Tag Archives: Trump’s Criminal History

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 245

Pleased Dictators Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* begin with his committing yet another potential act of Treason by demanding no written historical record of his ‘summit’ with his Russian Master – in large part so he can lie his ass off about this farcical summit too, trying to stack the ‘Supreme’ Court with corrupt justices in his image to help him avoid accountability for his high crimes and misdemeanors probably won’t help Trump that much, questioning our Mango Mussolini’s definition of draining the swamp as it has grown exponentially since he was ‘elected’, pondering the point of a Trump rally in 2018, Trump’s hypocritical duplicity on immigration and sexual deviancy are astounding and so much more.

Trump wants no historical record of his opening talks with Putin at summit article from The Daily Kos. –

Can’t imagine why our treasonous illegitimate president wouldn’t want a historical record of him kissing his Authoritarian Master’s ass…

CNN unravels the ‘mind numbing’ source of Trump’s latest Obama conspiracy article from The Raw Story. –

Our dimwitted dip shit loves partaking in and creating conspiracy theories regardless of how remarkably ignorant they may be – which appeals to a large number of those that comprise his minority of moronic minions that support him.

Trump Docket: New justice could sway court on president’s personal cases article from Politico. –

America’s most corrupt-ever president* wants to stack the corrupt ‘Supreme’ Court with justices that will illegally help him avoid accountability for all the high crimes and misdemeanors he has committed.

The Clown Who Plays King article from Crooks and Liars. –

The New York Daily News has a new cover worth checking out that shows our marmalade miscreant dressed like a clown wearing a crown – which captures Herr Frump’s incompetence completely:

“One imagines that outrage factories like Breitbart, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, Fox News, etc wouldn’t be upset with this image so much, as they would with the idea that Trump and other collaborators with him are trying to overthrow American values.

Nor would they find the Daily News editorial at all to their liking, with passages such as this:

Enter the current occupant of the White House, who devotes this nation’s potent energies to barricading the borders, to separating refuge-seeking mothers from children, to ordering parents to leave the country with or without their kids now that a court has ordered their reunion.

Among them weep parents who assured their children before parting that they would see them soon, wherever they were going, in vain attempt to cushion the void…”

How Trump weaponized fake news — and changed the rules for fact checkers article from Yahoo! News. –

Our fake president’s* war on fake news has proved costly given there are so many idiots that are stupid enough to believe his lying ass, but it’s not difficult to weaponize the truth and use it against him either…

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