Daily Archives: October 15, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 178

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, popular vote losing president begin with a few of the things that our national embarrassment falsely claims he invented, while claiming to be highly intelligent our moronic lame duck president continues revealing the endless depths of his profound ignorance, our fake, Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator still trying to spread his war on fake news by threatening NBC for publishing the truth about his ignorance, more leaks from the White House about our impotent leader’s escalating meltdowns while blaming everyone else for his actions and words, failing to pass his fraudulent health care bill hasn’t stopped Trump from trying to destroy Obamacare – this time by another most likely illegal executive order, our Warmonger-in-Chief has killed more civilians with illegal air strikes in almost 10 months than his predecessor did in 8 years, our demented deviant in the White House committed yet another impeachable offense by trying to abridge freedoms of speech, the implosion of our illegitimate president and his dubious cabal is gaining speed and a lot more.

5 Things Trump Lied About Inventing article from Alternet. –

Our pathological lying national embarrassment keeps trying to take responsibility for creating things he didn’t and repeatedly lying about it.

Trump Is So Mentally Unstable That He Has To Be Distracted From Destroying The Country article from PoliticusUSA. –

The fact that Trump’s staff has to employ delays and distractions to keep him from going off doesn’t bode well for America.

Trump claims a high IQ, behaves like a ‘f***ing moron’

America’s worst-ever president – who is a complete and utter moron – duplicitously believes he’s the smartest man in the world.

Eminem Delivers a Critique as Vulgar as the President article from The Atlantic. –

The rapper did a freestyle take down of our dimwitted dip shit during the BET awards that is gaining national attention:

“The rapper Eminem performed a freestyle takedown of President Trump on television Tuesday, calling out the hypocrisy of his extravagant travel, his bumbling incompetence, and his disrespect for a POW before dubbing him “Donald the bitch.”

The performance was perhaps the most prominent instance of a white celebrity defending the NFL players protesting the killing of African Americans by police officers.

And the flagrant disrespect the entertainer showed for the president felt like karma, and not just because Trump has called the protesting NFL players sons of bitches. Recall that during last year’s Republican primary, Trump was able to excel in part by taking advantage of the fact that he had no respectability to maintain, no sense of shame or decency to limit him, and no reputation for good character to lose.

None of the other candidates could pull off bragging about their penis size on stage, insulting a rival’s wife, or appending juvenile nicknames to competing pols. The Access Hollywood tape would’ve sunk any other candidate. But why would it lower anyone’s opinion of a man who gave a radio host permission to call his daughter “a piece of ass”?…”

Trump Proves He Is A Moron With Empty Threat To Cancel NBC’s Broadcasting License article from PoliticusUSA. –

When a moronic, lackluster lame duck fake president continues trying to expand his delusional war against fake news the depths of his profound ignorance become abundantly clear…

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