Most corrupt Trump from Pinterest
Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with his utter disdain for the American public since the only thing he’s ever cared about is enriching himself at our expense, Donnie keeps getting busted in more lies and crimes – which just keep growing – as his desperation over his impending implosion continues, how Donnie flunks the presidential leadership test – over and over and over, Donald has dropped any pretext of being innocent in his ongoing Russia scandal, choosing instead to keep proving how guilty he is, the many signs that Trump’s mental deterioration is growing, having his ass handed to him during the 2018 midterms has revealed what the majority of us have known all along – that he is nothing but a profoundly corrupt, sad and incompetent joke that has no business occupying the White House, the combination of confession and projection in Trump’s freak outs over Mueller and much more.
Trump Hates the American Public – Here’s How He Reveals His Disdain article from Alternet. –
The only thing Trump cares about is enriching himself illegally as our illegitimate president* and pursuing his despotic delusions of grandeur since he thrives on corrupt power and greed.
Twitter Has Great Time Mocking Donald Trump’s ‘I’m A Great Moral Leader’ Boast article from The Huffington Post. –
The deeper the shit pile of his gets the deeper Trump’s delusions grow…
BUSTED: Trump denies knowing Matt Whitaker – one month after saying ‘I know Matt Whitaker’ in Fox interview. –
The only things Trump knows how to do are lie and deceive and his latest denials of knowing the moron that is stupid enough to try and stop his Russia investigation offers yet more evidence of that:
When obstruction of justice is glaringly obvious article from The Week. –
The list of crimes committed by our treasonous president* just keeps growing:
“Jeff Sessions is out as attorney general, replaced by a bootlicking Trump stooge named Matt Whitaker. Given that President Trump openly said on national television in 2017 that he fired then-FBI Director James Comey to try to stop the Russia investigation, it’s a safe bet that acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker — like Robert Bork before him — will be the cat’s paw Trump will use to halt or impede Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.
This would be obstruction of justice.
Let’s examine Whitaker’s career up to now. Before serving as Sessions’ chief of staff, he was a U.S. attorney in Iowa from 2004 to 2009. He mounted a campaign for Democrat Tom Harkin’s Senate seat, and lost to Republican Joni Ernst. Afterwards, he joined the board of a company called World Patent Marketing. What did this company do? The Washington Post reports:
The company was shut down earlier this year amid an FTC probe that accused it of being a sham group that cheated inventors by falsely promising them help with marketing their ideas in exchange for exorbitant fees. “For the last three years, Defendants have operated an invention-promotion scam that has bilked thousands of consumers out of millions of dollars,” the agency alleged in a recently unsealed court filing. “In truth and in fact, Defendants fail to fulfill almost every promise they make to consumers.” [The Washington Post]…”
Trump tries a new, misguided case against Special Counsel Mueller article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Now that the midterms are over, Donnie is going to start freaking out even more over his ongoing Russia scandal so let the games begin.
Trump Personally Facilitated Hush Money Payments To Stormy Daniels And Karen McDougal: WSJ article from The Huffington Post. –
The list of crimes he has committed is endless and they just keep growing.
Trump suggests ‘new Election’ might be needed after ‘Theft’ in Florida and Arizona article from ThinkProgress. –
The demented Donald still can’t fathom the fact that he got his ass handed to him, despite the U.S. Senate still being in GOP control – for now:
‘You Ask a Lot of Stupid Questions’: Latest Attack on Free Press as Trump Threatens to Strip Credentials of Journalists Who Don’t Show Him ‘Respect’ article from Common Dreams. –
Poor Donald can’t handle the pressure of his imploding presidency and it’s beginning to take him down further:
“President Donald Trump continued his ugly attacks on the press during a media gaggle on the White House lawn on Friday morning, smearing one reporter as a “loser,” denouncing another CNN journalist’s perfectly reasonable question about the Russia investigation as “stupid,” and imperiously threatening to revoke the credentials of members of the media who don’t show him sufficient “respect.”
After CNN reporter Abby Phillip asked Trump whether he wants newly appointed Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker to “rein in” Special Counsel Robert Mueller—an idea Whitaker has repeatedly endorsed—the president called the question “stupid” and fumed that Phillip asks “a lot of stupid questions.”
“What a stupid question that is. What a stupid question. But I watch you a lot, you ask a lot of stupid questions,” Trump sneered.
Trump lashes out at female reporter over “stupid question”. pic.twitter.com/7qreJrf7Sh
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) November 9, 2018
If Trump Wants the Russia Investigation to End, He Should Stop Committing Crimes article from Slate. –
Which will never happen since all he is capable of is committing crimes, not leading a nation as made evident by his failed, illegitimate presidency…
Unhinged press conferences, doctored videos and election conspiracy theories – Trump is spiraling out of control article from The Raw Story. –
His imminent implosion is making his life difficult as Trump continues spiraling out of control.
Trump’s Matthew Whitaker Con Isn’t Fooling Anyone article from PoliticusUSA. –
The lies – this time about his illegal acting Attorney General appointment – keep coming as Trump continues committing more crimes to try and keep his ass out of prison:
At Long Last, Donald Trump Knows True Fear article from Truthout. –
Trump’s treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors are catching up to him and he knows it:
“UPDATE: Saturday, November 10, 2018: A number of late results across the country have broken for Democratic candidates. When all is said and done, they will pick up a total of between 35 and 40 House seats, representing “the biggest Democratic gain in the House since the post-Watergate election of 1974” according to The Washington Post. The Senate and House races in Florida have gone to a recount, and Stacey Abrams in Georgia is standing strong against Brian Kemp’s brazen attempts to steal the race in broad daylight. In short, the 2018 midterm elections are not over, but the Democrats fared far better than the early wisdom suggested.
This is what we’ve waited for
This is it, boys, this is war
The president is on the line
As ninety-nine red balloons go by …— Nena, “99 Luftballons”
There is a soul-searing symmetry to the fact that the morning after yet another man with yet another gun slaughtered yet another crowd of people in yet another all-American massacre, a mother who lost her son to gun violence and made that loss her cause of action won her election to Congress…”
Feds Now Have Evidence Trump Broke the Law to Become President. Will Whitaker Bury It? article from The Daily Beast. –
The hits keep coming for the most corrupt president* in U.S. history and eventually it will do him in once and for all.
Democrats To Launch Blockbuster Investigation Of Trump Hush Money Felonies article from PoliticusUSA. –
Trump is going to be facing a lot more investigations into his endless corruption and ignorance once Democrats take control of the House:
A Democratic aide on House Oversight Committee confirms that when the Democrats gain subpoena power they will investigate the President’s role in hush payments made to two women during the campaign, see more on @ABCWorldNews with @TomLlamasABC
— Tara Palmeri (@tarapalmeri) November 11, 2018
Why and how Donald Trump flunks the presidential leadership test article from Alternet. –
It’s very simple really: he flunks the presidential leadership because he’s a total failure – and definitely not presidential in any way, just a major fraud who has committed a litany of crimes against the U.S.
Here’s what is next for Mueller’s Russia probe as Trump attempts to obstruct justice – again article from Alternet. –
Trump has dropped any pretext of being innocent, choosing instead to keep proving how guilty he actually is:
“Throughout the 2016 campaign and into Donald Trump’s first weeks as president, there were numerous very serious D.C. media people who were fully prepared for Trump to pivot into behaving like an actual dignified president rather than an unhinged loudmouth by way of a garishly costumed Batman villain. Suffice it to say, the pivot never happened. However, Trump has engaged in a completely different kind of pivot in the aftermath of the midterm elections.
Based on last week’s events, Trump has disposed of any remaining pretense of innocence. In other words, before the election, Trump at least tried to pretend he wasn’t a disruptive-slash-destructive chaos agent. But now, in defeat, Trump’s putting it all out there, literally daring the incoming Democratic House to do something about it. Look no further than his press conference the day after the election for proof that he just doesn’t give a flying rip about whether he looks guilty as hell.
His primary source of agita continues to be Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s cyberattack against the 2016 U.S. election. Trump used to at least pretend he wasn’t obstructing the special counsel’s process, but now the mask is off. With the firing of Jeff Sessions, the stripping of Russia duties from Rod Rosenstein and, especially, the potentially illegal and unconstitutional appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, Trump is doing what he has to do to save his own ass. And he doesn’t care who knows it.
If Trump still cared about appearances, he never would have made this move with Sessions, Rosenstein and Whitaker. At the very least, he would’ve fired Sessions, then allowed the normal succession process take place, per the law. The Trump White House, on the other hand, has taken the position that the Federal Vacancy Reform Act (FVRA) allows the president to appoint anyone he wants to take over attorney general duties while a permanent replacement is being confirmed. Numerous arguments have been made, however, that U.S. Code Section 508 supersedes the FVRA, since the former is more specific than the language in the latter. Furthermore, the FVRA says nothing about what happens if a cabinet official is fired, as Sessions clearly was. There’s also an argument, as presented by George Conway, Kellyanne Conway’s husband, suggesting that Trump’s appointment of Whitaker is unconstitutional…”
This Is All Donald Trump Has Left article from Splinter News. –
On the utter incompetence and failure that is Trump’s land of delusion and his failed presidency.

Trump’s American values from Pinterest
Trump, stung by midterms and nervous about Mueller, retreats from traditional presidential duties article from The Los Angeles Times. –
Still trying to blame everyone else for his disastrous presidency because he isn’t capable of handling reality – his mind is too far gone and soon he’ll be going under.
There are many new signs that Donald Trump is mentally deteriorating article from Alternet. –
It has been blatantly obvious for quite a while to anyone that has been paying attention…
Reality discredits fraud allegations from Trump, Florida’s Scott article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Whenever Trump and his ilk dubiously claim ‘fraud,’ rest assured that the only fraud involved is the one they’re trying to perpetrate:
“Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) aren’t the only ones who’ve peddled election-related conspiracy theories – Rudy Giuliani and Sen. Marco Rubio (R) have, alas, dipped their toes in the same misguided waters – but the president and the governor have been more aggressive than most and have done the most damage to their credibility.
Let’s start with Scott, who has a dwindling lead against Sen. Bill Nelson (D), and who dispatched Florida law enforcement officials to find evidence to back up his ideas. That didn’t turn out well.
State election monitors in Broward County told The Miami Herald on Saturday that they’ve seen no evidence of voter fraud. And Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg, a Democrat, said he has seen no evidence of voter fraud in the county. In addition, the state agency tasked with overseeing elections said it is not investigating any claims of voter fraud.
It’s almost as if the governor publicly raised the prospect of “rampant fraud” as part of a panic-induced public-relations scheme, rather than based on meaningful proof of wrongdoing…”
Trump Couldn’t Deliver His ‘Great Victory,’ So He’s Throwing Tantrums article from Truthout. –
How an illegitimate leader that never had a mandate to begin with is in complete denial and spiraling out of control.
A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 94th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt Media. –
It’s been an extremely tumultuous week for our lackluster leader who really needs to grow up and realize that was never popular to begin with.
Trump suggests Republicans lost because people put on disguises to vote illegally article from ThinkProgress. –
No, that is not a satirical headline from The Onion, it’s an actual accusation courtesy of a delusional psychopath that has lost all touch with reality that can’t accept the fact that he is responsible for the GOP having their asses handed to them:
Trump Goes Berserk, Says Mueller is ‘Nuts’ and a ‘Disgrace’ article from PoliticusUSA. –
Contrary to Trump’s delusions, the only thing that is ‘nuts’ and a ‘disgrace’ is him:
“President Donald Trump on Thursday tore into Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, saying that investigators have “gone absolutely nuts” and that they are “a disgrace” to the country.
“The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts,” Trump tweeted. “They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t care how many lives the(y) ruin.”
He then focused his ire on Mueller, a former FBI director. He once again accused Mueller of having conflicts of interest, but provided no evidence to support his accusation. Mueller is a lifelong Republican and served under both George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
“These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side,” he said. “A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY!”…”
Trump is finally revealing himself as the sick, incompetent joke we all knew he was article from The Daily Kos. –
Having his ass handed to him during the 2018 midterms has revealed what the majority of us have known all along – that his is nothing but a sick, incompetent and dangerous joke that belongs behind bars, and he knows he’s going down soon.
Trump Campaign Paid Millions to Trump Businesses During Midterms article from Mother Jones. –
Donnie is still illegally profiting from his profoundly corrupt presidency at our expense…
Trump Threatens To Leave If Reporters Aren’t Nice To Him article from PoliticusUSA. –
Always the sore loser, Trump once again allowed his thoroughly corrupt ignorance to come shining through:
Trump responded to losing to CNN in court by threatening to leave if reporters aren’t nicer to him and members of his administration. https://t.co/Rwq7sZySFC pic.twitter.com/SOmL6jbazR
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) November 16, 2018
What’s The Link Between Trump Freakout And Mueller Investigation? article from Crooks and Liars. –
As noted by MSNBC, it’s always a combination of confession and projection:
“On Morning Joe, there was a lot of speculation as to the link between the Mueller investigation and Trump’s unhinged behavior this week.
“This investigation will continue until Bob Mueller has what he needs to make a case, or to present a case that nothing happened, that the president had nothing to do with interference and the country can move on from it,” Willie Geist said. “But everything we see on twitter from the president, everything we saw yesterday, once again, is just is noise and it’s noise that Bob Mueller is not listening to.”
“The question, Willie, is whether you can draw a direct line between the president’s behavior and what he knows that the rest of us don’t know,” Heidi Przybyla said.
“Because like Mika said, they’ve had those questions, they’ve had those questions for a while. Why aren’t they answering them? We also know that there may be other sealed indictments. What does the president and his team know about potential indictments against people in his administration and maybe even in his inner circle? And you can definitely draw a direct line between his tweets and his meetings with his lawyers. We know he had a 90-minute meeting wednesday with his lawyers…”
After all the treason and other crimes committed by the most corrupt, illegitimate president* in history, impeachment – in an actual Democracy where the GOP isn’t just as corrupt as their leader – wouldn’t be difficult at all.
Broken Trump Babbles The Same Words At California Fires That He Uses At Every Disaster article from PoliticusUSA. –
The man boy in the White House has no empathy for anyone and is incapable of being an actual leader:
Trump repeated his talking points about law enforcement while visiting no victims of the California wildfires. https://t.co/laKNLDp2qE pic.twitter.com/zyqzE9vfTm
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) November 17, 2018
If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.

Power of stupid Trump from Pinterest