Tag Archives: Demented Disaster that is The Trump Presidency

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 118

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing president begins with the absurdity of the spin being spewed by his minions – defending ignorance with ignorance – after Comey’s testimony, how ‘free speech’ rallies are actually a breeding ground for Trump-loving terrorists, Trump’s infrastructure privatization scam is losing ground, Trump willing to lie under oath about Comey conversations, the demented disaster that is the Trump presidency, it’s growing more difficult for Trump’s brown shirts to defend him based on his own words, why Trump’s infrastructure privatization scam won’t work, our national embarrassment’s ‘justice’ department trying to justify Trump being able to take payments from foreign governments, the Donald Trump lies you forgot and a lot more.

Comey Forces Trump Defenders Into Extreme and Absurd Spin article from Mother Jones. –

Listening to the desperate delusions of Trump and his minions trying to defend him is comical.

Either Trump or Comey is lying. Who might it be? article from The Guardian. –

Given our Liar-in-Chief’s track record, the answer is quite obvious.

Right-Wing ‘Free Speech’ Rallies Are a Potent Breeding Ground for Homegrown Terror article from AlterNet. –

Many of Trump’s more ignorant minions are prone to turning violent – especially when encouraged to do so by our Loser-in-Chief.

Trump’s ‘infrastructure week’ goes off the rails article from The Hill. –

Trump’s infrastructure privatization scam is already falling apart:

“The White House’s self-proclaimed “infrastructure week” has generated a flurry of headlines on nearly everything else.

Part of the reason the initiative was overshadowed was ex-FBI Director James Comey’s gripping testimony on Capitol Hill, which commanded the attention of Washington and major cable news networks all week.

But much of the derailment on the infrastructure rollout has been of President Trump’s own making. He repeatedly veered off message in tweets and during infrastructure-themed speeches, flouting some of White House staffers’ carefully laid plans.

“They tried really hard, and certainly several people inside care deeply about this,” said Marcia Hale, president of Building America’s Future, who worked under the Clinton administration…”

Trump’s allies point to his ignorance and inexperience as a defense article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

On how claiming profound corruption and ignorance is not a viable defense of our Ignoramus-in-Chief.

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