Tag Archives: Trump’s Conflicts of Interest

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 199

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his failed conspiracy theories and fairy tales of distraction to avoid responsibility for his criminal conduct into his Russia scandal coming completely unwound, a look at some of the miscreants that comprise our lackluster lame duck president’s cabal, the many ways Trump has cemented his place in history as America’s most corrupt-ever president, all of Trump’s Fox faux news conspiracy theories are falling apart yet he keeps trying desperately to push them, our demented delinquent is hiding something as he refuses to release the Democratic memo that blows apart the farcical Nunes memo, when the economy crashes and burns Trump will lay the blame on everyone else but himself, reality is about to rear its ugly head and destroy Trump’s land of delusion, tips on dealing with delusional narcissists like the illegitimate one currently occupying the White House, Trump’s infrastructure plan is yet another fraudulent endeavor, Trump’s budget proposal reveals that he could care less about the deplorables that support him – let alone the majority that doesn’t – as he’s owned by corrupt corporations, a closer look at Trump’s Russia scandal and the damage it has already done, our Loser-in-Chief won’t talk about all the alt-right terrorists because they make up the majority of the minority that support his sorry ass, Trump’s obstruction of justice is far more extensive than Nixon’s plus much more.

Trump’s Russia Cover Story Just Fell Apart As White House Can’t Provide Evidence Of FBI Bias article from PoliticusUSA. –

The fairy tales and conspiracy theories being pushed as fake news to try and save our dimwitted dip shit’s corrupt ass are failing miserably.

The Other Memo Lawmakers Want the Public to See – But Trump Doesn’t article from Roll Call. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator – aided by some of the miscreants in his White House – actually crafted a secret memo claiming abusive powers that no president has to commit war crimes.

Trump doesn’t get the ‘best people.’ He gets the worst. Here’s why. article from The Week. –

On the cesspool of corruption that is the miscreants and misfits that make up our lackluster lame duck president’s cabal.

With Mark Warner conspiracy theory, Trump goes 0-for-3 article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

One would think that after the first two efforts to save his sorry ass failed Trump would quit, but he’s apparently too stupid to figure it out:

“Donald Trump was very excited about the Republicans’ “Nunes memo,” though the stunt clearly didn’t work out well. The president was nearly as excited about a GOP report this week that suggested Barack Obama may have intervened in the FBI’s Hillary Clinton probe, before the story was completely discredited.

But the guy who championed Birtherism for several years isn’t the type to give up on the search for exciting new conspiracy theories. And so, Trump published this missive last night about Sen. Mark Warner (R-Va.), the ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating the Russia scandal:

“Wow! -Senator Mark Warner got caught having extensive contact with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch. Warner did not want a ‘paper trail’ on a ‘private’ meeting (in London) he requested with Steele of fraudulent Dossier fame. All tied into Crooked Hillary.”

The president – who ostensibly has access to a vast, multi-billion-dollar intelligence apparatus, providing him with almost limitless amounts of vetted information – was apparently relying on something he saw on Fox News…”

Tracing the Trump White House’s year of permanent scandal article from NBC News. –

The many ways Trump has cemented his place in history as America’s most corrupt-ever president.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 169

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with more of his delusions as he tries to salvage what little is left of his failing presidency, the many lessons we’ve learned about Trump after the start of his failed presidency, using another crisis to try and make it all about himself, being a lackluster lame duck president hasn’t stopped Trump from inflicting serious damage while everyone was distracted by his idiocy and other malfeasance, more on Trump’s Syrian war crimes after his failed Syrian gas attack false flag, still pretending his tax reform scam is legit and not another scam to screw the country over, growing dissatisfaction from Trump’s dwindling base, our fake president is losing his war on fake news and a lot more.

Trump Might Be About to Launch His Dumbest Gambit Yet to Save His Presidency article from Alternet. –

Despite a temporary surge in popularity, our national embarrassment is not presidential nor will he ever be regardless of who he works with in the U.S. Congress.

6 Months of Trump, 6 Lessons Learned article from Populist.com. –

In addition to his diminishing mental capacity, a few of the things we’ve learned include the fact that Trump lies all time, he only cares about himself and he’s incapable of leading a country…

How Trump Is Destroying America article from The Atlantic. –

America’s worst-ever president’s delusional belief that he is above the law and accountable to no one is going to sink his failing presidency.


Where they will try and support our Liar-in-Chief’s claims that he won the popular vote and make it easier for the GOP to win elections by suppressing everyone else:

“Last week, much of official Washington rejoiced after President Trump made a deal with senior congressional Democrats to forestall a government shutdown, provide aid to hurricane victims, and raise the debt ceiling until December. The deal, some observers claimed, marked Trump’s long-awaited pivot to conventional Presidential leadership and a bipartisan style of governing. Some praised this maneuver as statesmanlike, while others denounced it as a betrayal of the President’s fellow-Republicans, but there was something close to consensus that Trump had jettisoned the hard-right politics expressed at the beginning of his term in office and begun a new and different chapter.

This is, to put it charitably, nonsense. Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer, the top Democrats in Congress, understandably accepted a modest political gift from the President; Trump, by agreeing to just a three-month extension of the deadlines, gave the opposition party somewhat more leverage when the next negotiation takes place, before the end of the year. But, notwithstanding the developments of last week, which mostly amount to inside baseball, the course of the Trump Presidency is set, and conservatives are still very much in charge.

A vivid example of the right-wing hegemony in the Trump Administration will be on display today, when the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity convenes for the second time. It is difficult to imagine a more cynical enterprise than this commission, which Trump appointed after he claimed (falsely) that the casting of illegal votes last November accounted for his loss of the popular vote, which Hillary Clinton won by a margin of nearly three million. Trump named Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state, who has been the nation’s leading advocate for restrictions on voting rights, as the vice-chair of the commission. (Vice-President Mike Pence is the chair.) Kobach will preside at today’s meeting, which will convene in Manchester, New Hampshire. (To further confuse matters, the meeting will be hosted by New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state, Bill Gardner, a Democrat who also sits on the commission but who has, in the past, been skeptical of voter-fraud charges.) The choice of this location is characteristic of the incompetence and malevolence that is at the heart of the vote-suppression agenda.

Hillary Clinton and Senator Maggie Hassan—who defeated the Republican incumbent, Kelly Ayotte—both won narrow victories in New Hampshire, in 2016. Kobach has claimed that those results are suspect because out-of-state voters may have cast ballots for the Democrats. Last Wednesday, the speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, Shawn Jasper, a Republican, released data showing that six thousand five hundred and forty people had registered to vote using out-of-state driver’s licenses. Using such licenses for voter registration is legal in the state, but it was pointed out that only a thousand and fourteen of these people later obtained a New Hampshire license. This, Kobach suggested in a column that he wrote last week for Breitbart, means that most of those voters never lived in New Hampshire at all…”

Trump exploits 9/11 anniversary to promote himself, just like he did 16 years ago article from The Daily Kos. –

America’s worst-ever president loves manipulating crises to make it all about himself and 9/11 was no exception.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 159

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begins with an explanation of how easy it would be for our demented delinquent to start a nuclear war – as it would be difficult to stop him with no checks in place, America’s most corrupt president is still setting all the wrong precedents, America’s worst-ever president continues talking trash to North Korea while the miscreants in his White House urge the world not to pay attention to it, our national embarrassment loves to bluff but he’s too stupid to think before he speaks, our demented delusionist in the White House is proving to be a major embarrassment to the U.S., Trump’s partisan presidency – catering only to the minority that ‘elected’ him and not the majority and a lot more.

This is how easy it would be for Trump to start a nuclear war article from Think Progress. –

There are no checks in place to prevent our demented delinquent from starting a nuclear war…

Trump has no clue what to do about North Korea – and he doesn’t really care article from The Week. –

Despite the constant threats and warmongering, our Bloviator-in-Chief has no idea about what to do about an overhyped threat.

Trump Is Already Profiting From His 2020 Campaign article from Truthout. –

America’s most corrupt president is still profiting from his presidency as his 2020 campaign begins.

5 Disturbing Revelations Upon Closer Inspection of Trump’s Twitter Feed article from AlterNet. –

In addition to all his other moronic rants, out Twitter tyrant also quotes white supremacists and bots:

“President Donald Trump tweets … a lot. But along with his usual flurry of tweets attacking the media, lamenting fake news, or criticizing practically anyone who disagrees with him, Trump has another Twitter habit — quoting his supposed supporters’ tweets. A look at over a year of Trump’s retweets, quote tweets, and tweets in which he quoted another Twitter handle has left a lot of questions.

Using the Trump Twitter Archive, Media Matters audited the president’s Twitter handle, @RealDonaldTrump, between April 1, 2016, and July 31, 2017, focusing on retweets, quote tweets, and tweets where @RealDonaldTrump quoted another Twitter handle. We used that list to identify unverified accounts that he quoted or retweeted, which we then checked for the original tweet and suspicious or bot-like activity. If an account seemed suspicious (for example, it posted an unrealistic number of tweets or exclusively pro-Trump messages), we examined its tweeting habits during the weekend of the second presidential debate (October 6 to 10, 2016). Finally, if an account seemed like a bot, we reviewed its tweeting habits between August 2015 and January 2016.

Factors used to identify suspicious behavior included the date the handle was created; the number of tweets sent; the general frequency of tweets and use of hashtags and images; the content and frequency of tweets the weekend of the second debate; and what the account tweeted before the October 2015 primary season. Here’s what we found:

1. Trump retweeted and thanked a woman named Nicole Mincey over the weekend of August 5, 2017, as was widely reported by numerous outlets. Mincey was suspected to be a bot, but was later identified by BuzzFeed and others as a real Trump supporter who was using her page to sell merchandise. It was odd for Trump to simply retweet an unknown account because, based on Media Matters’ findings, Trump typically retweets only verified accounts, such as Fox & Friends’ Twitter account or those of his staffers and family members…”

In a crisis, Trump looks like the wrong leader at the wrong time article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Primarily because he’s not a leader and he is and always will be the wrong popular vote losing president…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 20

Trump administration’s attempts to plug leaks is fueling paranoia, Trump has already brought us to the brink of war with Iran, too much media normalizes Trump’s speech, Trump berates media for using anonymous sources while becoming one himself, fraud and ignorance appear to be valued Trump family traits, stupidity is still running rampant in Trump’s White House, Trump still making false claims about the military, breaking promise on Keystone pipeline, Trump starts destroying net neutrality, Trump’s deceptive plan for school vouchers, GOP hiding replacement Obamacare bill, Trump’s justification of travel ban is not credible, Trump’s delusional dipshittery over his ‘great wall’ begins to unravel, another key Trump adviser with ties to anti-Semitic groups, Trump’s preference for ‘alternative facts’ could spark another Iraq – or worse, more on Trump’s ongoing conflicts of interest, Trump administration suspends more Obama-era consumer protections while looking for other Obama regulations to rid themselves of, the racist standards of Trump’s ‘law and order’ and more.

Sources: Trump aides’ bid to plug leaks fuels government paranoia article from AOL News. –

“WASHINGTON, March 3 (Reuters) – President Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin used his first senior staff meeting last month to tell his new aides he would not tolerate leaks to the news media, sources familiar with the matter said.

Current and former officials said that in a departure from past practice, access to a classified computer system at the White House has been tightened by political appointees to prevent professional staffers from seeing memos being prepared for the new president.

And at the Department of Homeland Security, some officials told Reuters they fear a witch hunt is under way for the leaker of a draft intelligence report which found little evidence that citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries covered by Trump’s now-suspended travel ban pose a threat to the United States.

The clampdown has fueled paranoia among Washington career civil servants who say it appears designed to try to limit the flow of information inside and outside government and deter officials from talking to the media about topics that could result in negative stories…”

Intelligence Experts: Trump’s Adherence to ‘Alternative Facts’ Could Spark Another Iraq—or Worse article from AlterNet. –

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