Tag Archives: Lackluster Loser-in-Chief

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 121

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s sordid history of lying under oath begins today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect President, Trump’s legislative agenda imploding because of his scandals and the fact that he has no mandate, more on the damage done by our impotent leader’s tenure and why it’s time for him to go, our Loser-in-Chief invites cabinet members to praise him during meeting, more on Trump’s infrastructure privatization scam, one thing to remember about Trump is that the only thing he loves more than himself is his businesses – and he’s not going to give them up just because he’s the president, Trump’s Muslim Ban gets shot down in court again, Trump’s approval ratings plummeting after his lies and twitter tantrums over Comey and much more.

If Trump testifies under oath, any lies would be perjury. Does he know that? article from The Guardian. –

More on the fact that Trump has a history of lying under oath and testifying about the Russia scandal would not change that.

Legislative Agenda Gets Tougher for Trump article from Roll Call. –

Our lackluster Loser-in-Chief has no mandate so he will have a hard time pushing his fraudulent agenda.

Trump Has Created a Political Landscape So Much Stranger Than Most of Us Are Willing to Admit article from AlterNet. –

On the dystopian dipshittery created by Trump’s conflicts of interest, dishonesty, torture, Corporatocracy, Russian connections and more.

Russia cloud settles in over Trump’s White House article from CNN. –

On Trump’s ongoing Russia scandal and the damage being done:

“Washington (CNN)The Russia “cloud” is growing over President Donald Trump and threatening to wreck another week for the embattled White House as one of his closest allies tries to avoid a public spectacle on Capitol Hill.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ announcement that he would testify before Senate Russia investigators caught everyone — including the intelligence committee — by surprise. Now, before he even testifies, the focus is both on Sessions and whether or not he would appear before the TV cameras like former FBI Director James Comey did last week, when 19.5 million Americans watched.

Trump team has struggled to move the focus away from Russia.

The White House is hoping this week to drive a message focused on his agenda. His daughter and top adviser, Ivanka Trump, is leading events focused on workforce development and college affordability…”

My Lawyers Got Trump to Admit 30 Lies Under Oath article from Bloomberg. –

More on Trump’s history of lying under oath.

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