Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his phony trade war and why it will inevitably come back to bite his big orange ignorant ass, the lies just keep coming from America’s most corrupt-ever president* as his multitude of scandals continue sinking his failed presidency, the new adventures of dumb and dumber to defend Trump continue – and will become more entertaining with each passing day, the endless corruption of the Trump cabal, our pussy grabbing president* suddenly believes abstinence is a good thing despite previously bragging about his alleged sexual prowess, many of those that voted for our Lord of the Lies are realizing they made a serious mistake and a lot more.
Trump’s Phony Trade War article from CounterPunch. –
As with everything else, our dysfunctional dumb ass doesn’t know what he’s doing in starting a ‘trade war’ and it will end up coming back to bite his ignorant big Orange ass.
It’s been another tough week for Trump and the truth article from Yahoo! News. –
The more his scandals continue engulfing his failed presidency, the more lies our dimwitted dip shit tells and it has been a really rough week for him.
Crooked Trump? article from The New York Review of books.
What to do when handling a president as corrupt as Trump and how the legal battles could play out.
The Feds Tapped Michael Cohen’s Phone and Intercepted at Least One White House Call article from Alternet. –
The hits just keep coming for our demented delinquent as there may be more evidence for Mueller to use against him:
“Federal officials have been wiretapping Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen for weeks, according to a new report from NBC News.
Citing two sources, NBC News reports that the wiretap “was in place in the weeks leading up to the raids on Cohen’s offices, hotel room, and home in early April.”
Additionally, NBC News’ sources say that at least one call made between Cohen and the White House was intercepted, although it’s not clear that Cohen spoke directly with President Donald Trump in the intercepted call.
Although investigators have revealed in the past that they have conducted secret searches of Cohen’s email archives, this is the first time that it’s been revealed that officials had been tapping Cohen’s phones as well…”
Wake Up to Trump, Distraction and War with Iran article from Common Dreams. –
Illegally attacking Syria didn’t work so now Trump and his cabal are planning on illegally attacking Iran for Israel.