Misadventures of a minority-elect President 14

Trump’s pernicious diatribe against the media at the CPAC, Michael Moore warns that Trump will do everything he ‘promised’ to do – be it legally or illegally, back to the business of illegal never-ending war as usual, how our minority-elect President used Muslim and Mexican bashing to recruit supporters, blocking protests under the guise of Trump’s fallacious ‘law and order’ platform, the Donald is a one-man 9/11, our wannabe dictator still living in the land of delusion, bureaucratic revolt against Trump’s Muslim ban lies, Bernie Sander’s kick ass response to yet another ignorant Trump tweet, another ignorant, misleading Trump tweet from the twit that bitches about “fake news” that grossly misleads his delusional comparison of the national debt in his first month to Obama’s, Americans split on impeachment and other revealing polls, spiking Intel that contradicts his Muslim travel ban and more.

Trump attacks media in diatribe to Conservative Political Action Conference article from the World Socialist Web Site. –

“President Donald Trump delivered a violent, ultra-right speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, attacking the media and reprising many of the “America First” themes outlined in his inauguration address one month ago.

The annual CPAC conference was a festival of political reaction. Trump boycotted the event during the election campaign last year, amidst sharp divisions within the Republican Party over his candidacy. But this year’s gathering of fascistic-minded activists and college Republicans greeted him with rapturous applause, repeatedly interrupting his speech with chants of “USA! USA!”

Among those addressing the meeting, held this year in National Harbor, Maryland, just south of Washington, DC, was Trump’s chief strategist Stephen Bannon, who spoke alongside White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus on Thursday.

In his remarks, Bannon said the administration would press forward aggressively with what he called the “deconstruction of the administrative state”—that is, the dismantling of social programs and government regulations—along with an expansion of police state measures and the implementation of a nationalist trade war economic policy…”

Micheal Moore Issues Terrifying Warning: ‘It Will Be as Bad or Worse’ Than You Think article from AlterNet. –

Trump puts the FBI on his low-life leaker list article from the Daily Kos. –

“On Thursday, the Trump regime violated the separation between the the White House and the law enforcement sphere of the FBI.

The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump’s associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign, multiple US officials briefed on the matter tell CNN.

Frustrated by the agency ‘s refusal to play its role as part of Trump’s propaganda machine, Trump turned his Friday morning tweet storm FBI-ward.

The FBI is totally unable to stop the national security “leakers” that have permeated our government for a long time. They can’t even find the leakers within the FBI itself. Classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on U.S. FIND NOW

The nature of the leaks that have been reaching the media seems to be that Donald Trump and his whole un-merry band are incompetent and in bed with Russia. Which is also the information the world keeps seeing in information that’s not sourced from leaks…”

McMaster Takes Charge: Trump Relinquishes Control of Foreign Policy article from Counter Punch. –

How Far we Have Fallen as a Nation, as a Culture for That Matter article from Information Clearing House. –

“…Look how far we have actually fallen as a nation, as a culture for that matter. We have a president who used Muslim and Mexican bashing to help him recruit supporters. His VP is a far right wing evangelical fanatic, worse even than Trump when it comes to trumpeting pre-emptive war against the Muslims. Millions of Amerikans either belong to or agree with this phony Tea Party adoration that mirrors the ‘America First’ and fascist leaning movements of the 1930s. These people have learned ZERO from our disgraceful and illegal pre-emptive invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, or our destructive carpet bombing of Libya. Just as the crazy Islamic State thinks that God is theirs and theirs alone, so do the right-wing Christians (and Zionist Jews of Israel and Amerika) think the same about the God they have decided to worship. Utter insanity!…”

Here Comes the Police State: New Laws Aim for Brutal Crackdown on Protest article from AlterNet. –

It’s time to hold your state and local officials accountable for their immoral, unethical actions:

“The rise of right-wing populism in the United States—from the White House to state legislatures—has been met with public resistance on a stunning scale. Millions have taken to the streets, staged direct actions and flooded airports to resist a flurry of presidential decrees targeting undocumented, black, refugee, LGBTQ and poor communities. And long before Trump took the White House, the Black Lives Matter movement and indigenous water protectors at Standing Rock were leading the way with sustained mobilizations in the face of staggering repression.

Now, under cover of the Trump administration’s “law and order” platform, Republican lawmakers at the state level—often with the backing of police unions—are advancing a spate of bills aimed at crushing this groundswell. The proposed legislation would impose draconian penalties on protest organizers and participants, expanding local powers to put demonstrators in jail, seize their assets and further criminalize property destruction.

In recent weeks and months, politicians in at least 11 states—Minnesota, Washington, Iowa, Michigan, North Dakota, Indiana, Virginia, Colorado, Missouri, North Carolina and Arizona—have either introduced or threatened to introduce bills that make it more dangerous or costly to attend protests, or be anywhere near them. One bill recently proposed in North Dakota, and clearly aimed at Standing Rock resistance, would have expanded protections for drivers who “accidentally” hit and kill protesters. While the legislation failed earlier this month, it nonetheless reflects a troubling political push to snuff out dissent…”

The Donald, a One-Man 9/11, Is Making Me Love My Country More, and Fight Back Harder article from AlterNet. –

How to Build a Sustainable Trump Resistance article from AlterNet. –

The Bureaucratic Revolt Against President Trump’s Lies About the Muslim Ban is Underway article from GQ. –

“In a revelation that came as a shock to many, President Trump demonstrated at least a vague awareness of constitutional limits on his power by rolling out his long-promised Muslim ban in the guise of a ban on immigrants from a specified list of countries, arguing that residents of the affected countries are, empirically speaking, more prone to terrorist activity. Sure, almost everyone from those countries happens to be Muslim, but that, according to White House senior advisor and walking racist “Californians” sketch Stephen Miller, is just a crazy coincidence.

Of course, multiple federal courts dunked all over this specious-at-best reasoning and sent Miller and Rudy Giuliani and friends scurrying back to the drawing board, but it turns out that the federal judiciary is not alone in concluding that the administration has, as the Ninth Circuit put it, “pointed to no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the order has perpetrated a terrorist attack in the United States.” The AP reports that the intelligence arm of the Department of Homeland Security—which, along with the Department of Justice, was responsible for implementing the executive order—doesn’t quite buy the logic, either.

Analysts at the Homeland Security Department’s intelligence arm found insufficient evidence that citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries included in President Donald Trump’s travel ban pose a terror threat to the United States.

A draft document obtained by The Associated Press concludes that citizenship is an “unlikely indicator” of terrorism threats to the United States and that few people from the countries Trump listed in his travel ban have carried out attacks or been involved in terrorism-related activities in the U.S. since Syria’s civil war started in 2011…”

Trump responds to protests, saying his voters ‘should have their own rally’ that ‘would be the biggest of them all!’ article from Yahoo! News. –

Our wannabe dictator is still living in the land of delusion.

A Muslim Woman Tried to Work in Trump’s White House, Lasts Only 8 Days article from GQ. –

Send in the bern unit, Bernie Sanders just poured the hot fire bern sauce all over Trump on Twitter article from Mashable. –

“President Donald Trump thinks his voters should have their own rally, but luckily, Bernie Sanders is here to remind him that, um, they already did. And it didn’t go well.

In his usual Saturday morning tweet routine (tweetine?), Trump turned his attention to the rallies against him since he took office:

Maybe the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have their own rally. It would be the biggest of them all!…”

(Bernie tweeted back: They did. It wasn’t with the picture from Trump’s inauguration.)

Trump tweets wildly misleading comparison of the national debt in his first month to Obama’s article by Business Insider from Yahoo! News. –

Yes, another ignorant, misleading unfactual Trump tweet from the twit that bitches about “fake news.”

Americans Are Split on Whether They Want President Trump Impeached – And More Revealing Polls article by People from Yahoo! News. –

Trump admin spikes intel report that undercuts travel ban video from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

The Trump-Netanyahu Circus: Now, No One Can Save Israel from Itself article from Counter Punch. –

“The President of the United States can hardly be taken seriously, saying much but doing little. His words, often offensive, carry no substance, and it is impossible to summarize his complex political outlook about important issues.

This is precisely the type of American presidency that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, prefers.

However, Donald Trump is not just a raving man, but a dangerous one as well. His unpredictability must worry Israel, which expects from its American benefactors complete clarity and consistency in terms of its political support.

At the age of 70, Trump is incapable of being the stalwart, pro-Zionist ideologue in a way that suits Israeli interests well…”

If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.

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