Tag Archives: Trump’s Moronic Trade War

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 252

Traitor in the White House from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Wagging the dog begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he creates all kinds of distractions to desperately deflect from his illegitimate, failed criminal presidency, our demented delinquent appears to have lost all touch with reality, concocting another conspiracy theory – this time about his Russian puppet master wanting Democrats to win – to distract from his corruption driven implosion is making our impotent imbecile look spectacularly foolish, the hits just keep coming as more tapes keep being leaked which seem to prove his guilt and there’s not a damn thing he can do about it, Trump’s Russia scandal is about to get a lot more interesting as his former lawyer flips on him and much more.

The Art Of The Distraction article from Rantt Media. –

How our feckless fuhrer is wagging the dog – creating all kinds of distractions to deflect from his failed, extremely criminal presidency.

Donald Trump’s latest conspiracy theory is impossible to follow – and that’s the point article from The Raw Story. –

Our national embarrassment thrives on concocting conspiracy theories, often as a distraction, to try and find ways to weasel out of being held accountable for his criminal actions because he can’t face facts or the truth.

Donald Trump, the Boy President Who Cried Wolf article from The Daily Beast. –

Having our deranged Twitter tyrant threatening war with Iran – and creating all kinds of other falsehoods – highlights exactly why he isn’t fit for the office of the president and why he is and always will be illegitimate as his delusional tweets become his standard operating procedure.

Trump Just Attacked the Very Idea of Objective Reality: ‘What You’re Seeing and What You’re Reading Is Not What’s Happening’ article from Alternet. –

Our demented delinquent has lost all touch with reality and that issue needs to be addressed asap:

“Since President Donald Trump’s legacy in office is filled with broken promises and dismal failures, he and his defenders are working to create an alternative reality for his supporters to believe in where administration policy is a resounding success.

Trump made this strategy explicit Tuesday (as Kellyanne Conway once did when she coined the phrase “alternative facts”) in his speech at the VFW in Kansas City.

“This country is doing better than it ever has before, economically,” Trump said, touting his plan to slap tariffs on foreign goods.

He added: “It’s all working out. Just remember: what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”…”

Trump is losing control of his trade war article from The Week. –

Trump’s tumultuous trade war is extremely moronic and it’s eviscerating many of his moronic mini me’s – it’s also a war that he doesn’t know how to conduct and will never win.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 250

Lyin’ Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with the many ways he has demonstrated his loyalty to Russia over the U.S. – making him look like a traitor instead of a sitting president, Trump’s claims of being the roughest president ever on Russia are nothing but pure fodder and lies, Trump’s Gestapo is having difficulty reuniting the children they are terrorizing with the parents, our gift that keeps on giving keeps providing yet more ammo to fuel his ongoing collusion and corruption investigations, prepare for another meltdown from our Twitter tyrant as his equally corrupt GOP brown shirts continue defending the indefensible, things we’ve learned from our Authoritarian Orange Overlord’s worst foreign policy week ever, the 3 main theories – all of which are plausible – that explain our dystopian Orange dumb ass’s approach to Putin and Russia and much more.

Could It Be More Obvious? 7 New Ways Trump Has Demonstrated His Loyalty To Russia article from Care2. –

The many ways our feckless fuhrer has demonstrated his loyalty to Russia over the U.S. he’s taken an oath to defend.

Dangerous, delusional Trump: ‘There has never been a president as tough on Russia as I have been’ article from The Daily Kos. –

Facts play no role in our Mango Mussolini’s land of delusion, as made evident by his delusional claims of being tough on Russia – look no further than his recent farcical Russia summit for proof…

The problem with Trump’s proof of being ‘tough’ toward Russia article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Yet more reason why Trump’s claims of being the roughest president ever on Russia are complete fodder and lies.

There must be a reckoning article from The Week. –

Illegally profiting by raping U.S. taxpayers while staying at his own properties is not legal and it’s time for America’s most corrupt-ever president* to be held accountable for that too:

“President Trump committed yet another grotesque violation of the Constitution on his recent trip to Scotland, when he used nearly $70,000 in public money to pay for rooms at a hotel in Scotland he owns directly, The Scotsman reports.

This kind of bald corruption is chewing at the roots of the United States as a functioning nation. If constitutional democracy is to survive here, there must be a reckoning with this scandal — and that means prosecutions and prison sentences.

It is simply unquestionable that Trump’s behavior is a violation of constitutional stipulations about how the president is to be compensated. Here’s what it says:

The president shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. [The Constitution of the United States]…”

Donald Trump Doesn’t Give a Damn About the Legitimacy of His Presidency* article from Esquire. –

Which is good since since his presidency* was never legitimate to begin with…

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