Chronicling the misadventures of our forever Impeached minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
His conspiracy theories, lies and propaganda designed to help him stay in the White House begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he stoops to all kinds of games and idiocy to try and keep his ass out of prison once he’s out of office, corrupting the ‘Justice’ Department is going to come back and bite the Don’s ignorant ass bigly once he’s out of the the White House, Trump admits that he did indeed commit Treason after his fake ‘acquittal’ by his equally corrupt enablers in the U.S. Senate, in Donnie’s delusional brain he is the top law enforcement official in America, how the Donald keeps committing Treason in plain sight with total impunity – for now and so much more.
Trump’s New Hampshire rally showed how he’s already sowing discord about the 2020 election article from Vox News.
The games Trump is willing to play and his desperation to stay out of prison once he gets voted out of the White House are going to make this year’s presidential election a doozy as his conspiracy theories, lies and propaganda take center stage:
“We should have won the election, but they had buses being being shipped up from Massachusetts. Hundreds and hundreds of buses” — Trump pushes a completely unfounded conspiracy theory about massive election fraud costing him New Hampshire in 2016 pic.twitter.com/tCC3cclvW5
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 11, 2020
Trump Brags About Traitor Barr Betraying the Country for Him article from PoliticusUSA.
Illegally subverting the rule of law and doing Trump’s dirty work isn’t going to bode well for Barr or our treasonous president* when all is said and done.
Donald Trump’s fascist Circus Maximus: Pay attention to what’s going on below the surface article from Salon.
Deflecting from his criminal actions and destructive policies with public distractions has led to a lot of damage being done to this country – and it’s time to start paying attention to it and doing something about it.
The Don Seizes The Justice Department article from The Week.
How the Don corrupted the ‘Justice’ Department and politicized it to use against his foes – not being smart enough to realize that in the future when he’s gone, it can be used against him as well:
“The closer you get to President Trump, the closer you get to prison.
Roger Stone, the president’s longtime friend and former campaign adviser, is living proof. On Monday, the Department of Justice recommended that he be sentenced to seven to nine years in prison for crimes he committed relating to Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. That night, at 1:48 a.m., our law-and-order president tweeted, “This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them. Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!”
The next day, in a total coincidence, the Department of Justice changed its mind and said that Stone deserved “far less” than the previously recommended sentence, prompting four prosecutors to withdraw from the case and one to resign in protest. Hours later, Trump tweeted, “All starting to unravel with the ridiculous nine year sentence recommendation!” If there’s one thing we know that Trump hates, it’s long sentences.
On Twitter and to reporters, Trump berated the prosecutors, a juror, and the judge presiding over Stone’s case. More ominously, he said he has the “absolute right” to tell the Justice Department what to do, but claimed he “didn’t speak” to anyone there about Stone. He didn’t have to speak. He tweeted instead…”
Trump Admits He’s Guilty Of The Impeachment Charges Now That He’s Been Fake Acquitted article from PoliticusUSA.
After the sham ‘acquittal’ by the corrupt U.S. Senate, Trump admits that he did indeed commit Treason – and is bragging about it – which will eventually come back to bite his ignorant ass.
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