Trump’s titles from Pinterest
Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
The fact that he and his administration never had any plan – or any intention for that matter – of reuniting migrant children and their families after terrorizing them all begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president*, how picking another corrupt ‘Justice’ in a desperate attempt to keep his treasonous ass out of jail only makes our gift that keeps on giving look more guilty, every day brings more distractions from our dimwitted dip shit to deflect from his never-ending scandals and intentions of selling this country out to fraudulent corporations that own him, news that Obama was named best lifetime president is really going to piss Trump off, why Trump is trying so hard to get on Putin’s good side – it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with his personal financial gain, our Authoritarian Orange ass wipe fawns over being called ‘your excellency’ by his North Korean idol making his ‘historic summit’ look even more farcical, how to deal with and stop the misinformation coming from our Lord of the Lies and his Ministry of Propaganda, Trump’s asinine claims of ‘witch hunt’ and ‘no collusion’ keep getting blown out of the water on a regular basis and much more.
The Trump Administration Had No Plan To Reunite Migrant Families They Separated article from Rantt Media. –
Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator and his gestapo never had any plan – or any intention – of reuniting migrant children with their families after terrorizing them.
Trump opens NATO summit with fact-free breakfast rant against Germany article from The Raw Story. –
Once again America’s worst-ever president* makes us look extremely foolish by egregiously – and probably knowingly – lying his ass off and ranting his delusions at the NATO summit.
Brett Kavanaugh Was a Mistake article from Slate. –
How picking another corrupt Supreme Court ‘Justice’ replacement to try and keep his treasonous ass out of jail makes our gift that keeps on giving look more guilty.
Trump’s line on hiring foreign workers gets a little more awkward article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
The hypocrisy of our dimwitted dip shit bitching about halting immigration while wanting to hire more immigrants for Mar-a-Lago is quite revealing:
“To hear Donald Trump tell it, curtailing illegal immigration to the United States isn’t enough. The president has also argued that the country has to cut legal immigration because foreign workers are taking American jobs and undermining domestic wage growth.
It’s awfully difficult to take this rhetoric seriously when one of Trump’s high-profile businesses keeps hiring more foreign workers. The Washington Post updated its previous reporting on this last night:
President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club has asked permission to hire 78 foreign workers to serve as cooks, waiters and housekeepers during this winter’s social season in Palm Beach, Fla., according to Labor Department data.
The club – a for-profit business, which also serves as Trump’s weekend home and “Winter White House” – submitted applications to hire 21 cooks, 40 waiters and 17 housekeepers from overseas. After working from October to May, the workers would return home…”
King Trump article from CounterPunch. –
On the many ways our fascist Mango Mussolini is starting to get noticed for his authoritarian tendencies and dreams.