Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
The GOP dubiously trying to clear their fraudulent lying leader begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president*, why Trump and the miscreants still standing with him should be very worried about Mueller’s investigations, Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam is proving more malignant than previously thought, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s latest voter suppression plan smells dictatorial, yet more evidence that Trump lied about draining the swamp, how our lackluster lame duck president* is trying to make his failed presidency even worse, still deceptively trying to claim that he actually won the popular vote when in reality he lost bigly, our fraudulent Orange turd ball Loser-in-Chief is acting surprised and upset because his appointees and administration are actually as corrupt and stupid as he is, Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are becoming glaringly evident, our Ignoramus-in-Chief is now bragging about lying repeatedly, how Trump has made it egregiously evident that he is nothing but a fraudulent con man that does nothing but lie all the time plus a lot more.
The Walls Are Closing In on Trump article from The Daily Beast. –
On how the brown shirt GOP House Intel committee allegedly investigating Trump’s Russia scandal are actually just trying to exonerate him and deflect the truth – albeit failing at it big time…
The House Intel Committee’s Conclusions on Russia Are a Complete Joke article from Alternet. –
More on the joke that is the GOP House Intel Committee’s delusions of our national embarrassment being cleared in his ongoing Russia scandal.
Mueller’s Choice of Criminal Charges: Why the Trump Team Should Be Very Worried article from Slate. –
As I’ve stated a few time previously, there may not be much evidence of Trump’s personal collusion with Russia since his campaign handled most of it, but the many Money Laundering and Obstructions of Justice charges will bury his sorry ass.
Budget Deficit Will Go Up 31% Thanks To Trump Tax Cuts For Billionaires article from PoliticusUSA. –
Yet more evidence that Trump’s tax reform scam was nothing but a major fraud that will help bankrupt this country:
“It’s now official: the Trump-Ryan-McConnell tax cut plan for billionaires is bankrupting our country.
The United States Treasury Department said Monday that the federal budget deficit in February was significantly higher than a year ago, as is the budget deficit for the first five months of this budget year. According to the Treasury Department this year’s United States federal deficit will hit $873 billion, up a dangerous 31.3 percent from last year’s shortfall of $665.8 billion.
These numbers are based on President Donald Trump’s new budget projections which say that over the next decade, U.S. federal deficits will be approximately $7 trillion. When added to the existing federal debt of over $20 trillion, this level of projected deficit is not good news for America.
Obama had been working on decreasing the federal deficit but under Trump the government has reversed course and decided to let America’s debt soar while cutting taxes on the super-rich and big multi-national corporations. The deficit picture is of great concern now because of the $1.5 trillion in tax cuts in the tax bill that was passed in December…”
Trump’s Latest Voter Suppression Plan Smells Dictatorial article from Esquire. –
Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator is doing his damnedest to intimidate voters and help sway the election in favor of the GOP since they can’t win elections fairly.