Daily Archives: March 27, 2018

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 211

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* begin with anti-gun protesters drawing 3 times more protesters to Washington D.C. than showed up for his inauguration – which should really piss him off, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda turns on him over his fraudulent tax reform scam, it’s going to be a very long, ruinous week for America’s most corrupt-ever president*, once again our fake president is bitching about fake news that is actually very real, all the bluster and intimidation techniques that used to work for our Bully-in-Chief are no longer effective, Trump’s inability to get lawyers to represent him over his Russia scandal suggests he may be more guilty than originally thought, you have major problems when one of your own right-wing whack jobs turns on you, our nefarious narcissist’s base is beginning to turn on him since they realize they’ve been conned, still believing everything he sees and hears on Fox faux News – his Ministry of Propaganda – is going to prove costly to his ignorant ass plus lots more.

March For Our Lives Draws 3 Times More People To DC Than Trump’s Inauguration article from PoliticusUSA. –

Having 3 times more protesters showing up at an anti-gun rally than supporters showing up at his inauguration will undoubtedly piss off our national embarrassment.

Light at the End of the Tunnel? article from CounterPunch. –

On the constant unraveling of America’s worst-ever president*, in large part due to corruption, and the rising wave that will remove the GOP from Congress in November.

Major New Investigation Into Trump? article from Alternet. –

More on Trump’s fraudulent business dealings, this time in India.

Fox News Turns On Trump And Rips His Tax Cut For Not Helping Workers article from PoliticusUSA. –

When Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda turns against him over his fraudulent tax reform scam, it’s a major problem:

“Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace went to town on Trump Treasury Sec. Steve Mnuchin for the Trump tax cut not helping workers.


(see video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zednBO5-oY&feature=youtu.be),

Transcript via Fox News Sunday:
WALLACE: When a corporate tax bill was passed, you and the president promised that most of the benefits were going to go to workers, but that’s not, in fact, what has happened so far. I want to put up this chart.

According to one study, S&P companies have given employees $5.2 billion in bonuses and higher wages, the kinds of things you and the president talked about. But at the same time they spent $157 billion on stock buybacks…”

‘Stormy Will Eat You Alive’: How a Porn Star is Making Trump World’s Lives Hell article from The Daily Beast. –

Sit back and grab some popcorn – it’ll be interesting to see how our dimwitted pussy grabbing dip shit weathers this storm…

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