Daily Archives: September 13, 2018

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 266

Benedict Donald from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Revelations of his total corruption begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as someone inside the White House is leaking details of his complete incompetence, Trump’s war on the truth is causing him yet more problems and meltdowns, Benedict Donald’s Ministry of Propaganda called him out on his lies about the GDP and unemployment, for our Liar-in-Chief nothing celebrates 9/11 like repeating lies about ‘no collusion’ and feigning innocence for your treasonous crimes, why our dystopian Orange dip shit will always be a failure because he’s too closed minded and incapable of learning due to his diminished mental capacities, parts of Trump’s moronic minority of minions are beginning to abandon him and much more.

The ‘Deep State’ Calls Are Coming From Inside Trump’s White House article from Alternet. –

Revelations that someone inside our dimwitted dip shit’s own White House is leaking details of the complete incompetence emanating from him and thoughts that he won’t last through his first term.

Here’s why Trump’s attacks on Bob Woodward are a total ‘PR 101’ failure article from The Raw Story. –

Our fake president* is losing his war on fake news – primarily because he’s too corrupt and incompetent to fight it since all he ever does is lie about everything:

Trump Today: President makes false claim about GDP and unemployment article from Market Watch. –

All our demented delinquent ever does is lie about everything and it’s about to burst the bubble in his land of delusion and bring him down.

Trump Blows A Gasket After Getting Destroyed By Bog Woodward On Live Television article from PoliticusUSA. –

Yet another in a growing line of books describing the complete incompetence of the Trump White House is – as predicted – causing our feckless fuhrer to have his typical meltdown:

“Bob Woodward took apart Trump and called the president at war with the truth and detached from what is going on. Trump responded with an epic gasket blowing tantrum.

Video of Bob Woodward on Today:

Woodward said, “There’s a war on truth by him. And he says these are unnamed sources. But these are not unnamed incidents. Specific people on specific dates. The book opening with Gary Cohn, the chief economic adviser in the white house, lifting a document from the president’s desk because he — Cohn worries, as he tells an associate, I have to protect the country because this will unravel a trade deal, which will jeopardize one of the most important intelligence operations we have going on. And the document is reprinted in the book there, and the president is saying, well, if he had known about this, he would have fired Gary Cohn in two seconds. We didn’t know about it because the document was taken.”…”

Trump’s Monday tweets show search for a response to Woodward and President Obama article from The Daily Kos. –

Our Twitter tyrant just can’t seem to grasp the facts that he is illegitimate and much less popular than his predecessor and that the sordid details of his incorrigibly incompetent and corrupt tenure as president* are causing his failed presidency to go down in flames.

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