Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with why it doesn’t matter whether or not Trump speaks to Mueller since there is more than ample evidence incriminating him and speaking with Mueller would only hasten his imminent downfall, the House GOP’s attempt to dubiously clear Trump of any wrongdoing actually implicates his acts of treason, threatening a government shut down if he doesn’t get money for his border wall by September, a look at the delusional ignorance of giving our treasonous president a Nobel peace prize, our demented delinquent is desperately trying to bribe Republicans in Congress not to vote to impeach him, Trump just doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut over his Russia scandal, still lying about immigrants to justify his egregious border wall that he wants U.S. taxpayers to pay for, more on why his babysitters shouldn’t leave Trump alone or allow him to give ‘interviews’ on Fox faux news, the whoppers keep coming from our liar and thief – per the WAPO he has told 3,001 lies so far and that’s probably a low ball estimate plus a lot more.
Why Mueller’s Trump interview may not matter article from Politico. –
Because there is more than ample evidence of all the crimes committed by America’s most corrupt-ever president* but it would be interesting to see how he perjures and further incriminates himself given the chance to speak with Mueller.
The President Is a Few Bulbs Short of a Chandelier article from Esquire. –
More on why his babysitters really shouldn’t leave our dimwitted dip shit alone or let him speak to his ministry of propaganda without proper supervision.
Republican Report May Provide Proof of Trump Treason article from PoliticusUSA. –
The bogus report from his GOP brown shirts on the House Republican committee that falsely cleared our treasonous president* of charges actually implicates him more.
The coming Trump faceplant on North Korea article from The Week. –
If history is any indication, America’s worst-ever president* will inevitably muck up the peace process with North Korea:
“Try to imagine, if you will, the scene when President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sit down to negotiate, with just a few aides and a couple of translators in the room. The president, we can be sure, will be brimming with confidence, as is his wont. He’s the most famous man on Earth! He’s the guy who wrote The Art of the Deal! No second-rate tyrant is going to get the better of him.
None of us can really predict how the meeting will go. But I have a pretty good idea of what will happen afterward. Trump will walk to the cameras and declare victory. We have a deal, he’ll proclaim. Nobody thought it could happen. Nobody could do it but me. You’re welcome.
And when he’s asked for details, Trump will say that it’s a fantastic deal, a tremendous deal, a better deal than anyone thought possible. Then he’ll say some things about what North Korea has committed to do, which we’ll quickly discover are completely wrong. It will turn out that Kim has agreed only to some very modest steps, like extending his moratorium on further nuclear testing, or shutting down some facilities he doesn’t need anyway. But his nuclear weapons? He’ll be keeping those.
That scenario sounds plausible if you’ve been paying any attention to what Trump has said about North Korea lately. It has become obvious that he has all but given up on Middle East peace — which, surprisingly, Jared Kushner was not able to negotiate — which leaves North Korea as the logical place for Trump to win the Historic Deal No President But Trump Could Achieve, which he plainly desires. In a tweet last Sunday, Trump triumphantly said that “we haven’t given up anything & they have agreed to denuclearization (so great for World), site closure, & no more testing!” This was absurd: The North Koreans have of course not agreed to denuclearization, even though they did say they’d be dismantling a test site they no longer need, and halting further nuclear testing for the moment…”
What Trump Really Means When He Cries ‘Fake News!’ article from Alternet. –
More revelations on why our fake president cries fake news every time he’s called out on his crimes and lies.