How to spot a dictator Trump from Pinterest
Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent-minority elect president* with most Americans thinking that having a moronic Twitter tyrant who is incapable of speaking or spelling above a 4th grade level is making America look extremely foolish, the world is onto the fact that America’s worst-ever president* is pushing bogus conspiracy theories to try and save his ass as he inches closer to going down, yet again the more our moronic Orange misfit opens his ignorant mouth to proclaim his innocence, the more guilty he makes himself appear, how being factually precise and emotionally restrained is the best way to deal with the big Orange turd ball and the minority of minions that support him, Trump is above the law in his land of delusion but reality will pop that bubble in the near future, our marmalade miscreant and his legal team are trying desperately to avoid accountability for his criminal actions, Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur created his latest meltdown when he blew up because the FBI and DOJ didn’t notify him that he was under investigation plus much more.
Most Americans Think Trump’s Tweeting Is Bad – For Him and For America article from PoliticusUSA. –
Having a moronic Twitter tyrant that can’t speak or spell above a 4th grade level that looks foolish every time he Tweets something is making us all look extremely bad.
Rantt Rundown: With Sessions Feud, Trump Continues To Build His Own Obstruction Case article from Rantt. –
Every time our dimwitted dip shit interferes in his ongoing Russia / Collusion / Obstruction of Justice investigations, he gets himself into more trouble.
How Donald Trump is weaponising the courts for political ends article from The Guardian. –
There really should be laws that forbid allowing America’s most corrupt-ever president* to appoint equally corrupt ‘Justices’ and Judges.
The deafening message of Trump’s Dinesh D’Souza pardon article from The Week. –
Once again our dysfunctional dumb ass abused his pardon power to let egregious pieces of shit – such as himself – off the hook due to his delusional fantasies:
“President Trump announced Thursday that he would pardon Dinesh D’Souza, the loopy conservative operative who pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance law:
Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D’Souza today. He was treated very unfairly by our government!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2018
It is a spectacular abuse of the pardon power and a barely-veiled announcement that Trump will use that power to protect odious conservative criminals and undermine the Mueller investigation.
D’Souza is best known today for being too weird for polite company and incredibly racist — though his arguments and positions also have a strange tendency to flip around all over the place. As Alex Nichols writes, he got his start in politics with a deeply racist newspaper at Dartmouth, and then with moldy-oldie arguments about how slaves in the antebellum South were treated “pretty well.” He got wide notoriety with one racist tirade after another against President Obama and blacks in general, leavened with stomach-churning fabrications about Obama’s mother…”
Trump makes brazen attempt to gaslight the public about why he fired James Comey article from Think Progress. –
Once again Trump is changing his story to try and save his sorry ass for obstructing justice – this time for firing James Comey.