Tag Archives: Trump Slump

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 47

Trump finding it hard for a President with a 36 percent approval rating to threaten those he loathes and make deals, calls for new standards for presidential candidates amid growing concerns over Trump’s mental health, Trump’s delusions aren’t making America safe at all, making a mistake after telling everyone ‘we don’t make mistakes,’ Trump is costing America billions of dollars because people don’t want to come to his America, one key allegation in Trump’s Russia dossier confirmed, majority of Americans disagree with minority-elect President Trump’s hard line stances on climate change, Trump’s deranged cable news obsession, what must be done in the time of Trump – who must be held accountable, Trump’s outlook going from bad to worse, Trump has GOP gerrymandering to blame for his issues with the “Freedom Caucus,” Trump can still make a comeback – though it’s highly improbable, Trump’s White House happens to ‘find’ material supporting Trump’s fraudulent wiretap claims, beware of Trump’s phony ‘terror’ list designed to gin up fear of Muslims in support of his unconstitutional Muslim ban, claims that Russia aided Trump in the 2016 GOP Primary too, Trump’s former National Security Adviser seeking immunity to tell his story in Trump’s Russia scandal, killing civilians at an alarming rate by ramping up America’s illegal wars in the Middle East and more.

Trump fails at the art of the political deal article from Yahoo! News. –

Expert calls for new standards for presidential candidates mid growing concerns over Trump’s mental health article from AOL News. –

Poll shows Americans trust some media outlets more than Trump article from AOL. –

Tomgram: Rajan Menon, Making America Insecure Again article from Tom Dispatch. –

“Terror attacks like the recent one in London send a shudder through Americans. Since 9/11, they have been the definition of what TomDispatch regular Rajan Menon calls “national (in)security.” They’ve also been the lifeblood of a media machine that loves to focus 24/7 on immediate and obvious horrors (especially against folks like “us”). In the age of Donald Trump, preventing such attacks has, if anything, become even more the essence of what American security is all about.

And yet, in the context of the insecurity to come in this world, they are essentially nothing. It is, of course, a terrible thing when some disturbed fanatic or set of fanatics gun down or run down innocent civilians in London, Berlin, Paris, or San Bernardino (as it should be, but in our American world isn’t, when a U.S. plane or drone kills innocent civilians in distant lands). But if, for a moment, you stop to think in either nuclear terms (as in the pairing of North Korea’s unnerving leader Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump) or in climate change terms, then those attacks are the smallest of potatoes when it comes to national insecurity. If you really want to think about acts of “terror,” consider what Donald Trump and his climate-denying crew at the Environmental Protection Agency and elsewhere in his administration would like to do to the environmental policies of the world’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

Trump’s urge is clearly to negate every positive act of the Obama administration when it comes to reining in the use of fossil fuels — from the Paris climate agreement to the Clean Power Plan aimed at shutting down coal-fired power plants. In the end, if a Trump presidency takes this country out of the climate change sweepstakes entirely, if it opens the flood (and fracking) gates yet wider on the development of fossil fuels of every sort while tamping down the development of alternative energy sources, you’re talking about an act of terror on a scale that would once have been inconceivable. What the Trump administration is already trying to do should lead to constant headlines of a sort that would put the recent London ones to shame. However, because the full impact of Trump’s climate terror won’t strike home until the era of our grandchildren or even great-grandchildren, because his version of terror will be enacted on a time scale that plays havoc with our usual sense of history and of our own lives, he’ll undoubtedly get only the most modest of attention for it — while Khalid Masood, the London killer, and his successors will remain the eternal headliners du jour…”

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