Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president with an explanation of why his corrupt tenure will do serious damage to America – though it will eventually be undone once he’s out of office, how our lackluster lame duck loser president is emboldening racists and bigots, our national embarrassment is the least popular first-year president ever despite his lies to the contrary, hardcore evidence that our demented delinquent is guilty as hell of colluding with Russia before the 2016 election, a breakdown of our demented delusionist’s 47th failed week of his presidency, Trump’s approval rating keeps tanking and the White House blames it on bad press – without mentioning that he’s the reason he keeps getting bad press, despite the never-ending lies from the White House, majority of Americans believe our Sexual Predator-in-Chief needs to be investigated, watching his GOP brown shirts piling praise on our aspiring dickless-tater raises questions about his authoritarian tendencies – once you get past the gag reflex, by ignoring all the crimes, lies and fallacies of our malignant minority-elect president, Americans are only helping him and his corrupt cabal make things worse and much more.
Why the Trump Era Won’t Pass Without Serious Damage to America article from Common Dreams. –
It will take time to undo the damage done by America’s most corrupt-ever president, but it can be done.
The Uncanny, Frightening Ways That Trump’s America Mirrors Hitler’s Germany article from Alternet. –
On the many ways our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator is desperately trying to turn Democracy into an Authoritarian state.
White House Melts Down After The New York Times Exposes Trump For Emboldening Racists article from PoliticusUSA. –
How our lackluster lame duck loser of a president has emboldened racists and bigots despite vehemently denying it.
‘A reckless con man s president’: LA Times burns Trump to the ground in brutal editorial article from The Raw Story. –
How a corrupt Electoral College enabled the election of a fraudulent con man and the price we’re paying for it:
“Writing in the LA Times, author and human rights activist Ariel Dorfman took the American electorate to task for electing “a reckless con man as president,” adding the country is now facing a reckoning.
Dorfman admitted that he is tired of hearing about investigations into Russian collusion in the 2016 election of President Donald Trump when the focus should be on how in the hell did American voters let his election happen.
“What is it, in our American soul that allowed the Russians to be successful?” he asked.
“Those were not Russians voting in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, handing the election to the Republican candidate by a bit more than 80,000 votes. They were American men and women,” Dorfman wrote. “As were the 62,984,825 others who decided that such a troublesome, inflammatory figure expressed their desires and dreams. Trump could be impeached or resign, or his policies could simply implode under the weight of their malice, divisiveness and mendacity, and the country would still be defined and pressed by the same conditions and dread that enabled his rise.”…”
The Trump Administration’s Streak of False Claims Is Still Going Strong article from Truthout. –
The lies coming out of America’s worst-ever president and his corrupt administration continue unabated…