Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Using his Ministry of Propaganda to spread his lies begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president’s as he once again took to Fox faux news to try and deceive everyone while desperately trying to save his ignorant ass and justify his government shutdown as his delusions keep growing, why his history of fraud – and trying to cover up his criminal actions with secrecy – makes it imperative to find out what was said and done during his two hour meeting with his Sugar Daddy Putin in Helsinki, once again Donnie rants against the media for telling the truth instead of talking about his delusional ‘success’, media is starting to call Trump out on his lies and he’s not handling it well, fabricating and lying about a non-existent border crisis is going to get the Don in more legal hot water, having no credibility is proving problematic for the Don as he uses Hitler tactics to try and make the public believe we have an immigration crisis when we don’t and everyone – with half a brain – knows that all he ever does is lie, as expected the Donald used his prime time speech to lie and misinform the public about a non-existent border and humanitarian crisis – the only humanitarian crisis at the border is the one created by him – but he wasn’t stupid enough to try and declare a national emergency and much more.
Trump Uses Fox To Claim Unpaid Government Workers Agree With Him 100% On Shutdown article from PoliticusUSA. –
Yet again Trump relied on his Ministry of Propaganda to push his lies about government workers supporting his shutdown – they don’t – while desperately trying to save face for his duplicitous actions:
Trump tells government workers to adjust to not getting paid, as he claims they support his shutdown 100%.
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) January 6, 2019
The unsettling list of Trump’s made-up conversations keeps growing article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Donald’s delusions are getting worse and, with any luck, eventually he’ll end up in the Psyche ward of a prison – though regardless his alternate reality is about to come crashing down.
HILARIOUS: Trump Declares Himself The Expert On Literally Everything article from Crooks and Liars. –
The man doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground but Trump claims he’s an expert on everything – yet more proof that he is delusional and unfit to hold the office he holds:
Trump is the #1 expert on…
– Taxes
– Construction
– Campaign finance
– Drones
– Technology
– U.S. History
– Infrastructure
– Renewables
– Polls
– Courts
– Steel workers
– Golf
– Banks
– Nuclear arms
– The system
– Debt
– Politicians…according to Donald Trump
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) January 4, 2019
We Need to Know What Happened When Trump Was Left Alone With Putin article from The Daily Beast. –
Given Donnie’s history of fraud and secrecy when trying to cover up his premeditated criminal endeavors – which, like his presidency will, always fail and how his self-induced crises are compounded by his profound ignorance – it is imperative to know what happened during those two hours he met with his Sugar Daddy in Helsinki:
“Donald Trump spent two hours alone with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki in July and we still have no idea what was specifically said or agreed between two of the most powerful men in the world. (Only two interpreters, bound to silence, were present.)
How much does this matter?
Quite a lot, probably. First off, there are new concerns about Trump’s continuing susceptibility to talking points that can have only one source – Russian propaganda. More of this later. Second, it belongs in a long trail of events that have either deliberately left serious blanks in the historical record or delayed by many years discovery of the truth.
We live in a moment in America when the discovery of information is in daily hand-to-hand combat with the deliberate suppression of information. For the second time in recent history the fate of a presidency might well rest on the unhindered discovery and exposure of essential evidence. Nothing is as central to the health of a democracy as overcoming a cover-up…”
The Trumpification of Political Discourse article from The Atlantic. –
Why our wannabe Twitter tyrant Trump, whose history of ignorantly insulting wide swaths of people routinely via other methods than tweeting, has no room to talk about being insulted by anyone.