High Treason Trump from Pinterest
Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Why some of his moronic minions are losing their faith in his treasonous ass begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as more of his lies and guilt come floating to the surface, how the Donald just can’t stop confessing – and committing – his crimes, why Trump’s picture pops up repeatedly when trillions of people search for ‘idiot’ on Google, yet another cohort flips on the Donald and agrees to spill the beans, evidence of Trump’s guilt keeps piling up and there appears to be no end in sight, Donnie’s screwed since all of his financial dealings are now under scrutiny and so much more.
Trump lovers rattled by Mueller disclosures and no longer buying president’s ‘witch hunt’ claims article from Alternet. –
It appears that some of the moronic minions that support our treasonous president* are starting to pull their heads out and glimpsing reality.
Fox News Legal Analyst Says Trump May Be Charged With 3 Crimes article from PoliticusUSA. –
You know you have serious problems when your Ministry of Propaganda turns on you.
Trump threatens to make military build his wall in latest meltdown article from The Raw Story. –
It’s sad that a moron has to take to Twitter to spew his vitriolic delusions – while inadvertently digging himself a deeper hole he won’t be able to slither out of – because no one wants to build his farcical wall that he swore Mexico would pay for:
….People do not yet realize how much of the Wall, including really effective renovation, has already been built. If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 11, 2018
Trump Can’t Stop Confessing article from The Atlantic. –
How an imbecilic president* whose corruption is nothing short of astonishing keeps implicating himself with his words and his deeds:
“Donald Trump can’t stop telling on himself.
Just two years into his presidency, the New York real-estate mogul turned politician faces at least two separate criminal investigations, while half a dozen former advisers, including his former campaign chair, deputy campaign chair, national-security adviser, foreign-policy adviser, and personal attorney have all pleaded guilty to or been convicted of serious crimes. That’s even more remarkable when you consider that the American legal system makes white-collar crimes difficult to prove, by making guilt conditional on a defendant’s state of mind, a notoriously high standard.
Nevertheless, Trump has done his best to ensure that we all know what he’s thinking, even as his legal peril grows. Last Friday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York claimed in a filing that Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, had been directed during the campaign to pay hush money to women who claimed to have had affairs with the president. Those payments, according to the filing, were laundered through shell corporations and reimbursed by the president’s private company. Effectively, the president’s own Justice Department accused him of ordering his personal attorney to commit a felony.
The standard for criminal violations of campaign-finance laws, though, turns on “knowing and willful” violations of those laws. So the president would have had to know that it was illegal, and ordered Cohen to make the payments anyway…”
Crimes aren’t crimes: Trump and his allies are moving the goalposts to legally protect him article from ThinkProgress. –
The delusions are out of control in Trumpland as the most corrupt president* in U.S. history and his enablers continue desperately trying to save his sorry ass.
Trump makes history with record-breaking government spending … on golf carts article from The Daily Kos. –
Yet again Donnie is making history for all the wrong reasons.
The Trump file: Trump’s 10 top falsehoods of 2018 article from Politifact. –
With all the whoppers he’s told it has to be difficult to pick the top 10…
Google Explains To Congress Why Trump Is An ‘Idiot’ article from Crooks and Liars. –
When people search Google for ‘idiot’ Trump’s picture pops up repeatedly because the majority of this country and the world all agree:
“Google CEO Sundar Pichai was questioned by the House Judiciary Committee today. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D, CA-19) asked him why an image search for “idiot” brings up pictures of Donald Trump.
Pichai went into detail about artificial intelligence and scraping and daily updating of search results.
Lofgren replied that his answer indicated there was not some “little man behind a curtain” manipulating results to make Trump look stupid.
No, it’s not one man, it’s actually trillions of users associating the so-called president with that word…”
After Trump Promises Government Shutdown, GOP Realizes His Immigration Stance Is Toxic article from PoliticusUSA. –
Trump promised to shut down the government if Democrats won’t fund his border wall… go ahead Mr. President*, shut the government down and see what happens to the GOP when you do:
Trump walks into a massive trap and proclaims that he is proud to shut the government down to get his wall. pic.twitter.com/KsPLfMLncR
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) December 11, 2018
Trump’s delusional alternate social media universe reveals his mounting concerns over the Mueller probe article from Alternet. –
The delusions keep flying fast and furious from the Donald as the reality that his ass could end up in prison slowly creeps in.
On the many problems Donnie is facing in the White House and with his cabal as no one wants to be his Chief of Staff – for obvious reasons.
Trump issues an ominous and dangerous warning about the consequences of impeachment article from The Daily Kos. –
Trump seems to think ‘the people’ – his diminishing base of moronic minions – would save him if he’s impeached, but as with most everything else he does, that belief is based on delusions:
“With Democrats now taking over the House, and new revelations from the prosecutions of President Donald Trump’s inner circle coming out by the day, talk is inevitably turning toward the possibility the president could be impeached before his term is out.
But Trump himself insists he’s not worried about that in a new interview with Reuters in the Oval Office.
“It’s hard to impeach somebody who hasn’t done anything wrong and who’s created the greatest economy in the history of our country,” Trump said. “I’m not concerned, no. I think that the people would revolt if that happened,” he said.
This notion of a pro-Trump “revolt” in the event of impeachment is a common theme among the president’s allies. In August, Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani used the exact same words…”
Trump pretends his search for a chief of staff is going well (it’s not) article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Despite his lies, Donnie’s search for a replacement isn’t going well because no one wants to work for his incorrigibly corrupt and ignorant ass for obvious reasons.
Here are 5 details from Michael Cohen’s sentencing that are absolutely devastating for Trump article from Alternet. –
Each passing day brings more bad new for the Donald as his ass keeps looking more and more corrupt and guilty.
Trump’s Runs Away As Reporters Ask About Dirty Deeds Cohen Cover Up article from PoliticusUSA. –
Having his former fixer and attorney talking about covering his dirty deeds isn’t doing Trump any favors:
The National Enquirer Flips On Donald Trump In Playmate Hush Money Scandal article from The Huffington Post. –
Yet another feather to put in Trump’s treasonous cap as another of his cohorts flips on him and spills the beans:
“The parent company of the National Enquirer has admitted to federal prosecutors that “its principal purpose” in paying former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal $150,000 ahead of the 2016 election was to “suppress” her story about an alleged affair with Donald Trump for the explicit purpose of improving the then-candidate’s chances of victory.
The decision, the company also said, was made in direct “cooperation, consultation and concert with one or more” members of the Trump campaign.
At the bottom of a Wednesday press release touting the sentencing of former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York revealed that it had recently reached a “non-prosecution agreement” with American Media Inc., which owns tabloids including the National Enquirer.
As part of the deal, AMI offered “substantial and important assistance” in federal prosecutors’ investigation into payments made to McDougal, prosecutors said…”
‘You and your spawn are going to jail’: Trump mocked for trying to tweet his way out of Cohen’s felony allegations article from The Raw Story. –
Trump’s lies about never directing Cohen to break the law are useless and won’t do him any good, especially since all he ever does is lie about everything:
Reminder: 100 percent lied when he said in April he “did not know about the 130k payment to Stormy Daniels” — why should we believe him now? https://t.co/0ufRrbSlrz
— Neal Katyal (@neal_katyal) December 13, 2018
Fox News Poll Shows 55% Of Americans Won’t Vote For Him In 2020 article from PoliticusUSA. –
Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda appears to be turning on him as even they can’t save his corrupt ass.
Trump: I never directed Cohen to make illegal payoffs. Prosecutors: Yes, you did. article from Vox. –
Despite the delusions that keep coming in droves as his desperation grows, Trump is going down and he knows it.
Trump just severely undermined his own defense against accusations that he broke campaign finance laws article from Alternet. –
One would think that Trump would use his right to remain silent but – to his detriment – he isn’t capable of doing that:
“In a new interview with Fox News on Thursday, President Donald Trump casually undermined his sole apparent defense against charges of criminally violating campaign finance law.
He’s at risk of such charges after his former employee, Michael Cohen, was sentenced to three years in prison, in part for making hush payments during the campaign on Trump’s behalf in violation of the law. Cohen said that he made the payments at Trump’s direction and in coordination with him, implicating the president in the crime.
Thursday morning, Trump tried to distance himself from the crimes on Twitter, writing of Cohen: “He was a lawyer and he is supposed to know the law. It is called ‘advice of counsel,’ and a lawyer has great liability if a mistake is made. That is why they get paid.”
Legal experts point out that pointing to the advice of counsel can be a defense against some crimes. But it’s hard for Trump to stick to a script — and in the Fox News interview aired broadcast later in the day, Trump significantly undercut this potential defense. He said that Cohen actually didn’t do much legal work and was actually provided more public relations services…”
Donald Trump Is Under the bus article from Truthout. –
The Donald’s troubles are going to get exponentially worse and there will be no way for him to slither out of the hole he’s dug for himself – and no one is more deserving…
After Getting Caught On Tape, Trump Blames Cohen For His Crimes article from PoliticusUSA. –
Despite the mountains of emerging evidence showing how guilty Donnie is, he still keep lying and trying to deny everything:
Even though there is a tape of Trump discussing felonies with Michael Cohen, the president is blaming the ex-lawyer for his crimes. https://t.co/mcwn1sEHQd pic.twitter.com/uF3TPfbhVS
— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) December 13, 2018
Not Even a Softball Fox News Interview Can Prevent Trump From Losing It article from Splinter News. –
Even his Ministry of Propaganda can’t make him look good as Trump reveals that the pressures of his illegitimate presidency and all his corruption continue engulfing him:
Trump increasingly isolated as aides leave, friends flip and investigations advance article from The Los Angeles Times. –
The walls in Donnie’s alternate reality are crashing down and he can’t handle it:
“It was almost noon Thursday when a Marine suddenly appeared outside the West Wing doors, a sign that President Trump had belatedly reported to the Oval Office.
For the second day in a row, the president had been in the White House residence all morning, fuming about federal investigations that have moved closer to him — and are likely to get worse.
His former confidant, attorney Michael Cohen, and other once-stalwart supporters have flipped, becoming witnesses for a Justice Department he has struggled to bend to his will. Prosecutors also secured the cooperation of American Media Inc., the tabloid publisher that routinely helped Trump muzzle bad stories and target his enemies.
The result is Trump has become increasingly isolated as he enters what may be the most difficult stretch of his presidency, one laden with political and legal dangers…”
Rachel Maddow Says Trump Has More Corruption In One Day Than Most Presidents Have In A Full Term article from PoliticusUSA. –
More on Trump’s endless criminality and how he will go down in history as the most corrupt president this country has ever had:
“Nobody else has ever lived through a moment in the American presidency like this. We’re the first,” Maddow says. #ctl #p2 #maddow pic.twitter.com/LfVxeXI49P
— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) December 14, 2018
Michael Cohen: ‘Of Course’ Donald Trump Knew Hush Money Payments Were Wrong article from The Huffington Post. –
Because Trump has told so many lies – and keeps telling more of the same ones repeatedly – his lies about not knowing about the hush money payments will do him no good since he obviously knew all along.
Trump and the National Enquirer: David Pecker could be very bad news for Trump article from Salon. –
All his former friends keep turning on Trump’s treasonous ass and soon there will be no place left for him to go besides prison where he belongs:
This Fox News judge does a great job explaining why President Trump is in real trouble. pic.twitter.com/OysCloV5Xs
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) December 13, 2018
Trump-aligned super PAC draws prosecutors’s scrutiny, too article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Donnie is totally screwed since ALL of his finances – which account for a lot of criminal activities – are now under scrutiny:
“Donald Trump is under investigation. Trump’s business is under investigation. Trump’s campaign operation is under investigation. Trump’s transition team is under investigation. Trump’s foundation is under investigation. Trump’s inaugural committee is under investigation.
Trump’s former campaign chairman and deputy chairman have already pleaded guilty to multiple felonies. Trump’s former White House National Security Advisor and Trump’s former personal attorney have both pleaded guilty to felonies, and are either awaiting sentencing or are already headed to prison.
Meanwhile, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is ongoing, and by some measures, the probe appears to be intensifying.
Oh, and did I mention that the Trump-aligned super PAC is facing prosecutors’ scrutiny, too?…”
The profound corruption of those that comprise his cabinet is surpassed only by the profound corruption of Donald Trump himself.
Adam Schiff Says Trump Can Be Indicted While In Office article from PoliticusUSA. –
There is a lot of debate around indicting a sitting president but in the end it will come down to the fact that Trump is not above the law:
THREAD RE INDICTING PRESIDENT. Trump’s defenses to campaign finance vio crumbling rapidly, partic after AMI admission. I predict the only thing he has left is idea sitting President cant be indicted. This thread fleshes out aspects of that, expands on NYThttps://t.co/rbZqNUfu2o
— Neal Katyal (@neal_katyal) December 12, 2018
If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.

Enemy of the people Trump from Pinterest