Tag Archives: Trump’s Sanctuary City Lies

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 50

White House continues spewing lies about sanctuary cities despite facts contradicting their claims, White House set to open its arms to repressive dictatorship, the growing chorus calling for Trump’s impeachment, trying to take focus off Russia with his delusional tweets, majority that didn’t vote for our minority-elect President uniting for large-scale demonstrations – though don’t bet on Trump leaving anytime soon, Trump’s storytelling talents, more bad news on his growing Russia Scandal, trying to avoid accountability for his illegal actions in Syria, reminders of the similarities of Watergate and Trump’s Russia Scandal, growing weary of his Ministry of Propaganda, once again Trump’s mouth moves faster than his brain, scathing LA Times article on our dishonest President, Trump’s fictional America and more.

White House repeats claim that sanctuary cities breed crimes, data continues to say otherwise article from Yahoo! News. –

Anti-Trump WWE fans grapple with boycotting over White House ties ahead of WrestleMania 33 article from AOL News. –

Warm welcome awaits Sisi as Trump rolls out red carpet for Egypt strongman article from the Guardian. –


“Donald Trump’s presidency is not normal, and neither is the way it’s being photographed

Many of the most iconic photos of Barack Obama’s presidency came from Pete Souza, the official White House photographer. Granted extensive access to Obama, he shot the Osama Bin Laden war room photo, moments the president shared with Michelle Obama, the many famous images of the president interacting with kids, and countless more. These carefully composed photos so defined the public image of Obama that it nearly made Souza a household name.

In its visual representation, as in so many other respects, the Trump administration has made a break with the past. Most of what we see of Trump comes from either the traveling pool of press photographers or the smartphones of his staff. On the one hand there are Getty Images or Reuters shots of Trump standing at podiums (or pretending to drive a truck). And on the other, we get unusually informal images of him posing with world leaders or appearing to be caught off guard. In the meantime, the White House’s Flickr account was purged, and the “Photos” section was removed from the official website…”

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