Tag Archives: Trump’s Loss of Credibility

When a Fake President Cries About Fake News

Listening to President Trump’s recent diatribe about the media before paying honor to Veterans at an Independence Day event that took place a couple of days early was quite revealing, though not for him in a good way as Trump has a history of conducting Twitter tirades to spread fake news about his accomplishments, threaten blackmail, slander and defame opponents, and to deflect from his ongoing scandals, including Russia and his many conflicts of interest.

It’s hard for Trump to accept the fact that he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million to Hillary Clinton – 11 million when you throw in third party voters, and milenials, as well as a majority of America, consider his presidency fake and illegitimate and despite his best attempts, he has no mandate. Distracting from fact and truth with his Twitter tirades while conducting his war on the media only serves as a reminder that the majority may be right and it’s difficult for him to handle.

Over the past few days Trump has conducted a steady tirade of Twitter tantrums: One against MSNBC for firing Greta Van Susteren, one against Morning Joe hosts – also on MSNBC, and one against CNN for spreading fake news. A day after starting his Twitter tirade against the Morning Joe hosts Trump dug in and added fuel to the fire. Trump constantly cries fake news against CNN as well as the New York Times, The Washington Post and a couple of other media outlets reporting on his Russia scandal but the more tirades he conducts, the more it becomes obvious that his cognitive deficits are growing.

Since day one Trump has proved repeatedly that he is a liar. Since day one Trump has used Twitter and a multitude of other right-wing ‘news’ outlets to spread his lies and propaganda as fact. Tweeting simply provides an outlet for him to spread falsehoods and lies to his millions of supporters – many if not most of which were actually found to be bots – without having any accountability from the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him and the media. Acting like a demented delinquent while spreading lies and fake news inevitably leads to credibility issues and mistrust.

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