Daily Archives: June 13, 2020

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 334

Couching Coward Hidden Bunker Trump from Twitter

Chronicling the misadventures of our forever Impeached minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

How another illegal executive order that is as phony as his Twitter feed begins today’s misadventures of our forever Impeached malevolent minority-elect president* as his meltdown over his massively failed corrupt presidency continues at warp speed, why the Don needs to shut the fuck up and put his blackberry down to avoid Twitter for a change, the Donald’s corruption and stupidity have hastened the imminent implosion of his failed presidency, searching for #BunkerBoy as he hides away incapable of acting presidential for a multitude of obvious reasons, even the Don’s attempts at trying to be authoritarian are failing miserably and so much more.

Trump’s new executive order is as phony as his Twitter feed article from CNN.

How our deceptive, delusional, forever impeached illegitimate president* is trying – albeit probably illegally – to rule by edict with an executive order because Trump had a Twitter tantrum and can’t stop shooting himself in the foot repeatedly.

A week of distractions from Trump shows a leader in crisis article from CNN.

Another look at how the Donald only excels at creating distractions to deflect from his criminal, catastrophic failure of a coronavirus pandemic response who is incapable of leading anything, let alone a country, and who keeps showing exactly why he never was and never will be a legitimate president.

Fire, pestilence and a country at war with itself: the Trump presidency is over article from The Guardian.

On how a corrupt moronic president* abdicates all responsibility to incite racism and violence to stay in the News while spewing lies and delusions on Twitter while repeatedly illustrating why his life and his presidency are massive fraudulent failures.

‘He should just stop talking’: Atlanta mayor slams Trump’s responses to George Floyd protests article from The Daily Kos.

Why the Don needs to shut the fuck up and put his blackberry away to avoid Twitter as he provides yet more evidence of committing crimes and inciting violence in office to be used against him at a later date:

“Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms appeared on both CNN’s State of the Union and CBS News’ Face the Nation this Sunday morning. In both appearances, the mayor urged Donald Trump to “just stop” talking. The mayor compared Trump’s tweets about mass protests to his comments on Charlottesville, adding that “he speaks and he makes it worse.” Charlottesville is a reference to the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the counter-protest. Trump famously commented that there were “very fine people on both sides.”

When speaking to Jake Tapper on CNN, Mayor Bottoms said of Trump: “If he can’t be silent, if there is somebody of good sense and good conscience in the White House, put him in front of a teleprompter and pray that he reads it. And at least says the right things, because he is making it worse.”

Here is that CNN clip.

Trump led month of distractions and grievances article from The Hour.

A look at how Trump spent the month of May deflecting and diverting from his massively failed presidency as his corrupt ignorance continued hastening its implosion.

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