Added Online Resources for Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Please note that this page will grow as more information becomes available.
As of today (04.07.2020) more than 209 countries and territories and 82,000 people have died from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that was alleged to have begun in Wuhan, China last year. In keeping with Donald J Trump’s – our forever impeached, illegitimate president* and his endless supplies of corruption and stupidity – ‘America First’ creed, the U.S. now leads the world in active cases of the coronavirus and, inevitably will soon lead in deaths from it too.
The first, and most important thing to remember about the coronavirus is that the majority of those that contract it also recover from it. People that have an existing co-morbidity – respiratory, lung and heart issues, diabetes, etc. – usually succumb to the disease faster than people that are normally healthy. So far, at least one infant, a couple of children and several elderly adults died from it, but it’s important to remember not to panic because of it, regardless of the never-ending dooms day news you normally see 24 hours a day.
Because we have a failed fraudulent con man suffering from pathological narcissism who only cares about himself, the U.S. hasn’t had an effective, resourceful response to the pandemic. Instead of heeding the warnings about the pandemic that he was warned about two months in advance, Trump decided to listen to Fox faux News – and other members of his vast propaganda network such as OAN, etc. – and ignore it thinking it would magically disappear and go away when the weather warmed up. When pressed about it he referred to it as a ‘hoax’ while lying repeatedly about having everything under control.
The U.S. couldn’t implement a pandemic plan for several reasons, including the fact that Trump disbanded the pandemic response team, fired the one person that was in China who was charged with handling the pandemic, decided to send the surplus of medical equipment we had on hand to China and Israel, and a multitude of other f*&k ups while ignorantly claiming he wasn’t responsible for it. Another reason the U.S. hasn’t implemented a plan to deal with the pandemic is because no such plan exists. Instead of listening to professionals Trump decided to listen to the propagandists – and soon it will cost his most ardent supporters drastically. Unfortunately the rest of us will pay a heavy price for it too.
To date, Trump’s response on the coronavirus pandemic could easily be considered criminal, but there are many things you can do to prevent contracting it and to prevent spreading it.
Despite the endless onslaught of fear – it never ends for several reasons – it’s important to remember a few things about the Coronavirus:
Use a Common Sense approach to protecting yourself:
- Wash your hands thoroughly (many times a day) with soap and water – some say for 20 seconds or more;
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily and make sure you clean dirty surfaces using detergent or soap and water prior to disinfecting them;
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands;
- Cover your coughs or sneezes with a tissue or your elbow;
- Avoid close contact with those that are sick;
- Stay home if you become sick;
- Maintain safe distances from others (social separation) if your state isn’t already in a mandatory shelter-in-place (which should end for most sometime in May 2020);
- Follow guidance from your public health officials; and
- Practice Social Distancing – staying at home and only going out for essentials such as groceries, medicine, etc. – and avoid congregating within 6 feet of others.
- NEVER take anything said by President* Trump as truth or fact – as made evident by his daily ‘press briefings’ which are actually nothing more than his gaslighting his supporters at everyone’s expense.
- NEVER take anything said by Fox faux News, One America News Network (OAN), Sinclair Broadcasting or any of Trump’s other propaganda outlets because they’re providing the fodder used by Trump to gaslight the U.S. and none of what they tell you is true. In other words, question everything they say and find out for yourself.
(By the way, a new resource for those interested in keeping up with Trump’s constant, endless deceptions, delusions and lies about the coronavirus can be found here.)
Early indications of those at higher risk of contracting the coronavirus (which changes as more information becomes known):
- Older adults (65+) though it’s become more evident that everyone who comes into contact with it is at risk of contracting it;
- Individuals with compromised immune systems; and
- Individuals with other comorbidities including Asthma, Heart Disease, Lung Disease and other respiratory issues, Diabetes, Obesity and Smokers.
Below are links to all kinds of resources and information on COVID-19 and the Coronavirus pandemic:
Coronavirus resources: US state and local health departments information from Live Science.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Centers for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at John Hopkins University (JHU).
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU).
Coronavirus (COVID-19) map from Google.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) in California response information from the State of California.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The Vox Guide to Covid-19 coronavirus from Vox News.
A Few Coronavirus Facts To Keep In Mind When You’re Panicking article from The Huffington Post.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) information from The California Department of Public Health.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic updated information from the World Health Organization (WHO).
COVID-19 UDATES (Coronavirus Disease 2019) – daily News and updates on the virus from The California Department of Public Health (
NCLS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for States information from National Conference Of State Legislatures.
Consumer alert for price gouging during the Coronavirus pandemic from the State of CA’s Attorney General.
How to file a consumer complaint against an entity who is engaging in price gouging during the Coronavirus pandemic from the State of CA’s Attorney General.
How to File a Disability Insurance Claim in SDI Online (for the State of California) from the Employment Development Department (EDD).
File an Unemployment Insurance Claim information from the EDD.
Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Resources for Employers and Workers information from the Labor & Work Force Development Agency (California).
Disaster Loan Assistance – Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Nonprofits, Homeowners, and Renters from The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
COVID-19 (‘Coronavirus’) Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel information from The U.S. Department of Education.
Cuban Drug Could Save Thousands of Lives in Coronavirus Pandemic article from The Centre for Research on Globalization.
Vitamins C and D Finally Adopted as Coronavirus Treatment article from Lew Rockwell.**
Natural herbs and vitamins that will boost your chances information from PCR.**
Latest Chinese treatment recommendations for coronavirus (from 03.13.2020) from PCR.**
Treatments for coronavirus that have worked in China (from 03.13.2020) from PCR.**
An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus Apparently Has Been Found. – article from PCR.**
A Report on Successful Treatment of Coronavirus information from PCR.**
A Report That Ozone Autohemotherapy Cures Covid-19 information from PCR.**
Transmission of COVID-19 by aerosol, implications for public health information from PCR.**
** Note: usually this information is very reliable but once in a while they go off on a weird, arguably delusional tangent so in this case make sure you research and check things out for yourself.
News and Resources for COVID-19 from the Specialty Coffee Association.
Medium Coronavirus Blog – A real-time resource for Covid-19 news, advice, and commentary from Medium.
Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) helpful information for employers, employees and all Californians from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development.
100 Things to Do at Home! – things to do from home while stuck there from Kristen McKanagh.
8 Coronavirus Myths: Fact vs Fiction article from
Coronavirus Anxiety: Coping with Stress, Fear & Worry information from Help Guide.
APA Coronavirus Resources from The American Psychiatric Association.

[COVID-19] What you can do to support your community and local hospitals information from Our Health California.
Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 information from the CDC.
Find Your Local Food Bank – useful information for those looking to contribute food for those in need from Feeding America.
If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.