For more than three plus years now, since being ‘elected’ despite losing the popular vote by almost three million and winning the ‘Electoral College’ courtesy of less than 78,000 voters in three states, President* Donald J. Trump has fast tracked his profound corruption and stupidity to the national stage and provided more than ample evidence that his entire presidency never should have happened to begin with while littering his legacy with numerous acts of Treason – including obstructions of justice and colluding with Russia and Ukraine, which is still ongoing, to steal an election – crimes against humanity, multiple acts of domestic terrorism – which includes using toxic chemicals on peaceful protestors, inciting violence, and an endless myriad of other high crimes while pathologically lying about everything to constantly distract from the severity of his criminal actions, and now he has the Coronavirus.
Feeling emboldened after being enabled, aided and abetted by an equally corrupt ‘Attorney General,’ GOP controlled Senate and endless other unqualified frauds and felons that he has dubiously appointed to high positions in his cabal has only hastened his utter destruction of America under his fallacious guise of making it great again. Trump isn’t subtle about all the endless crimes he commits. He confesses publicly to them or takes to Twitter to deepen the holes that he’ll never be able to slither out of and all of them are on public record, with many more to be revealed by the State of New York if he doesn’t successfully steal the election in November. Committing more crimes by encouraging the terrorists at the core faction of his base to monitor polling places to intimidate and try to help him steal the election isn’t going to bode well for him either.
When the Attorney General illegally perverts the rule of law to aid and abet a forever impeached, arguably illegitimate president* to commit Treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors, extortion and a host of other felonies, the so-called law becomes non-existent and is weaponized for use against political opponents. Illegally threatening all his perceived enemies and trying to steal power that the president never had to begin with and obstructing justice by defying court orders only works for so long and the delusional bubbles in Trump’s alternate reality will inevitably pop come back to haunt him – especially when the tables are turned against him once he’s out of office. Impeaching the Attorney General for a growing list of well documented crimes he has committed for the most corrupt presidential administration in U.S. history is one way to start reigning Trump in and holding him accountable.
Donald Trump is and always has been nothing but a fraudulent con man – Trump U, multiple casino and real estate bankruptcies, multiple rapes and sexual assaults, hanging out and partying with known pedophiles, steaks and his multitude of other criminal endeavors – whose greatest gift is showmanship, bull shitting and endless lying (which only works on those that are gullible or stupid enough to believe everything he tells them since they’re incapable of independent thought) that should have been in prison decades ago. Trump’s delusions have been on full display since day one but have been part of his psyche his entire life. They’ve only worsened since ‘winning’ the White House and now the country, especially the massive majority that doesn’t support him, are paying the price in so many ways.
Buffoonery, bloviated bull shit, endless pathological lies, conspiracy theories, racism, misogyny, grandiose embellishments and delusional narcissism, among a myriad of other things, have plagued Trump his entire life and led to growing division in this country due to his constantly encouraging domestic terrorism while praising right-wing Nationalists and other terrorist groups (think Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys and others he lovingly refers to as ‘patriots’) paying call girls and illegally trying to cover it up and other extramarital affairs, 5 bankruptcies, collusion with foreign enemies, obstructing justice - he is also an unindicted co-conspirator - money laundering, profound fraud on so many levels and other crimes and malevolent misadventures that have resulted in revealing he is nothing but a career criminal who has failed at everything he has done and the massive majority is waking up to those facts.
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