are more frequent and glaringly contradict the facts: Obama wiretapped the phones at Trump Tower; there was record turnout at Trump’s inauguration; Trump knows no one who has anything to do with Russia; he knows more about ISIS than our generals…”