After the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the massive failure it proved to be, a new crisis has been created to further U.S. interests and ensure profitability for the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex and Big Oil under the guise of “humanitarian intervention.” Conveniently creating an existential enemy to further a fraudulent “War on Terror” while continuing its Imperial quest for world hegemony has become standard operating procedure for Washington. If you can’t find an enemy, create one. What we’re witnessing in Iraq today – as we did 11 years ago when constantly bombarded with the official U.S. propaganda and fear-mongering campaign – with overblown threats from an enemy created by Washington’s culture of corruption is the perfect example of how the U.S. government operates in the Middle East.
Killing more than a million Iraqi’s – by some estimates – and displacing five times more than that wasn’t enough for Washington and when Iraq forced the U.S. to leave we had to find a new way to go after its oil and resources. By creating a terror group to try and overthrow the regime in Syria that wouldn’t cooperate with their agenda, Washington has been able to use their terrorists as a reason to create a new “crisis” and take attention away from Israel’s illegal genocide in Gaza and Washington’s illegal endeavors in Ukraine after its illegal overthrow of the democratically-elected Ukraine government this past February. By fueling yet another U.S.-fabricated crisis in Iraq, Washington is able to continue fighting on multiple illegal fronts at the same time.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as President Obama prefers to call them for obvious reasons, became National news in June of this year when they captured Mosul with little resistance from the Iraqi Military. There were nearly 350,000 soldiers in the Iraqi Army that basically turned over their guns and uniforms to 1,300 U.S.-created terrorists running under the ISIS flag. Within a couple of weeks the U.S.-created terrorists had captured other crucial parts of Northern and Western Iraq from the Iraqi Military. By the end of June ISIS had announced a Caliphate straddling the Iraq-Syria border.
The convenience of having an enemy like ISIS as a result of George W. Bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 and of President Barack Obama’s decision to fund and train their new breed of terrorist to try and overthrow Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria is paying off for those who profit from endless crises such as this. The U.S. had help from its friends in the Arab world — Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait — in creating and funding ISIS which was trained in Turkey to unleash a new brand of terrorism to turn our attention back to the Middle East after failing to achieve the overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria. That attempt failed miserably despite all the weapons and training they received. One has to wonder, given Washington’s propensity for creating terrorists to justify its fraudulent “War on Terror,” how much and what we’re being told about ISIS by the U.S. media is true and how much of it is propaganda. Given Washington’s dubious history of deception, odds are everything we’re being told about ISIS is the latter.