Tag Archives: Trump Has No Mandate

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 324

Constant whine Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our forever Impeached minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

A look back at his most recent disastrous week begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as more of his profound corruption and stupidity takes center stage, coronavirus is going to hasten the end of his already failed presidency, Trump is flailing miserably as his record Stock Market loss hits hard, Donnie is beginning to emulate Howard Hughes as his tiny little delusional brain starts making him even more paranoid, a look at the trailer for ‘Pandumbic’ starring the idiot in the White House and his reaction to the coronavirus outbreak, if you thought Trump couldn’t possibly get any more stupid responding to the coronavirus outbreak you would be sadly mistaken, how America has finally woken up to the fact that there is nothing but a corrupt con man sitting in the Oval Office – who has cratered his own failed presidency, in his usual ignorant fashion Trump tries – and fails – to absolve himself of any responsibility and so much more.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 163rd Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

The latest disastrous week of Trump’s failed presidency highlights more of his profound corruption and ignorance.

Trump’s Second Term? Not Worth Freaking Out About. article from Counter Punch.

A look at why little, if any, more damage would be done should Donnie actually ‘win’ a second term since he’s been so ineffective during his first term – aside from establishing himself as the most corrupt and ignorant president* to ever occupy the White House.

Trump’s denialist tweets are the coronavirus reaction we feared article from Vox News.

In his usual delusional alternative reality where stupid is as stupid does, Donnie once again tries downplaying the coronavirus outbreak with moronic tweets that – as usual – reveal the depths of his ineptitude:

The emperor has no clue: Trump seems to believe coronavirus will just go away article from Salon.

Believing the outbreak will disappear and praising himself for doing a good job – despite the obvious fact that he’s not – while spreading misinformation because he’s that uninformed and stupid isn’t boding well for the Donald:

“A compelling and coherent narrative is finally emerging to explain the Trump administration’s flailing response to the coronavirus crisis.

It’s consistent with what we know about President Trump’s pathological need for admiration, and with what we know about the culture of sycophancy and fear he has created among the people who answer to him.

And it should become an explicit element of every incremental story about the crisis going forward.

In short: Trump bet on containment rather than mobilization. It was a bad bet. But in Trump’s mind, it was a “tremendous success.” As a result, top health officials fearful of his wrath assured him it was working, rather than preparing for its inevitable failure. Now Trump is fully invested in making coronavirus appear to disappear, even as it continues to spread. But the only way to do that is to slow-walk testing, put a chokehold on the release of information, repeatedly insist that everyone says he’s doing a good job and hope for a miracle.

Who the Hell Wants Another Four Years of This? article from Esquire.

Trying to Tweet away a health crisis while blaming everyone but himself for his massive failures is really making Trump look even more stupid than he usually does…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 321

First blackmailed president Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our forever Impeached minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with how his disintegration of the office of the presidency and this country is going to haunt us for years to come, three years of complete and utter corruption and ignorance from Trump’s failed presidency, once again Donnie openly admitted to committing crimes in front of a national audience, because he’s guilty as hell, Donnie has threatened GOP Senators that vote against him – which isn’t helping his case at all, how the Don does nothing but lie about everything and how it’s destroying what little semblance of Democracy is left in this country, the moronic irony of Trump and his family talking about Biden’s corruption, the Don is still trying to blame his predecessor for crimes he himself has committed and so much more.

The Disintegration of the American Presidency article from The Atlantic.

The destruction done to this country by the most corrupt and ignorant president* in U.S. history – enabled by an equally corrupt and ignorant Republican Party – is going to haunt this country for years to come.

Trump’s attorneys argue that impeachment itself is no longer legal in superpower America article from The Daily Kos.

Arguing that Trump is above the law and it’s illegal to impeach him regardless of his profound corruption isn’t going to sit too well with the majority that didn’t elect his ignorant ass.

Trump’s Impeachment Defense Is Now Blaming Obama article from PoliticusUSA.

As usual, the Donald is trying to blame his failures and corruption on his predecessor, because he’s guilty of hell and his crimes are indefensible:

Your Guide To Every Day Of Trump’s First 3 Years As President article from Rantt.

The complete breakdown of Trump’s first 3 failed years of corruption and complete ignorance – with one more year left to go:

“Today is the 3rd anniversary of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States. Tomorrow is the first official day of his Senate impeachment trial, the 3rd in American history. How did we get here? How did one con man successfully transition from defrauding customers in his businesses to defrauding the American people while occupying the highest office in the land? How did one demagogue so effectively tap into the dark underbelly of botched Reconstruction America and twist the party of Lincoln into a state of such corrupt sycophancy that they’re willing to bring America to the brink of authoritarianism for the sake of maintaining power?

After analyzing and documenting every day of the last 3 years, my assessment of this era is blunt: The story of the Trump presidency is one of a privileged, unstable, ignorant, power-hungry egomaniac who has eroded the office the presidency and American norms with such ferocity that he’s undermined the very fabric of Western democracy in less than 3 years. President Trump’s corrupt, divisive, self-centered style of government has revealed the failures of America’s education system, the fragility of our institutions, and exposed the wide decency gap that has been hiding in plain view since the first African slave arrived in 1619. But what President Trump has also done is galvanize the majority of the country against everything he stands for, and awakened Americans to the necessity of their participation in democracy. This is also the story of America’s collective resilience.

President Trump walked into office with a series of domestic policy initiatives that sought to overwhelm Americans with chaos, target marginalized people, serve the 1%, and undo President Barack Obama’s legacy while simultaneously taking credit for his accomplishments. From his first week’s flurry of executive orders that included an attempt to ban Muslims to his migrant family separation policy, President Trump has blatantly allowed his personal bigotry to be reflected in official government policy. For many of these policies, cruelty was the point. For others, greed was their goal. After attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act didn’t work, President Trump and the Republican Party passed a tax cut that disproportionally benefitted the top 1%. President Trump rolled back President Obama’s environmental protections, business regulations put in place to prevent another financial crisis, and healthcare cost-sharing reductions. This jealous obsession with trying to target Obama had wide-ranging ramifications, especially on the world stage.

One of President Trump’s first foreign policy moves was announcing that the U.S. would be withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord. This reckless move not only undermined the global effort to combat climate change, the greatest existential threat facing humanity, it also was the first of many efforts to erode U.S. alliances. President Trump has spent the majority of his presidency cozying up to dictators and attacking NATO allies. President Trump tore up the Iran Nuclear Deal that Iran was complying with and threatened to sanction our allies that did business with them. We’ve since seen the disastrous results of that decision, as well as President Trump’s decision to abandon the Kurds and cede key positions in Syria to Turkey, Russia, and Assad. President Trump’s foreign policy has largely bent towards placating Russia and other autocracies like Saudi Arabia. President Trump abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership and ceded the pacific to China’s influence. The trade war with China has done more to hurt the American consumers and farmers than it was worth. When it comes to North Korea, President Trump has given Kim Jong-Un decades of propaganda for absolutely nothing except the appearance of peace. Really, anywhere President Trump sees personal gain, he takes an opportunity, even if it runs contrary to America’s interests. This brings us to the Trump Administration’s unprecedented corruption…”

Trump’s impeachment defense rests on a foundation of falsehoods article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

The delusions and lies the Don is basing his defense on are utter bullshit which normally would have resulted in his removal from office were it not for the fact that his enablers in the GOP controlled Senate are just as guilty as he is – for which there really is no defense.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 320

Sociopaths Trump 2 from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Having no credibility whatsoever due to his endless lies begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as his lies used to justify his war crime in Iraq offer yet more evidence that he needs to be removed from office and he is a major threat to our National Security, Donnie has dug himself another hole that he’ll never be able to slither out due to his corrupt ignorance, how the Don tries to avoid responsibility for his criminal stupidity by conjuring up illusions in his delusional little mind, Trump can’t believe his latest war crime didn’t make everyone love him, still behaving like a guilty man – which is quite revealing, the lies – and the crimes – from the Don keep coming as his desperation to keep his ignorant ass out of prison continues growing, having his illegitimate presidency tainted by impeachment is weighing heavily on the Donald and he’s not handling it well, Trump and all his enablers – Pence, Barr, Pompeo etc. – are all implicated in his crimes and much more.

Serial liar Trump doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt on leading us into war article from Alternet.

All Trump ever does is lie, and his lies used for justifying his war crime aren’t going to bode well for him – and he has absolutely no credibility whatsoever about anything because of his endless lies.

Emails point to ‘clear direction’ from Trump in Ukraine scheme article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

Newly revealed emails show that Donnie is guilty as hell of what he’s been charged with – and it appears that he attacked Iran to try and deflect from the imminent implosion of his corrupt, failed presidency.

Trump believes he has ‘no choice’ but to launch a ‘massive retaliation’ for Iran strikes: CNN’s Jim Acosta article from The Raw Story.

Trump’s ignorance in killing Iran’s top Military leader – and committing yet more war crimes – and thinking they wouldn’t retaliate reveals just how profoundly ignorant he is:

Trump officials are bending over backward to say he didn’t threaten to commit a war crime after he repeatedly threatened to commit a war crime article from Business Insider.

The lies coming from the White House – whose administration officials are just as profoundly ignorant and corrupt as their leader – trying to cover up Trump’s threats to commit more war crimes are quite entertaining:

“President Donald Trump announced on Twitter over the weekend that if Iran retaliated against the US for assassinating its top military general, Qassem Soleimani, the US would respond by attacking 52 Iranian sites, including cultural ones, “VERY FAST AND VERY HARD.”

After initially backing down from his comments following swift backlash and allegations that he was advocating a war crime, Trump doubled down while talking to reporters on Air Force One.

“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people,” he said. “And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way.”

Targeting cultural sites with no military value violates international law and multiple treaties…”

It would only take 20 Republican senators with a conscience to end this article from Alternet.

As our demented toddler in the White House continues imploding and digging himself a deeper hole he’ll never be able to slither out of, it’s going to be interesting to see if the GOP enablers in the Senate actually grow a spine or continue letting him destroy everything they are.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 319

To all my voters Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with a look back at the latest disastrous week of his failed presidency, Donnie finally got more votes than a Clinton – on being impeached, evangelical publications calls for Trump’s removal from office and he’s not handling it well, a look at some of the more egregious low lights from 2019 of the Don’s failed presidency – which provide yet more evidence that he never should have been ‘elected’ in the first place, Trump’s tariff war with China – like his presidency – is failing miserably, Trump the war criminal’s wag the dog moment in committing yet another war crime isn’t going to save his corrupt, failed presidency and so much more.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 151st Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

A look back at the most recent disastrous week of Trump’s failed presidency as impeachment inches closer to tarnish his corrupt, lackluster legacy.

A 2014 ‘Fox & Friends’ clip reveals what Trump really thinks about being impeached article from Alternet.

The two-faced double standards by Donald are quite astounding:

Trump Finally Beats A Clinton: Post Impeachment Twitter Reactions article from Crooks and Liars.

The Don finally got more votes – on being impeached – than Bill Clinton, though it’s a dubious record that will forever tarnish his failed presidency…

Trump Sets The Record For Most Votes For Impeachment article from PoliticusUSA.

More on Donnie’s history making impeachment as he finally won something with the most votes:

“Trump shattered the previous record of 228 votes for impeachment as he piled up the most votes in history in favor of a presidential impeachment.

As Jacob Levy tweeted:

Trump finally has a landslide that made history. Donald Trump lost the popular vote, and contrary to his revisionist history rantings, his Electoral College victory was not a landslide…”

Trump’s Letter To Pelosi Highlights His Unfitness For Office article from Rantt.

Taking all his delusional, lie-filled tweets and putting them in a letter highlighting his unfitness for office isn’t going to do the Don any favors:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 318

First thing Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

A look back at the most recent failed week of his presidency begins today’s adventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as his problems keep growing and the weeks keep getting worse, how the havoc unleashed by the Donald in his first 3 years in office will cement his place in history as the most corrupt and ignorant president* ever ‘elected,’ the truth about Trump’s failed presidency reads like a Stephen King horror novel come to life, for someone who claims he’s making America great again, Trump’s actions speak louder than his ignorant words, yet again the Don has proved himself to be a national embarrassment during his most recent overseas trip, Donnie’s plot to ‘investigate the investigators’ is going up in a puff of smoke – for obvious reasons, Trump is screwing over the minority of moronic minions that were stupid enough to vote for him and so much more.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 149th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

A look back at the most recent failed week of Trump’s presidency as they keep getting worse and worse for him.

Trump caught blatantly lying about Ukrainian president ‘exonerating’ him in new interview article from The Raw Story.

Given that Donnie does nothing but lie, it’s not surprising that he’s lying about being exonerated, when in fact he’s far from it:

What Trump has actually done in his first 3 years article from Vox News.

The Donald’s legacy won’t be a good one, and while everyone focuses on his endless scandals and criminal acts, Donald has been busy destroying everything this country has ever stood for and he’ll go down in history as the most corrupt, ignorant president* to ever be ‘elected’ despite losing the popular vote by almost 3 million.

Half of America wants Trump removed from office. Why does the press keep shrugging that off? article from The Daily Kos.

It’s telling that over half this country – the majority that didn’t vote for him – wants the Don impeached:

“With the House Judiciary Committee poised to take up the impeachment baton and hold a new round of public hearings this month, the Beltway press continues to absorb and echo Republican talking points that claim the inquiry isn’t resonating with Americans. Because impeachments aren’t legal proceedings, the messaging wars that surround them take on added importance. And right now, by treating as no big deal the fact that basically half the country supports removing the president of the United States from office, the media is greatly helping Republicans spread their preferred impeachment message: The inquiry isn’t resonating.

“It’s a disappointing—if not unexpected—response for Democrats, who had hoped to use the hearings to sway public opinion,” the Associated Press recently reported, suggesting impeachment has been a political failure for Democrats because the hearings in recent weeks have not produced a tidal wave of public support. “Without that backing, it’s virtually impossible to imagine Republican senators voting to convict Trump.”

First of all, public support for impeachment could be 90% and it’s unlikely that loyalist Republican senators would vote to convict Donald Trump, so that whole premise is skewed. But also, the press’ preferred narrative about support for impeachment being stagnant just isn’t accurate.

Since Democrats announced their intention to hold impeachment hearings, public support for the inquiry has jumped 16 points, according to the tabulation at FiveThirtyEight, with public support for Trump’s removal from office increasing by 7 points. That’s solid confirmation that Americans are engaged on the issue and support the historic Democratic push to hold Trump accountable. It’s especially impressive during these polarizing times, when partisans remain so entrenched on most issues…”

Donald Trump, Conspiracy Theorist-in-Chief article from Crooks and Liars.

Why Trump’s demented brain is fertile soil for bogus ideas to take root – hence part of the reason he’s such a moron…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 317

Aunt Crabby Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his going on Fox faux news – his Ministry of Propaganda outlet – and admitting that he did indeed commit an impeachable offense, White House emails reveal that there was an attempted cover up after Donnie committed Treason – meaning his claims of everything being ‘perfect’ and ‘doing nothing wrong’ are just more examples of his always lying to cover his corrupt ass, why it may be necessary to continue impeaching Donnie – since the equally treasonous GOP Senate will most likely continue trying to acquit him regardless of the fact that he’s guilty as hell of multiple crimes, why Congress needs to hold impeachment inquiries on all the crimes the Don has committed – not just Ukraine, Donald’s desperation at tossing Giuliani under the bus by claiming that he never worked in Ukraine for him – a flat out lie – is quite revealing and so much more.

Trump Self Destructs On Fox And Admits Impeachable Offenses article from PoliticusUSA.

Donnie just doesn’t know when to shut up and the more he speaks and tweets, the deeper the hole he digs himself – and it’s going to come back to haunt him:

Trump just gave away the game on his bribery scheme in a live interview to baffled Fox News hosts article from The Raw Story.

More on the Donald admitting his guilt to his Ministry of Propaganda with his delusional phone in to Fox faux news while digging himself a hole that he’ll never be able to slither out of:

Congress Has No Other Option Than to Impeach and Remove the President From Office article from Common Dreams.

There is no doubt that the Don has committed a myriad of impeachable crimes, now it just remains to be seen whether or not the Senate will prove they’re just as guilty as he is or not.

Fiona Hill’s Testimony Was Devastating for Trump article from The Nation.

Dr. Fiona Hill provided a lot of damage to the Don and totally eviscerated any shred of doubt as to his guilt:

“Former White House adviser Fiona Hill was far and away the most impressive of the witnesses in the impeachment hearings against Donald Trump. This is a reflection more of how she presented her case than of the particular story she told. There are only minor inconsistencies among the witnesses: All the accounts confirm that Donald Trump and his inner circle used the threat of withholding foreign aid to compel the Ukrainian government to open up investigations that would implicate Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

But the witnesses varied greatly in how they carried themselves. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was jittery and flustered, understandably so since he was a career military man giving evidence against the commander in chief. EU ambassador Gordon Sondland had the air of a wealthy dilettante trying to fast-talk his way out of a mess. A few of the other witnesses came across as colorless functionaries.

Hill stood out from the pack. She was poised, confident, brisk in her remarks, unflustered by browbeating from Republican representatives, and in utter command of her facts and arguments. Her testimony clarified the reality that the Trump administration had a two-track Ukraine policy: an official policy executed by foreign policy professionals and a nakedly political policy sneakily pushed along by Gordon Sondland and others.

About Sondland, Hill noted, “He was being involved in a domestic political errand, and we were being involved in national security foreign policy. And those two things had just diverged.” That divergence between the “domestic political errand” and official policy cuts to the heart of the scandal…”

Trump essentially admitted on live TV to doing the thing he’s accused of in the impeachment inquiry article from Business Insider.

The endless depths of stupidity emitted by our illegitimate president* are astounding and the fact that he can’t keep his mouth shut while ranting to his Ministry of Propaganda is going to hurt him.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 316

Impeach Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Witness tampering and intimidation begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he threatened his former Ambassador while she was testifying at his impeachment hearing – making it even easier to get rid of his corrupt, ignorant ass, why Trump’s conduct is so much worse than Nixon’s, the Don’s failed presidency is in free fall – soon his meltdowns will be coming more frequently and furiously, impeachment inquiry reveals that there is no question he did it – it’s just a matter of whether or not he’ll get away with it, in his typical desperate fashion of lying repeatedly while trying to feign innocence, the Donald showed yet again how profoundly idiotic he truly is, in addition to all the crimes he has committed, the impeachment inquiries have made it blatantly obvious that Donnie never should have been put in the oval office in the first place and much more.

Trump Engaged in Witness Tampering During Ambassador’s Testimony article from Truthout.

Trump was trying to intimidate a former Ambassador while she was giving testimony during his impeachment hearing, and that is a crime – adding yet more ammunition to his imminent implosion.

President helped ‘increase anti-Trump turnout’ in red-state governor’s races — which could spell disaster for the GOP article from The Raw Story.

Donald is toxic and the more he melts down and reveals lower depths of his stupidity, the more the majority that never supported him to begin with grows – and it’s going to cost him and his equally guilty enablers big time.

Get Trump First, But Then… article from Counter Punch.

Holding Trump accountable for his Treason and other crimes against humanity is critical, and holding the equally Treasonous Republicans that have defended and enabled him is too.

Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump Out For Being Insecure And Feeling Like ‘An Imposter’ article from Crooks and Liars.

Pelosi is a real threat to the Don because giving him a taste of his own medicine, getting under his skin and laughing at him while pointing out his weaknesses will make his melt downs come more frequently:

“Nancy Pelosi had a brutal analysis of why Trump continues to hurt himself with self-inflicted wounds. He is insecure and he knows he is an imposter. This analysis, which appears shocking on point, was given during an interview with Face the Nation, and Pelosi did not hold back.

First, they talked about why Trump decided to tweet about former Ambassador Maria Yovanovitch while she was testifying, which was largely panned as an abuse of power or witness intimidation.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Why do you think he was tweeting about her?…”

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 147th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

Donnie’s weeks keep getting drastically worse as his failed presidency continues imploding and he’s not handling it well.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 315

Tried as an adult Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with more lies and gaslighting as his desperation to claim innocence over his crimes continues growing, Ukraine testimony reveals that Trump is indeed a Russian asset, the list of potentially impeachable offenses committed by Trump is quite lengthy and growing longer with each passing day, terrorizing immigrant children and their families is going to come back to haunt Donnie eventually, Trump was overheard talking to Ukraine about investigating Biden – shooting down his entire defense that he knew nothing about it, the GOP can’t abandon Trump now because they’re all guilty, Donald just keeps digging himself a deeper hole that he’ll never be able to slither out of and so much more.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 146th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

A look back at the most recent week of Trump’s failed presidency as lies and gaslighting prevail in his desperate attempt to claim innocence over his crimes.

The president has already confessed to his crimes article from The Week.

Why prosecuting Donnie is so simple – because he’s profoundly corrupt and stupid and he makes it entirely too easy:

Trump struggles to keep his story straight on impeachment hearings article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

The problem with incessantly lying like the Don does is that it’s impossible to keep your fairy tales straight and eventually they exact a massive toll.

Trump faces ‘lock him up’ chants and ‘impeach’ signs as he delivers Veterans Day speech in New York article from Alternet.

Donald’s delusional reality is crashing around him yet he still illegally uses his office for personal gain and the majority that doesn’t support his ignorant ass is growing:

“President Donald Trump continued his strategy of using his office for political gain, including re-election, by delivering for the first time a speech in New York City on Veterans Day. Trump recently attended several sporting events where there were protests against him, and today was no different.

Surrounding Madison Square Park in Manhattan are several tall buildings, some of which featured signs that read “Impeach,” “Impeach and convict,” and “Dump Trump.” Outside the Manhattan park where Trump was speaking chants of “lock him up” and “impeach and remove” could be heard.

Recent reports show Trump has decided to ignore the historic separation of a president’s political campaign and his public appearances and the use of the White House. After being caught fraudulently fundraising, last week Trump announced he would host the winner of a social media contest promoting his campaign at the White House.

Bombshell Impeachment Testimony Shows Trump Let Russia Run America’s Ukraine Policy article from PoliticusUSA.

Yet more evidence that the Don is indeed a Russian puppet doing their bidding and it’s not going to bode well for him:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 314

Your ‘President’ Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The usual Sunday morning meltdown over his imminent impeachment begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he now blames his predecessor for his malfeasance that will end his already failed presidency, Donnie’s fantasy land is going to be his undoing since he can’t face reality, the delusional distractions from Donnie over his impeachment are increasingly more desperate and won’t save his Treasonous ass from impeachment, it’s time to start giving the Don a taste of his own medicine and treating him as he treats others, the more we learn, the worse things appear for Donnie – despite the lies of his treasonous enablers, Trump’s orders to defy subpoenas is also an impeachable offense – and his stupidity in fighting his imminent impeachment is going to cost him bigly and much more.

Trump Has A Sunday Meltdown And Claims Obama Is Behind The Ukraine Whistleblower article from PoliticusUSA.

Simply amazing how his malfeasance is always everyone else’s fault and as usual Trump spent Sunday morning melting down over the imminent impeachment that will take his failed presidency down:

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 145th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

A look back at the most recent disastrous week of our failed, illegitimate president* as his impeachment keeps gaining momentum.

Trump’s obsession with Ukraine has deep roots: Is it all a cover-up for his 2016 crimes? article from Salon News.

Trump is implying that Ukraine helped get him elected to cover-up Russia’s help in getting him elected – for obvious reasons – but either way he is and always will be an illegitimate president’ that lost the popular vote bigly…

Trump wants whistleblower to do what he wouldn’t: Answer questions in person article from NBC News.

The irony, double standards and hypocrisy run rampant in Donnie’s fantasy land as he expects things from others that he refuses to do:

“President Donald Trump said Monday that written answers from the whistleblower to Congress would be unacceptable — although such answers were fine for the president when dealing with former special counsel Robert Mueller.

“The Whistleblower gave false information & dealt with corrupt politician Schiff,” Trump tweeted. “He must be brought forward to testify. Written answers not acceptable! Where is the 2nd Whistleblower? He disappeared after I released the transcript. Does he even exist? Where is the informant? Con!”

Trump was responding to news that Mark Zaid, the attorney for both known whistleblowers who came forward with concerns about Trump’s conduct toward Ukraine, said the first whistleblower offered to provide written answers to House investigators to protect his or her identity. Zaid told NBC News on Sunday that he had not yet received a substantive response from House Intelligence Committee Republicans about his offer.

Trump’s actions with regard to Ukraine, which included placing a months-long hold on military aid and asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to probe former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, who had business dealings in the country, as well as a debunked conspiracy involving Democrats and the 2016 election, are at the center of the House impeachment probe. The inquiry began after the existence of the first whistleblower’s complaint, which focuses on the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelenskiy, became known. Trump has repeatedly claimed the whistleblower made false claims, though the complaint was corroborated by the call summary his White House released…”

‘Treasure trove’ of Mueller memos shows how Trump has benefited the Russians ‘beyond their wildest expectations’ article from The Raw Story.

Committing more Treason and creating more conspiracy theories to try and convince the majority of Americans that don’t support his corrupt, ignorant ass that Ukraine, not Russia helped him get ‘elected’ isn’t going to work well for Donnie:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 313

Mentally ill Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with him digging himself a deeper hole that he’ll never slither out of as he repeatedly lies about his Treasonous actions with delusional distractions, despite his delusions, Donnie is not above the law and he’s going to learn that the hard way, Donnie greeted with chants of ‘Lock Him Up’ when he attended game 5 of the World Series – much to his chagrin, there is already a lot of evidence of Trump’s treason with Ukraine but if you look at the bulk of his other actions there are a multitude of things he should have already been removed from office and put behind bars for and so much more.

The President Has No Defense article from Politico.

Rather than repeatedly lying about his Treasonous actions while trying to defend the indefensible, Trump should admit to what he has done and take responsibility for it – which for him is impossible because he lives in a delusional alternate reality that doesn’t exist and it’s going to end up costing him bigly.

Trump’s Legal Team Is Now Openly Acknowledging That He Is Committing Crimes article from PoliticusUSA.

The desperation of Trump’s ‘Legal’ Team in defending the indefensible is getting ridiculous and it’s going to get he and his enablers in deeper shit:

Trump’s presidency is built on lies. Does he actually believe them? article from The Guardian.

Trump’s entire brand is built on fraud and lies, but his actions regarding Ukraine take stupidity to a whole new level.

Self-Dealing in Ukraine: The Core of the Impeachment Inquiry article from Lawfare Blog.

A look at one of the many laws that Donnie has broken and could be held accountable for despite his ‘legal’ team’s delusional beliefs of his being above the law:

“As the Ukraine story develops, the public focus has remained largely on wrongdoing by the president outside the realm of criminal law, focusing instead on President Trump’s apparent use of his office for personal gain. On one level, this makes sense: Impeachment is only about removal of the president from office, not about criminal prosecution and imprisonment. So the standards and processes for impeachment are different.

But it would be a mistake to ignore the criminal law entirely. Evidence of criminal misconduct, specifically, the federal bribery statute, should influence political judgments about impeachment. After all, “Bribery” is one of the grounds for impeachment specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

Before getting involved in foreign policy work, most of my professional work was in criminal justice. The emerging case should be understood from both of these perspectives. Here, I offer a view of how a public corruption prosecutor might regard the way the case is taking shape. In addition to the role that possible criminal wrongdoing by the president could play in the ongoing impeachment inquiry, evidence about criminal misconduct might also apply, more directly, to the possible investigations of others beyond the president—including Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.

The core of the impeachment inquiry is about whether Trump engaged in self-dealing, where he used his power in a publicly held enterprise (that is, the government of the United States) for personal gain. Most executives in the private sector know what self-dealing is, and recent headlines about Renault-Nissan or WeWork have reminded them. They also know how most corporate boards would handle a case of self-dealing that involved important programs and sums of money, and in which the CEO had fired executives who interfered with the self-dealing…”

Article II of the Constitution: Trump’s ‘right to do whatever I want?’ Or a roadmap for impeachment? article from USA Today.

Article II of the Constitution gives the president broad powers, but it also defines reasons for impeachment when necessary – but since Trump can’t read he doesn’t fully understand it.

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