Tag Archives: Political corruption

Ukrainian Propaganda Charades American Style

In its typical fashion after major crimes against humanity have been committed by Washington and its crooked cronies, America’s illusory Corporate press corps is busily pushing propaganda as fact while neglecting to mention the major discrepancies in the official story or mention of fact or both sides of the story. The latest example of this journalistic malpractice is evident in the coverage of the Ukrainian “crisis” that came about due to Washington’s latest imperialistic endeavors in its quest for world domination.

On February 23 of this year the U.S., in collusion with the European Union and NATO, orchestrated a coup d’état in Kiev to overthrow the democratically elected — albeit obscenely corrupt — regime of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to appoint a pro-Western puppet government in Ukraine to force austerity on its unsuspecting populace and open the floodgates for Western plunderage. Also in typical fashion– after using neo-Nazi fascists to perpetrate the apparently successful coup — no one in Washington bothered to think things through. When Russia put its foot down and sent its military to Ukraine, America’s illusory press corps had a field day spinning Washington’s fairy tales as truth without bothering to tell the whole story.

The stakes are high in Ukraine after Washington successfully orchestrated regime change as Crimea quickly annexed itself from Ukraine to seek a union with Russia which obviously isn’t too pleased with a fascist takeover of Ukraine because the majority of Crimea’s population are Russian whose loyalties lie with Russia. The American public isn’t hearing both sides of the story regarding the Russian military on Crimea’s border which isn’t surprising since propaganda has ruled the News since George W. Bush’s appointment to the White House in 2000.


This time around with the coup in Ukraine, the U.S. may have gone too far. Russia President Vladimir Putin’s responses to the overblown Ukrainian “crisis” have been well choreographed and there are no signs of his backing down any time soon as he appears to be willing to use force if necessary to counter Washington’s attempts to use economic enticement and subversive incitement to protect Crimea. Unfortunately for Washington, there is more than sufficient evidence revealing that the U.S. was largely responsible for the violence in Kiev and may have broken international law by overthrowing the Ukrainian government. Russia — and everyone else not entrenched is Washington’s corruption — is profoundly aware of this.

There are a multitude of strategic implications and intentions for the premeditated U.S-European coup in Ukraine against its elected government. one of which involves the planned removal of the Black Sea base of the Russian Navy which is currently being used to supply and defend Syria. Russia has had an agreement with Crimea to keep part of their military there for decades. A U.S. takeover of that Russian base would also lead to a takeover of the local Crimean government. In December 2013 it was revealed that the U.S. and its EU allies have been planning a Crimean takeover and the Governmental Intelligence of Turkey trained jihadists for the premeditated U.S.-EU-NATO Ukrainian coup.

As usual, the delusional statements coming out of Washington are riddled with hypocrisy but America’s illusory press corps escalates Washington’s propaganda offensive without question. Americans continue being fed overblown propaganda about what is happening in Ukraine to serve the interest of Washington and its criminal allies so most of what you hear about Ukraine isn’t true. I say the Ukrainian “crisis” is overblown because America’s illusory corporate press corps claims that Russia has invaded Crimea when in reality, both the Russian and U.S. militaries are in Crimea. Russia’s military is there to protect Crimea. American soldiers — “military advisors” undoubtedly tied to Academi’s (formerly BlackWater’s) private army are there to patrol Kiev and try to suppress the revolt in Donetsk. These “military advisors” were officially “invited” by their newly installed pro-Western Ukrainian regime to spearhead the U.S. invasion while trying to prop up their puppets and break down all resistance. You won’t find that information in the U.S. press.

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Cheney Admits to Colluding and Conspiring to Torture

During a recent television appearance, former Vice President Dick Cheney wantonly — and proudly — admitted to violating section 2340A of the federal criminal code that makes it an offense to torture or to conspire to torture.

In a normal criminal justice system that hasn’t been subverted by corrupted politicians and lawyers, Cheney would have convicted himself with his confession, but in the U.S. — at least for now — the justice system does not apply to politicians regardless of how corrupt and treasonous they are.

This past Sunday, Cheney admitted to being ‘a big supporter of water boarding,’ which, depending upon who is doing it, has been regarded as torture and a serious war crime. As noted by AlterNet, Japanese commanders were prosecuted for using it on American prisoners during World War II. Those rules — according to the government — don’t apply to U.S. politicians who illegally lie this country to war. The hypocrisy really is astounding.

In the U.S. however, it is deemed ‘justifiable’ when highly politicized ‘Justice’ Department lawyers illegally say it is. In Cheney’s warped sense of reality, water boarding should still be ‘on the table.’

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U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Opens Floodgates for Corporate Campaign Spending

Congratulations America! The U.S. Supreme Court has just made it official: Democracy in America is dead. Corporations are now officially allowed to pour as much money — money that corporations have received by overcharging customers — into political campaigns as they want, meaning that the large bribes to politicians, and, obviously, many others in Washington, will officially kill the election process. Apparently, appointing an imbicile to the presidency in 2000 wasn’t enough….

In easing decades-old limits on corporate spending in federal campaigns, the U.S. Supreme Court has reportedly ruled that corporations may spend freely to support or oppose candidates for President and Congress, offering more evidence of the problems America has with corrupted politicians appointing corrupted cronies to high places. For instance, back in 2006 it was revealed that dozens of federal judges gave contributions to President Bush and top Republicans who helped place them on the bench.

In yet another 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court overturned a 20-year-old ruling that prohibited corporations from using money from their general treasuries to pay for their own campaign ads. 24 states that had similar limits regarding corporate spending in campaigns could also be affected by the ruling.

A prohibition on direct contributions to candidates from corporations and unions was left in place after the ruling which accepted the argument that limited spending places unconstitutional restraint on free speech, violating their First Amendment rights.

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EU Parliament to Investigate and Debate Faked ‘Pandemic’ Scandal

The Council of Europe member states will reportedly launch an inquiry in January 2010 to investigate and debate the faked ‘pandemic’ scandal stemming from the influence of the Pharmaceutical companies on the global Swine Flu campaign and on the extent of Big Pharma’s influence on the World Health Organization (WHO).

The EU Parliament’s Health Committee unanimously passed a resolution that calls for the inquiry in a long overdue move to public transparency of the ‘Golden Triangle’ corruption between the WHO, the Pharmaceutical industry and scientists that has caused death and permanently damaged the lives of millions of people worldwide.

Last July I started writing about the suspicious ‘outbreak’ of the Swine Flu in Mexico and the collusion between Governmental health organizations such as the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to expedite panic and create a false pandemic. This isn’t the first time the government has falsely — and conveniently — created a pandemic and it undoubtedly won’t be the last.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, chairman of the Health Committee of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is a medical doctor and epidemiologist, a specialist in lung disease and environmental medicine who introduced the motion because he considers the current ‘pandemic’ Swine Flu campaign of the WHO to be ‘one of the greatest medicine scandals of the Century.’

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UK Hearing Confirms U.S. Planned to Invade Iraq Before 9/11

A hearing on the UK’s involvement in the Iraq War has reportedly revealed that the U.S. was discussing plans — less than a month after the Bush administration took office — to invade Iraq, and the UK government reportedly ‘distanced itself’ from talk of removing Saddam Hussein in early 2001 despite concerns about his threat.

According to testimony from officials, the British government was aware of Washington’s drum beats of war with Iraq immediately after the inauguration of former President George W. Bush, long before the attacks of 9/11. Britain was opposed to military involvement at that time.

The decision to deploy British troops — which was later met with charges that then-Prime Minister Tony Blair, who will be a future witness in the hearings, had misled the country into believing that Iraq was holding weapons of mass destruction — faced strong public opposition in the UK.

Hundreds of pages of reports obtained by the Sunday Telegraph reportedly reveal that Tony Blair covered up British military plans for a full Iraq invasion throughout 2002. Blair lied to parliament and the public when he said that Britain’s objective was ‘disarmament, not regime change.’

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