Daily Archives: March 12, 2018

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 206

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president begin with keeping his aides in the dark as usual while he makes foolish decisions, still diligently trying to take this country back a hundred years to totally destroy it, America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* lies about Stormy Daniels are becoming glaringly evident, our mentally deranged dotard may not meet with little rocket man as it appears that the so-called meeting may have been nothing more than another con, the hazards of dealing with a childish president*, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for our nefarious narcissist to accept the fact that he is indeed illegitimate, our demented delinquent still can’t take responsibility for his own massive failures, Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur were once again on display during his recent campaigning tirades, Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam is already unraveling, Trump actually believes he can lie to the lead investigator in his Russia scandal with no repercussions while making history as the most corrupt president* to ever occupy the White House, our popular vote losing president is still lying about his popularity and lots more.

Trump’s go-to move remains the same: blindsiding his own aides article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

As usual our national embarrassment creates his own chaos daily while keeping his aides in the dark.

Paul Krugman: Trump Could Unravel One of FDR’s Signature Achievements article from Alternet. –

On the many ways our dimwitted dip shit is intentionally trying to take this country back a hundred years.

The Stormy Daniels saga is more than just a sex scandal article from Think Progress. –

Indeed. It’s more evidence of how Trump has repeatedly broken the law and why he belongs behind bars.

Trump’s Sons and Wealthy Friends Will Benefit From Legalizing Elephant Kill Trophies article from BuzzFlash. –

Always doing his damnedest to make sure he or his family and friends can profit at everyone else’s expense:

“On March 1, Donald Trump’s Interior Department lifted the ban on importing big-hunting elephant kill trophies to the United States. Trump, in the past, claimed he was not a fan of safaris and the killing of large animals in Africa for sport. However, as he’s done on a large number of policies, Trump has changed his mind.

Maybe he did so because safari hunting is a rich man’s sport. Maybe it was a family matter. After all, a 2017 Guardian article states that “Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump are prolific big-game hunters and during the 2016 campaign, images re-emerged of the pair on a 2011 hunting trip posing with animals they had killed on safari, including an elephant, a buffalo and a leopard.”

The Trump male heirs are passionate braggarts about shooting down sought-after prey in Africa, including animals that potentially face extinction.

According to an article in Live Science, big-game hunting and killing date back thousands of years:…”

Trump’s Latest Pardon Shows The Best Way To Get One: Go On Fox News article from Huffington Post. –

If you commit a crime and need a presidential pardon, go on Fox faux news so the moron in the White House sees it…

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