Tag Archives: Land of Delusion

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 21

Trump’s paranoia takes center stage in his land of delusion, Trump’s lies just keep coming, despite best efforts, Trump still can’t shake the Russia scandal, Trump’s flurry of falsehoods, Trump’s apparatchiks, his flailing attempts to deflect attention away from the Russia scandal, our liar-in-chief wants to talk about who’s lost their grip on reality, the growing list of those wanting to see Trump’s tax return and more.

‘This is Nixon/Watergate’: Without evidence, Trump accuses Obama of wire tapping Trump Tower before election article from Yahoo! News. –

Trump increaslingly tries to blame former President Obama for the disastrous decisions of his illegitimate presidency.

Obama’s spokesman responds to Trump’s wiretapping claims: ‘simply false’ article from AOL News. –

Our Nietzschean Struggle article from Counter Punch. –

“In a New Republic article entitled “Apparatchik City: Nobody Here But Us Non-Dissidents” (March 5, 1990), Michael Kinsley wrote:

Is the life philosophy of members of the [Communist] Party Central Committee so different from that of members of Congress? . . . [W]hich people in the Bush Administration and associated circles would be members of the Politburo and which, if any, would be dissidents? . . . The President himself, son of a senior regional apparatchik? James Baker? Can you see our Secretary of State freezing in Siberia for his belief in freedom and democracy?

Exactly 27 years later, the same invective could be leveled against prominent members of the Trump administration, especially Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon, Mike Pence, and Reince Priebus. These are not John Lewis-es, courageous individuals who would risk their lives for the greater good. On the contrary, they are little more than modern-day Tartuffes, pretending to be righteous while disseminating their boss’s latest lies and denying his obvious immaturity and incompetence. Likewise with most congressional Republicans and the propagandists on Fox News and right-wing talk radio (Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, etc.). None of them would ever give up anything, their lives no less their millions, for the liberty that they constantly profess to cherish. These armchair generals in the modern political and cultural wars are just not the stuff that civil-rights heroes are made of…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 17

Trump’s baseless, paranoid claims that Obama is behind the massive protests against him, Trump’s approval ratings still falling, White House plants Fake News stories to smear reporters, White House trying to orchestrate a cover up of Trump’s ties to Russia, treason and treachery from the U.S. Congress, Trump’s accomplishments – or lack thereof – during his first month in office, what the New York Times and Trump have in common, the latest in Trump’s fake news in his war with the media, two words Trump says every time he lies, FBI may be too compromised to investigate Trump’s ties to Russia, the more Trump denies things the bigger the hole he digs himself, questions of who is actually in charge at the White House, even George W. Bush – the one man Trump makes look good – is speaking out against our minority-elect President, GOP refusing to make Trump release his tax returns and more.

Trump makes unsupported claim that Obama was ‘behind’ town hall protests from Good Morning America on Yahoo! News. –

Paranoia in the land of delusion.

Paul Krugman: Keep Up the Outrage – Our Democracy Depends on It article from AlterNet. –

Trump’s Approval Ratings Still In Free Fall article from the International Business Times. –

“President Donald Trump was well on his way this week to cementing a presidential record for the least-approved first 100 days in American history.

A poll released Sunday night by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal indicated Trump was continuing to face the lowest approval ratings for any incoming president in recent years, with the majority of Americans disapproving of Trump’s first few weeks on the job. About 48 percent of those surveyed said they viewed the president’s performance unfavorably, compared to 44 percent who approved of Trump’s first 100 days thus far.

The joint survey was conducted from Feb. 18-22 and surveyed 1,000 Americans across the United States. But its results weren’t out of the ordinary: Trump’s approval ratings have continued to sink to new lows amid ongoing investigations into his presidential campaign’s ties to Russian government operatives, as well as his continued Twitter spats with everyone from Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-V.t, to the national intelligence community’s FBI and CIA…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 14

Trump’s pernicious diatribe against the media at the CPAC, Michael Moore warns that Trump will do everything he ‘promised’ to do – be it legally or illegally, back to the business of illegal never-ending war as usual, how our minority-elect President used Muslim and Mexican bashing to recruit supporters, blocking protests under the guise of Trump’s fallacious ‘law and order’ platform, the Donald is a one-man 9/11, our wannabe dictator still living in the land of delusion, bureaucratic revolt against Trump’s Muslim ban lies, Bernie Sander’s kick ass response to yet another ignorant Trump tweet, another ignorant, misleading Trump tweet from the twit that bitches about “fake news” that grossly misleads his delusional comparison of the national debt in his first month to Obama’s, Americans split on impeachment and other revealing polls, spiking Intel that contradicts his Muslim travel ban and more.

Trump attacks media in diatribe to Conservative Political Action Conference article from the World Socialist Web Site. –

“President Donald Trump delivered a violent, ultra-right speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, attacking the media and reprising many of the “America First” themes outlined in his inauguration address one month ago.

The annual CPAC conference was a festival of political reaction. Trump boycotted the event during the election campaign last year, amidst sharp divisions within the Republican Party over his candidacy. But this year’s gathering of fascistic-minded activists and college Republicans greeted him with rapturous applause, repeatedly interrupting his speech with chants of “USA! USA!”

Among those addressing the meeting, held this year in National Harbor, Maryland, just south of Washington, DC, was Trump’s chief strategist Stephen Bannon, who spoke alongside White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus on Thursday.

In his remarks, Bannon said the administration would press forward aggressively with what he called the “deconstruction of the administrative state”—that is, the dismantling of social programs and government regulations—along with an expansion of police state measures and the implementation of a nationalist trade war economic policy…”

Micheal Moore Issues Terrifying Warning: ‘It Will Be as Bad or Worse’ Than You Think article from AlterNet. –

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 12

The out-of-control Trump saga, our liar-in-chief loves torture, White House Press Secretary Spicer still spreading lies, Trump’s unethical conflicts of interest, expanding the U.S nuclear arsenal, Trump’s moral panic tactics, Trump’s man-baby antics, Trump’s economic nationalist Agenda, a global counter-Trump movement is rising, a new low of attacking children, the potential for another illegal ground war and more.

Where does the Trump saga end? article from Yahoo! News. –

“Where is all this headed, and how does it end?

These are the questions you hear all over Washington right now. Which is strange, because normally you wouldn’t be idly speculating about the end of a presidency barely a month after the inauguration. Certainly, in parts of the country that voted overwhelmingly for Trump, the sense is he’s just getting started.

But the pervasive view in the capital is that President Trump at this point is like a guy behind the wheel who hasn’t slept in a week, surrounded by a small mountain of empty Red Bull cans as he weaves his way across four lanes at night, squinting to read the signs and ignoring the angry blasts of horns.

Sure, it’s a straight drive home on a sparsely populated highway. But at this rate, what are the odds he makes it very far without hurting himself … or someone else?

Some of this is just the lingering shock of the election. A lot of people in Washington are still waking up every morning with a feeling of “this cannot be happening,” and from there it’s a short jump to “this cannot go on for very long.”

But it’s also the sense that Trump himself has skipped right over the opening and middle stages of a normal presidency — honeymoon, legislative push, midterms and reelection — and leaped straight into the self-pitying, paranoid, scandal-shadowed slog of year seven…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 8

Trump Campaign Rally fuels Trump’s fantasies in the land of delusion, once again citing non-existent terror attacks – this time in Sweden, during his duplicitous campaign rally, Trump complains about ‘Fake News’ while spreading it, pro-Trump groups fraudulently blaming President Obama for massive anti-Trump protests, Trump’s America like Nazi Germany, Trump’s treasonous actions, death eaters operating in the White House, turns out Trump’s criticisms of President Obama apply to Trump, Trump acting like a douche bag, Trump’s pernicious ‘enemy of the people’ press claims based on 20th century totalitarian play book and more.

Trump Again Attacks Media at Campaign-Style Rally in Florida article from NBC News. –

Trump Campaign Rally fuels Trump’s fantasies in the land of delusion:

“President Donald Trump at a rally in Florida Saturday again ripped the media as “fake news” and renewed pledges on Obamacare and border security in an event that appeared little changed from the rallies he gave on the campaign trail.

“They just don’t want to report the truth,” Trump told the crowd of around 9,000 in Melbourne, calling the media as “part of the problem” and “part of the corrupt system.”

“They have their own agenda, and their agenda is not your agenda,” the president said. Trump’s attacks on the media came a day after the president on Twitter called the “fake” news media “the enemy of the American people.”

Despite the fact that the 2016 election has long come and gone, the phenomena of the Trump rally felt as if it had been frozen in time, nearly perfectly preserved since the last time the then-candidate strode to the podium and told thousands of his cheering supporters about the woes of the country and the battles he planned to fight…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 3

Holding Trump accountable for his ethics violations, Trump’s dystopian attributes, questions about Trump’s illiteracy and the miscreants he surrounds himself with, and other pernicious psychoses from those surrounding him in the land of delusion.

In a Time of Executive Orders, Upholding Truth is a Revolutionary Act article from Counter Punch. –

“The first month of Trump in office unleashed chaos and turmoil in the nation, creating what some called a constitutional crisis. With a series of executive orders threatening women’s reproductive rights, immigrants and sacred water guarded by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, public outrage galvanized in protests across the country.

This new resistance against Trump’s repressive nationalist agenda is very encouraging. Yet, in order for this spark to become a truly transformative force, we need to take a hard look at how we got here. Trump’s outrageous move barring people from seven majority Muslim nations from entering into the United States sent shockwaves nationwide. The truth is that this didn’t emerge out of nowhere. This controversial list of Muslim countries that Trump is now using in his executive order was created by Obama, who was the commander in chief that had bombed 7 countries and expanded the Bush era ‘War on Terror’.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which is now receiving a flood of funding after Trump’s unconstitutional immigrant order, had for a long time been fighting the same battle. This nonpartisan civil rights defender had little support when they fought fiercely against the deportation of over 2 million people under Obama. Also, the ubiquitous illegal drone attacks that are now gaining more scrutiny was Obama’s signature policy. The 8-year-old girl that was just killed under Trump was the sister of a 16-year-old American in Yemen, who was a collateral drone strike victim from Obama’s kill list…”

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