Daily Archives: October 23, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 181

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing Twitter tyrant begins with yet another tantrum towards the Florida Representative that told the truth about Trump’s handling of Military deaths and lack of empathy that make him look even more stupid, why Trump’s presidency is and always will be such a massive failure, our dimwitted dip shit won’t be able to avoid taking responsibility when millions die to his sabotage of health insurance, Trump’s habit of speaking before thinking and his retardation of fact and truth sets the tone as his character trumps his attempt at celebrating character week, Trump’s dubious distractions covering up his even more dubious actions, how life in Trump’s land of delusion is much different than reality, how a flawed electoral system enabled the ‘election’ of our illegitimate president, the growing evidence of Trump’s obstruction of justice and a lot more.

Off His Meds And Out Of Control, Trump Launches A Late Night Attack On Rep. Frederica Wilson article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our Twitter tyrant keeps opening his ignorant mouth and fighting battles he can’t win to distract from his failed presidency.

The Big Lie Pays Off: Trump Voter Believe Fake News (About the News Being Fake) article from Alternet. –

Which really speaks volumes about the profound stupidity of the minority of minions that actually support him.

Obama Drops A Devastating Truth Bomb About Why Trump’s Presidency Is Such A Failure article from PoliticusUSA. –

Trump’s presidency is a failure because Trump is a profoundly corrupt and moronic failure, but it’s impossible to unite people when you keep catering to the moronic minority that ‘elected’ you…

Will Trump go down as the worst president in history? article from Newsweek on The Raw Story. –

Yes, as there is little doubt about that:

“Almost half of Americans polled believe Donald Trump will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history.

According to a Marist poll released on Thursday, 42 percent believe Trump’s legacy will be as one of the country’s worst leaders, while 16 percent think he will be remembered as a below average president.

In contrast, 7 percent believe the Republican businessman will go down as one of the best leaders in U.S. history, while another 11 percent believe Trump will be remembered as an above average president and 19 percent believe he will be thought of as an average president.

Along party lines, the poll found 48 percent of Republicans believe Trump will be remembered as either one of the best presidents in history (22 percent) or an above-average leader (26 percent), while 70 percent of Democrats feel he will go down as among the worst of the country’s leaders…”

The White House Keeps Attacking Congresswoman Who Has Been Right All Along article from The Huffington Post. –

Whenever our national embarrassment says he has proof of something to contradict his stupidity, he is inevitably lying.

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