Tag Archives: Trump’s Treason

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 301

National Emergency Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his aspirations of becoming a dictator – but fortunately for the majority of this country, he’s too stupid to successfully pull it off, Trump is freaking out because the lies about his exoneration in the Russia probe have been blown to smithereens with the release – albeit highly redacted in Attorney General Barr’s ongoing attempts to keep the multitude of crimes committed by the illegitimate wannabe despot he works for covered up – of the Mueller report, the crimes against the Don have been laid out and will haunt him for the remainder of his failed presidency, the Donald is suing to prevent his financial records from being turned over to Congress – in all probability due to the fact that it will reveal how much of a fraudulent, treasonous crook he really is and much more.

The crisis is here: Trump is a weak president – but he’s a budding authoritarian article from Alternet. –

Trump is an illegitimate, lousy president* who wants to be a dictator, but he’s too stupid to pull it off successfully.

Trump Is Freaking Over Obstruction Of Justice Info In Mueller Report article from PoliticusUSA. –

There is more than ample evidence of the Donald’s Obstruction of Justice, including in the Mueller report which, despite his lies, did not exonerate him, and he’s freaking out about it:

As the release of the Mueller report nears, Trump lashes out article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

The Donald is freaking out because the report will provide more than ample evidence that he obstructed justice and he’s not handling it well – due to the fact that it blows his bull shit claims of exoneration out of the water…

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 116th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

A look back at the Don’s most recent failed week, and as usual, they keep getting worse:

“The President the Founding Fathers feared is here. The Constitution was crafted to protect the American people from a wannabe monarch who would corruptly use his power to protect his interests, financially enrich himself, and drift America towards autocracy. But the Constitution fails when there is no one willing to enforce it.

This week was different. America’s institutions are being tested, the rule of law is being strained, and the constitutional mechanisms put in place to ensure checks and balances appear to be failing. The President of the United States appears hell-bent on consolidating his power at any cost, even if that cost is America’s democratic system as we know it. Unfortunately, none of this is hyperbole.

The lawlessness the Trump administration has displayed over the last two years is picking up speed. After Attorney General William Barr took it upon himself to clear the President of obstruction of justice, Trump appears emboldened. President Trump has never been one to hide his corruption and frustration with America’s democratic processes, but this week things went up several notches.

Multiple reports, and President Trump’s own tweets, revealed the extent to which the Trump administration has endeavored to violate immigration law. President Trump reportedly asked then-CBP head Kevin McAleena to violate the law by closing the border, then offered him a pardon if he were to be jailed for doing so. Trump denied the reports and threatened to order DHS officials to violate the law – in one tweet…”

Here are 5 lies Trump defenders are guaranteed to tell about the Mueller report – and why you shouldn’t believe them article from The Raw Story. –

Trump’s lap dog Attorney General – who will end up on the wrong side of history with his corrupt boss – had a press conference to spin the lies he’s trying to push in order to cover up Trump’s crimes, despite the fact that it isn’t going to work well for either one of them.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 300

Full diaper alert Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Another attack on ‘Fake News’ that is anything but begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as our fake leader in the White House continues fighting a battle that he’ll never win for a multitude of obvious reasons, the delusions in Trumpland never stop and it’s becoming blatantly obvious that the Don is losing what little is left of his moronic mind, once again the Don keeps lying and trying to blame his predecessor for his criminal actions, Trump’s growing desperation – aided by his ass kissing, corrupt Attorney General – is becoming glaringly evident, implausible deniability isn’t working too well for the Donald as more of his lies come roaring back to bite his ignorant Orange ass, Trump’s immigration crime spree keeps growing along with his moronic attempts at being a dictator and much more.

Trump Declares The Press The Enemy Because They Won’t Push His Propaganda article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our fake president is once again having infantile melt downs because no reputable media source will push his lies and propaganda, waging yet another war which he will lose bigly:

Trump Lashes Out After Reports That Mueller Investigation Is More Damaging Than DOJ Claimed article from Mother Jones. –

The Donald is upset that his lies about being exonerated courtesy of his equally corrupt Attorney General’s failed attempt to cover up his crimes and he’s imploding because no one – aside from the minority of moronic minions that support him – is buying it.

Trump raises eyebrows by saying, ‘We should get rid of judges’ article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Donnie’s despotic delusions of grandeur were once again on full display and he’s not doing himself any favors.

Former Trump business associates explain the reason behind Trump’s lies article from Salon. –

A look at some of the reasons Trump does nothing but lie about everything – and like in the past, it’ll come back to haunt him again:

“CNN’s Gloria Borger this week talked with multiple former business associates of President Donald Trump, who all explained why he has a habit of lying about everything he does.

Borger starts off by talking to former Trump Organization executive Barbara Res, who reveals that Trump planted a fake story about Princess Diana looking for an apartment in Trump Tower back in the 1980s as a way to hype up sales for the building.

“That didn’t happen?” Borger asked Res.

“No,” Res replied. “But it made the papers.”…”

Michael Cohen claims he’s given federal prosecutors new evidence of Trump-related crimes article from The Daily Kos. –

The Don’s lying ass is going to be in deeper shit now that his non-existent exoneration has been blown to smithereens and his legal woes are going to get much worse.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 299

Dumbing down Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with the many reasons we must hold him accountable for his profoundly corrupt and failed presidency, Trump’s lies and other blusterous bull shit were on full display at his latest rally in Michigan where the throng of moronic minions were stupid enough to believe him, Donnie’s lies about being totally exonerated have completely unraveled, the fact that the Donald doesn’t want the Mueller report released speaks volumes as to what information is probably in it – which doesn’t bode well for him despite his lies about being exonerated by Barr’s failed cover-up plus much more.

Barr Is a Distraction. We Must Insist on the Moral Indictment of Trump. article from Truthout. –

The deceptive conclusions issued by the slime ball Trump calls his Attorney General are a dubious distraction from the corrupt, failed presidency of his for which we must start holding him accountable.

Donald Trump makes a great case for Donald Trump’s resignation article from The Daily Kos. –

The Donald might be a little less impotent – not to mention less of an absolute joke – were he to actually think before he spoke or tweeted his ignorance for all to see:

Trump Screams During Psychotic Rally: Dems ‘Defrauding The Public With Ridiculous Bullsh*t’ article from Crooks and Liars. –

It only took 90 seconds for dumb ass Donald to spew his first lie, and less time than that to prove that he is totally mentally unfit to occupy the office he holds:

It took Trump 90 seconds to lie about the ‘Mueller report’ during Michigan speech article from Vox. –

More than two thirds of this country want the Mueller report disclosed and don’t believe his lies about being exonerated – he’s not, but the small fraction of moronic minions that were stupid enough to attend his ‘rally’ in Michigan actually believe his blusterous horse shit:

“Less than two minutes into President Donald Trump’s speech in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he lied about special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump said on Thursday night, in his first speech since Attorney General Bill Barr announced some of Mueller’s key conclusions on Sunday. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction.”

It is not true that the special counsel exonerated Trump of obstruction of justice. While we still can’t say for sure what the special counsel said — all we know of Mueller’s final report came by way of a brief summary of it sent to Congress on Sunday by Barr, Trump’s hand-picked attorney general — even Barr’s letter acknowledged Mueller did not exonerate Trump of obstruction…”


The Donald won’t release his tax returns because his wealth – like his failed presidency – is nothing but a lie-driven fraud.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 298

How to spot a Dictator Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

False claims of exoneration and vindication begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as Robert Mueller has filed his Russia investigation report with our biased and compromised Attorney General who proceeded to white wash it and cover it up while refusing to release the actual report, regardless of the fact that it spawned a multitude of other investigations into our unindicted co-conspirator and his equally corrupt family, yet more on why it’s impossible to give Barr’s butt kissing exoneration of Trump’s obvious guilt any credibility and why it’s time for Congress to get Mueller to testify, if the Mueller report actually exonerated the Donald it would have already been released, Donnie’s despotic delusions of grandeur are going to fail and so much more.

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump article from The Atlantic. –

Robert Mueller’s report on his investigation into the Donald’s Russia scandal has just been released to the Attorney General so whether or not the actual report gets released to the public remains to be seen, but that report is the least of the Donald’s legal issues.

Thanks To Mueller, Trump’s Family Could Soon Be Indicted article from PoliticusUSA. –

More on the drawn out legal jeopardy Donnie and his equally corrupt and ignorant family are facing that won’t end just because the Mueller investigation did:

Fox viewers think Trump’s the best president, and that’s far from their worst misconception article from ThinkProgress. –

The ignorance and misconceptions being spewed forth from Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda is doing a lot of damage to a minority of his minions that are apparently extremely stupid.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 112th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

Each passing week brings more Trumpian entertainment, distractions, criminal investigations and more despite his growing desperation to save his house of cards while it continues crashing down around him:

“Weeks like this test the resilience of humanity. 50 lives taken at the hands of a white supremacist terrorist in New Zealand. Radicalized by right-wing extremism and driven by a deep-seated Islamophobia, this radical right-wing terrorist unleashed depravity on two mosques and live streamed it on Facebook.

In this dark moment, the world was looking for a leader, and we got one in New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, whose words and displays of empathy brought communities in New Zealand together. New Zealand’s Attorney General has already announced they would ban semi-automatic weapons. In America on the other hand, no matter how many white supremacist terrorist attacks or mass shooting incidents occur, our Republican leaders refuse to act.

After the terrorist attack, President Trump was asked if he sees white nationalism as a growing global threat. In spite of all of the evidence indicating otherwise, President Trump says he does not see it as a threat. After one tweet offering condolences, President Trump embarked on a weekend tweeting spree attacking everything from the Special Counsel to deceased Republican Senator John McCain. President Trump proposed that the FEC or FCC look into Saturday Night Live and Late Night Shows and, without evidence, accused them of colluding with Democrats and Russia (which he is accused of doing). President Trump went on to demand that Fox News bring Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show back on the air after her Islamophobic comments about Rep. Ilhan Omar.

President Trump, the GOP, and Fox News’ dangerous, xenophobic fear-mongering is having deadly consequences. Right-wing terrorists are being radicalized by the rhetoric coming out of the Oval Office and the president couldn’t care less. President Trump is incapable of rising to the occasion. Even when it would suit him to be silent, he can’t help but continue his divide and conquer strategy. Donald Trump is unfit for the office of the presidency and continues to tell us why week after week. Trump has shown us who he is and ultimately, what the Republican Party has become. Some still don’t believe him, or even worse, they do and support him nonetheless…”

‘Individual One is in deep number two’: Bill Maher roasts Trump after submission of the Mueller report article from The Raw Story. –

A hilarious look at the deep shit that the Don is in and the resulting distractions such as his denying attacking the late Senator John McCain despite the fact that he did:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 297

Cadet bone spurs Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his Twitter melt downs as the pressure from his impending doom continues driving him even more crazy, a partial list of the many lies and broken promises of our illegitimate president* and why he’ll never be a leader, yet more evidence of his collusion surfaces as he keeps lying about ‘no collusion’, the Don’s many delusions are getting worse, the flurry of Trump’s Twitter tyrant tantrums along with the multitude of profoundly ignorant distractions and feuds are doing him more harm than good and his mental deficiencies are on full display, Donald’s growing desperation is resulting in more pathetic, desperate lies to save his ignorant ass and so much more.

Donald Trump Is Out of His Mind, Again article from Splinter News. –

Trump’s Twitter tantrums and melt downs are coming more frequently as the pressure from his impending doom continues pushing him further into the hole he’ll never be able to slither out of.

These are Donald Trump’s 10 most pathetically predictable broken promises article from Alternet. –

A partial list of the many lies and broken promises the Donald has told and made, including lying about the fact that he doesn’t lie.

Trump’s vile and unhinged weekend performance demands a response from Congress article from The Daily Kos. –

The pressure from his unraveling corruption scandals is getting to the Don and he’s not handling it well, as made evident from the 52 delusional tweets this past weekend, including the one below:

After New Zealand slayings, Trump flunks another leadership test article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Trump flunks every leadership test because he’s not a leader and he never will be – he’s a fraudulent grifter that lost the majority vote yet still became president*:

“As a rule, it’s difficult for an American president to screw up a response to a foreign terrorist attack, especially in an allied nation. The script, which several U.S. leaders have followed without incident, reflects common sense: a president condemns the violence, extends sympathy to the grieving, and offers American support.

Presidents face all kinds of arcane challenges. This isn’t one of them. It’s a pass/fail test – which is tough to fail.

And yet, Donald Trump keeps managing to find a way.

It was, after all, Friday afternoon when the Republican president held a White House photo-op in order to veto a measure that would block his emergency declaration over border barriers. At the event, Trump extended his condolences to New Zealand – though he made no specific reference to Muslims or the Islamic community – before quickly transitioning to the core argument he was eager to emphasize. In reference to the U.S./Mexico border, the American insisted:…”

‘The Heat’s On’: Trump Knows Mueller Is About To Bring Down His House Of Cards article from PoliticusUSA. –

More on the potential reason for Trump’s Twitter tantrums and ignorance which is apparently a result of his imminent implosion:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 296

Nixon Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trying to save face after his North Korea political theater failed begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as it appears that North Korea has now restarted its nuclear program much to his chagrin, the Don has been lying about all of his scandals from day one and now it’s finally catching up with him, each passing week puts Donnie more out of touch with reality, Donald’s budget proposal shows just how delusional he is and how stupid he thinks we all are, Trump keeps sounding more and more like Nixon as his delusional denials are belied by his guilty actions, the Don’s broken promises and lies as made evident by his dystopian ‘budget’ are going to come back and haunt him while helping further destroy the GOP too, inciting violence to those that are stupid enough to support him is going to get our wannabe Don in deep crap and much more.

Watch Trump’s desperate effort to save face after humiliating reports suggest North Korea is playing him article from Alternet. –

After his humiliating shit show with North Korea over their nuclear talks, it appears that North Korea’s nuclear ambitions are once again on full display:

Trump Is Nervous. He Should Be. article from Truthout. –

Once Mueller’s investigation is finished, Trump will still have part of Congress crawling up his ass with a microscope and it isn’t going to end well for his criminal regime or his equally corrupt family.

Trump finds a new way to falsely claim exoneration in Russia scandal article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

For someone who keeps claiming innocents while acting guilty as hell, the Donald keeps finding new ways – albeit unsuccessfully – to lie about it.

What did the president know and when did he know it? Trump knew it all, from the beginning article from Salon. –

The Don’s history of lying about his endless corruption has been blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention:

“Every week seems to bring another Trump scandal. There are so many now we’re going to have to start numbering them. Up until now the sheer volume of alleged misdeeds and malfeasance has actually worked in the president’s favor. There is so much out there that it’s hard to keep the whole picture straight in your mind and that has the weird effect of making things seem less serious than they actually are.

We know that the Trump base and the vast majority of Republican voters still support the president and think it’s all nothing but a witch hunt. They are mesmerized by the president and propagandized by Fox News and other right-wing media. But I would imagine that even people who don’t like Trump but don’t follow all this closely or in much detail wonder whether maybe the whole thing is just a collection of complaints that don’t really add up to anything.

That’s why it’s meaningful when the likes of Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen of Axios, journalists whom the political establishment sees as avatars of acceptable mainstream thinking, decide that it’s time to take stock of how many scandals are now being investigated and how wide the scope of the alleged criminality and corruption has become. It’s rather sobering. On Thursday they wrote out a partial list, entitling it, “The biggest political scandal in American history.”

VandeHei and Allen report that historians tell them there are only two previous scandals that even come close to what we are dealing with now: One is Watergate, and even Americans who weren’t alive at the time have heard plenty about that one. The other would be Teapot Dome, a bribery scandal under the manifestly corrupt Warren G. Harding administration in the 1920s…”

Trump’s 2020 Reelection Campaign Is About One Thing: Staying Out Of Jail article from PoliticusUSA. –

Trump is desperate to stay out of prison so he’ll do anything to stay in office – regardless of the fact that he could be impeached and may not make it through his first illegitimate term:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 295

Trump train derailed from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with speculation over whether he will only be a one-term president – despite the fact that he may not even last through his first term as his corruption scandals continue imploding his already failed presidency, Donnie’s fraudulent past is going to haunt him and his entire family for years to come since Rico Laws could end up taking them down, how lying about being innocent on Twitter doesn’t make it true, with his house of cards about to be revealed it all its dubious glory the lies coming from Trump are growing exponentially, the Donald is already trying to delegitimize the 2020 elections because he knows he’s going to lose big time and much more.

Is Donald Trump Destined to Be a One-Term President? article from Truthout. –

If we’re lucky, yes, given the fact that he never should have been ‘elected’ in the first place and probably won’t even last through his first term as his corruption scandals continue imploding his already failed presidency.

Michael Cohen delivered a dire warning to the Trump cult: There’s no evidence they will listen article from Salon. –

One would think Trump’s GOP enablers and co-conspirators would listen to Cohen but you can probably bet they won’t:

Trump Is Now Facing Years Of Criminal Investigations article from PoliticusUSA. –

For more than 3 decades Donnie has committed many crimes and now it’s finally coming back to haunt his ignorant ass – and this time it may end up taking his family down with him:

Trump, cohen and the paradox of believing proven liars article from AOL. –

The hypocrisy of Republicans trying to paint Cohen as a liar when all Trump does is lie about everything is comical:

“Throughout Michael Cohen’s testimony this week before the House Oversight Committee, Republicans repeated what would seem to be a simple rule of human nature: Never trust a person who has been proven to be a liar.

“I want everyone in this room to think about this, the first announced witness for the 116th Congress is a guy who is going to prison in two months for lying to Congress,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said in his opening remarks.

But as more Republicans on the committee followed Jordan’s lead, that strategy quickly hit a wall.

“You’re a pathological liar. You don’t know truth from falsehood,” Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz, scolded Cohen, who then swiftly turned the tables on his interrogators…”

Trump, Kim, Cohen, and the limits of the president’s power article from The New Yorker. –

Cohen’s testimony and Trump’s failed foreign political theater folly with North Korea reveals how his problems with fact, truth and reality are devastating to his land of delusion.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 294

Two term Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Potential treason by GOP leadership in the House and Senate begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as they colluded with him to keep his crimes hidden – meaning they are just as guilty as he is, Trump’s treasonous actions are becoming glaringly evident, how Donnie’s illegal ‘National Emergency’ highlights his despotic delusions of grandeur, how the Donald’s delusions are getting worse as his alternate reality continues imploding, Donald J. Trump – the most corrupt president* in U.S. history – has made himself completely irrelevant, follow the money to see why our moronic president* declared his fraudulent national emergency and a lot of answers become crystal clear, when you listen to Cohen’s testimony to Congress it becomes glaringly evident why Trump and his GOP enablers are so terrified of him, the Don’s North Korea ‘summit’ – like his presidency – was a massive failure and much more.

Andrew McCabe says House and Senate Republicans Knew that Trump was under investigation article from PoliticusUSA. –

Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham and a host of other GOP leaders are guilty of Treason and collusion for aiding, abetting and covering up the crimes of the illegitimate president* currently occupying the White House if this is true:

Trump blatantly bends the rule of law to suit his whims article from The Week. –

Trump is delusional enough to actually believe he is above the law and that laws don’t apply to him, which is going to result in many rude awakenings as he drags his already failed presidency further down the drain.

Trump asked his acting AG to appoint an ally to oversee crucial SDNY investigations: report article from Alternet. –

Yet another case of the Donald blatantly trying to obstruct justice to try and save his sorry ass that backfired miserably…

Trump’s Efforts to Subvert Justice Reportedly Thwarted by People Just Ignoring Him article from Splinter News. –

There will eventually be hell to pay for aiding and abetting the treasonous felon currently occupying the White House – though currently he’s only an unindicted co-conspirator – so ignoring him is probably wise:

“The New York Times on Tuesday published a massive exposé on President Donald Trump’s ongoing efforts to subvert, deflect, and in some cases outright end the various investigations into his alleged criminal misdeeds. It’s a compelling if exhausting read, which goes to great lengths to show how Trump—increasingly frustrated by the prospect of actually facing serious consequences for his actions—has spent the past two years working to manipulate the levers of the criminal justice system to suit his own needs.

And yet there’s an undeniable subtext in the Times’ reporting: That Trump’s worst, most authoritarian inclinations are frequently stymied by the fact that those around him simply ignore his more outlandish directives.

Here’s a good example, in which the president asked then-acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker to reinstate U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Geoffrey S. Berman—perceived by Trump to be a friend—to oversee the SDNY’s investigation into the president’s businesses, after Berman had recused himself (emphasis mine throughout).

He made the call to Mr. Whitaker to see if he could put Mr. Berman in charge of the New York investigation. The inquiry is run by Robert Khuzami, a career prosecutor who took over after Mr. Berman, whom Mr. Trump appointed, recused himself because of a routine conflict of interest…”

Maggie Haberman on Trump’s New York Times Attack: ‘That’s a Lie’ article from The Daily Beast. –

Once again Trump lied and ranted on Twitter about the New York Times, calling them the ‘enemy of the people’ in true despotic form for highlighting more of his corruption:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 293

Trump Hitler tactics from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with how to resist his weaponization of ignorance during his illegitimate tenure, how the irrelevance of Trump is becoming glaringly evident, how the Don’s hypocrisy over anti-semitism is astonishing, on the stupidity of Donnie fraudulently trying to declare a National Emergency and why it – like everything else he does – will fail miserably, the dangers – and entertainment value – of a fake president* declaring a fake emergency won’t end well for the Don when his despotic delusions of grandeur go down in flames and much more.

Resisting the Weaponization of Ignorance in the Age of Trump article from Truthout. –

How ignorance – fueled by his endless lies and corruption – now rules the U.S. courtesy of the most illegitimate, ignorant president* in history.

The irrelevance of Trump article from The Week. –

While Trump was off in El Paso trying to spread his lies and justify his racist border wall and partaking in his other blustery bull shit about a fraudulent border crisis – among other things – Congress was able to potentially reach an agreement that he isn’t happy about because it failed to include his $5.7 Billion dollar extortion attempt.

Trump hypocritically calls on Rep. Omar to resign – but the backlash was immediate and fierce article from Alternet. –

The fact that the Don was stupid enough to talk about someone else’s alleged racism is astonishing:

Trump Has Most, Best, Greatest Hypocrisy On Anti-Semitism article from Crooks and Liars. –

If anyone should resign due to their anti-Semitic comments, it’s the lackluster lame duck president* currently occupying the White House:

“Trump hypocritically demanded Rep. Omar to resign over her criticisms of AIPAC, even after she apologized, but has never apologized for praising some very fine “neo-Nazis” during a White Supremacist march in Charlottesville that turned violent.

At a Cabinet meeting in the White House on Tuesday, Trump said this about Rep. Omar, “Anti-Semitism has no place in the United States Congress, and I think she should either resign from Congress or she should certainly resign from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.”

Trump piled on her with more over-the-top rhetoric, “What (Omar) said is so deep-seated in her heart that her lame apology — and that’s what it was, it was lame and she didn’t mean a word of it — was just not appropriate. I think she should resign from Congress, frankly. But at a minimum, she shouldn’t be on committees — certainly that committee.”…”

Trump’s tweet that Senate investigators found ‘NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION,’ explained article from Vox. –

Trump is trying to deflect from the fact that his enablers and cohorts in the Senate are helping him try to make you believe that he’s innocent, which is about as far from the truth as you can get and purposely misleading for obvious reasons:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 292

Useless walls Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The ignorance of listening to his Ministry of Propaganda begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as it makes him look extremely idiotic, the delusions coming from Trump’s mediocre mind are getting worse, Trump’s tax reform scam is coming back to bite him in the ass as more Americans are getting screwed by it while just beginning to realize it, Donnie’s lie filled State of the Union address was quite revealing – in ways that don’t bode well for him, on the irony of having a president* that loves to harass and bully his enemies crying about presidential harassment, surrounding himself with the idiots he does isn’t working well for the Donald, how the myriad of criminal charges against the Don and his family could end up cutting his already failed presidency short and much more.

How Fox News Pushes Trump to Make Every Bad Decision article from The Daily Beast. –

There is a dubious pattern to Trump’s bad decisions which is attributable to Fox faux news – his Ministry of Propaganda – which only compounds his idiocy:

Trump Could Be Our Laziest President Ever, According to Leaked Schedules article from Rolling Stone. –

Most of the Donald’s time is spent watching Fox faux News to get more ideas and confirm the delusions in his alternate reality while revealing that he is indeed unfit to be holding office.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 106th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

A look back at Donnie’s most recent failed week as president*.

Scoop: Insider leaks Trump’s ‘Executive Time’ – filled private schedules article from Axios. –

The Don spends most of his time watching his Ministry of Propaganda and dicking off instead of running the country:

“A White House source has leaked nearly every day of President Trump’s private schedule for the past three months.

Why it matters: This unusually voluminous leak gives us unprecedented visibility into how this president spends his days. The schedules, which cover nearly every working day since the midterms, show that Trump has spent around 60% of his scheduled time over the past 3 months in unstructured “Executive Time.”

We’ve published every page of the leaked schedules in a piece that accompanies this item. To protect our source, we retyped the schedules in the same format that West Wing staff receives them.

What the schedules show: Trump, an early riser, usually spends the first 5 hours of the day in Executive Time. Each day’s schedule places Trump in “Location: Oval Office” from 8 to 11 a.m…”

Trump claims in Super Bowl interview that football is popular again because he ended player protests article from ThinkProgress. –

The delusions coming from Trump’s mediocre mind never cease.

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