A War Against the West – published on 9-11-2001 by Israeli Institute IASPS article from The Vatic Project Blogspot.
Vatic Note: Its amazing how fast the head of IASPS (The Israeli Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies) got this out on the day of the attack on 9-11. We did not even know at this point who had done the attack. So how did they know? Remember, Israeli’s inside the twin towers were warned to leave. So, this added to those other facts, shows they not only knew but were intimately involved in the full scope of the treasonous murder of American civilians. Hmmmm, and now with all the evidence that Mossad was in part a player in the 9-11 false flag along with our treasonous insiders, this document truly highlights the intent of that event and what they expected to gain from it. No wonder those mossad agents were celebrating on top of that van as they filmed the entire event. Look at how IASPS interpreted what they had done and blamed on the muslims. Is it clever? yes, but arrogance carries its own price. Its obvious this was all prepared before anyone ever knew who had done 9-11 until that evening and not before.
This pitting of one religion against another is clearly in the protocols and division and hate and fear being used to create their perfect storm for the new WW III in which the bankers own most of the military industrial complex companies that will profit from it and increase their access to ownership of oil fields at the same time. Sometimes its good to look back and see what we didn’t see that day and this is one of them. It simply puts the icing on the cake as to who were the major players in this deadly game for 3,000 of our unarmed civilians who had to choose horrible deaths, either fire or jumping. I never forgot watching that live and the horror those people had to go through to “choose” how to die, not whether they would die, but how. I won’t ever forgive israel for doing that to our people.
War Against the West
by Robert J. Loewenberg, President, IASPS
September 11, 2001
Today’s sensational attacks on the U. S., certainly by Muslims who were likely Arabs, are being described as “terrorist” acts by “madmen” for example by Chris Patton, EU. Others seeking an academic perspective along the lines of Sam Huntington, see the attacks as a new bi-polar division between Muslims and Western states and culture.
Our reading at the Institute for Advanced Strategic & Political Studies (Jerusalem and Washington, D. C.) is these attacks are the beginning of a struggle against the West in which the source or cause is primarily the West itself, a group of societies divided internally by an array of factors.
Practically speaking, residents of New York and Washington, D. C. as well as other U.S. cities can now expect routine terrorist assaults ranging from individual terrorist assaults, suicide bombings, germ and chemical attacks in subways and buildings. The existence in the U.S. of legal and tax exempt Arab and Muslim groups, for example CAIR, can be expected to fund and participate in, and most of all to defend these attacks while holding up their opponents as racist.
The strategic, military effect of this struggle against the West, presently most visible in the Middle East and concerning Islam and Arabs, finds its “advanced case” in Israel. Just as Israel has been the object of an Arab undertaking, supported in the West (and most of all in Israel itself and among Jews) to extinguish, cruelly and barbarically to be sure by Arabs and Muslims, Israel’s national existence, the assault today on the U.S. was driven by this same wish or hope to exterminate a nation and its people, and for which the source of support and complicity, grotesquely, resides in the West among its rulers and elites. In other words, what makes this effort a signal one in addition to being genocidal, is that its cause (to be distinguished from its executors) is not Arabs or Muslims or per Huntington, Islam.
Today’s opening assault in a war to destroy Western states is marked by two Western strategies respecting Israel and the West -by Israel and the West.
These strategies are 1) to establish among states and peoples as their leading principle that national existence is an option, particularly one that should be exercised against national existence and the balance of power by means of “conflict resolution,” cessation of “violence,” by peace processes, treaties, moral equivalence and a host of similar undertakings to which Israel (and Jews) and the larger West are committed, and, 2) a strategy with respect to war and alliance which rejects the solution of conflicts, as in Ireland, Israel, Kosovo, by the victory of one side, the defeat and surrender of the other. The mantra: “there is no military solution to the conflict,” is at once the rejection of this simple response -victory, defeat, surrender -and, so far as such events can be “caused” by words and ideas –the direct cause of today’s attacks and their certain continuation.
Again, Israel is the “advanced case.” In a series of wars beginning in 1948, Israel has won by trading its final battle for a cease fire, an armistice and dollars. This is to say, Israel traded victory, surrender of the other side(s) and, of course, peace, borders, “neighbors” for what it has today-a peace process. This trade included what the U.S. experienced today and can expect to continue, indeed until victory or defeat.
We in the West, today in New York and Washington, D. C., are paying our price for supporting Israel’s “advanced case” of the affliction of the West. Our “pro-Israel” support of the Jewish state’s attempt to accommodate the Arabs instead of defeating them and establishing rational peace was perhaps a Western attempt to “buy off” our own day of reckoning for failure to face up to the obligations of self-defense and national existence.
If there is a simple, strategic “explanation” of today’s attacks on the U.S. it is this: the U.S. and the West, along with Israel, have insisted, at least since September 1993, that the Palestinian Problem has “no military solution.” At the end of the day, and after all the pundits are talked out in matters of “violence” and “peace” and the rest, the attack on the Twin Towers, the Pentagon (and the other assaults to come in what is now a serious if newfangled war) -which resulted in the hideous and unspeakable deaths of thousands of innocent souls, American citizens who have been effectively betrayed -these deaths were triggered by the peace process in Israel (and other peace processes) and by the very people and institutions of the West that are today making the speeches about “madmen” and “terrorism.” The proximate charge of murder is on the murderers. The wider charge is on the West itself.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Robert J. Loewenberg holds dual Israeli-American citizenship, as did many of the enablers of the 9/11 attack in the G.W. Bush administration, offering yet more evidence that the Israeli Mossad — undoubtedly aided by the CIA — and certain factions of the Bush administration committed crimes against humanity and the U.S.
The two comments below are from Wake Up From Your Slumber:
Loewenberg was almost certainly in Jerusalem when he authored that article (the IASPS has two offices, one in Washington, D.C. and the other in Jerusalem). This is his bio at IASPS.org archived in April 2001:
IASPS-Jerusalem was founded in 1984 by its president, Professor Robert J. Loewenberg. Loewenberg founded IASPS after making aliyah to Israel from the U.S., where he remains a citizen. Loewenberg took his Ph.D from Yale University in 1972 after several years of teaching at Hotchkiss Prep School in Lakeville, Connecticut. Prior to that, he attended Columbia University (BA 1962), which he attended after three years in the U.S. Navy. Before immigrating to Israel, Loewenberg was a tenured professor at Arizona State University.
A quick check on the web reveals that this obscure blogger is the first and only person to point out the noteworthiness of this item from IASPS. Not even neocon watchdogs like Jim Lobe and RightWeb have mentioned the piece, let alone the significance of its timing. It isn’t on the History Commons timeline. And so little has been written about Robert Loewenberg that one of my own articles is the first listing on a Google search of his name.
What is notable about the article is Loewenberg’s emphasis on Muslims and Arabs, and its distinct focus on – and palpable sense of enmity with – Islam in particular. Loewenberg essentially calls for a Western war on Islam, only hours after the attack.
A key word in the article is “today’s,” but left unsaid was the time of day. The author of that article, Robert Loewenberg, is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Israel. Israel, where his bio says he now lives, is in an earlier time zone.
When the first plane hit the World Trade Center, it was 3:45 P.M. in Israel. Israel evacuated its embassies at 5:54 P.M. Israel time. At 9:00 P.M. Israeli time, an FBI spokesman told CNN that they were “working on the assumption” that the crashes were part of a terrorist attack. At 11:00 P.M. Israeli time, Osama bin Laden was named as a suspect, based on “new and specific information.” Earlier suggestions that Muslims or Arabs were involved in the attacks had been reported as “unconfirmed.” At 3:30 A.M. September 12 Israeli time, Bush addressed the nation but doesn’t identify the attackers. As he speaks, member of Congress tell CNN during “private briefings” that there’s “enough evidence” to convince them that Osama bin Laden was behind the attacks. At 6:30 A.M. September 12 Israeli time, Bush wrote in his journal “The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today….We THINK it’s Osama bin Laden.” (emphasis added)
Loewenberg’s article was obviously well prepared; it had to have taken hours to write. Given the time line, those were hours he didn’t have. Prior knowledge? You bet.
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