Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Trump’s Treason begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as connections are made between Russia helping him get ‘elected’ and the Treason he committed – more than once – with Ukraine and China in asking them to interfere is going to come back and haunt him, Donnie is not above the law – regardless of his delusions – and now his tax returns are in danger of becoming public which will further implode his already failed presidency, desperately labeling his enemies as treasonous would be comical were it not for the fact that Trump is the most treasonous of them all and he has no idea of what the definition of Treason is, the GOP controlled Senate just confirmed Donnie’s worst fear – Russia did help him ‘win’ the election, meaning that he is indeed an illegitimate president*, the threat of impeachment is taking its toll on the Donald as his meltdowns keep coming faster and more furious, why it’s time to remove all the pieces of shit Donnie has appointed to the courts and much more.
The amount of foreign help Trump had getting ‘elected’ coupled with the Treason he has committed asking Ukraine and China to interfere is going to come back and bite him bigly.
Trump Won’t Stop His Abuses of Power article from Bloomberg News.
Trump keeps committing crimes in plain sight and Congress cannot accept that and it’s going to cost him big time.
‘Trump is scared to death’: Legal experts weigh in on federal judge dismissing president’s lawauit against Manhattan DA article from Alternet.
It’s easy to forget all the rest of Trump’s corruption with the Ukraine scandal swallowing his failed presidency whole, but his highness just found out that he can’t hide his tax returns – which is going to open a whole new can of worms into the investigation into his corruption:
This is huge. Federal judge dismisses Trump’s effort to keep Manhattan DA from getting his taxes. Trump can appeal. The issue will be whether he has to comply during the appeal. https://t.co/8SJHbbQJN6
— Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) October 7, 2019
Trump Is Calling Literally Everything Treason Now article from Splinter News.
The irony of the most Treasonous president* in U.S. history trying to claim his enemies are treasonous would be hysterical were it not for the fact that he has no idea what the definition of Treason is:
“No one, except for the scientists who hopefully get to study his cottage cheese brain, can really say with any certainty what’s going on in Donald Trump’s head. So all we can really go off is what actually comes out of his mouth or his fingers, and based on that, I can only guess that he likes the way “treason” rolls off the tongue and so he’s hellbent on using it against essentially everyone who’s ever wronged him.
That isn’t the definition of treason, of course, but so far Trump has used it to describe the Ukraine whistleblower, then House Intelligence committee chairman, and now, in a late Sunday tweet, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi:
….This makes Nervous Nancy every bit as guilty as Liddle’ Adam Schiff for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and even Treason. I guess that means that they, along with all of those that evilly “Colluded” with them, must all be immediately Impeached!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 7, 2019
The worst punishment for being convicted of treason, of course, isn’t just being “impeached,” but rather being killed by the state. Trump knows this. So the fact that he’s now using it to describe Nancy Pelosi, who had to be dragged to an impeachment inquiry kicking and screaming, is an indicator that it’s just a thing he thinks all of his political opponents are doing whenever they try to hold him accountable for his actions. (In 2018, Trump also floated it as a descriptor for Democrats who didn’t stand or clap for him during the State of the Union, which is, you know, fascist.)…”
Trump’s erratic foreign policy reduced to ‘a shambles’ article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.
We’re witnessing what happens to foreign policy when an illegitimate, reckless amateur president* who lives in the land of delusion acts on his own impulse.
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