Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president begin with why our national embarrassment continues providing such outlandish tweets and actions to serve as distractions from his corrupt policies and failed presidency, how our illegitimate minority-elect president has made millions laundering money while serving as president, debunking Trump’s lies directly and repeatedly with good framing will go a long way towards embarrassing him even further, Trump’s deplorable GOP brown shirts are trying to justify his racist comments, despite his delusions of being the best president ever Trump makes history with the lowest approval rating ever, how our fraudulent demented orange delinquent is illegally profiting off the presidency, growing chances of Trump ordering a false flag to try and bolster his failed presidency and save the GOP from the bloodbath they will receive during the 2018 midterm elections, why becoming accustomed and complacent to Trump’s delusional alternate reality and demented demeanor isn’t good, rights and freedoms in America are waning due to Trump’s desire to be a dictator – though fortunately for us that won’t happen – instead of a president, why our distractor-in-chief lies so much, our demented delinquent spent at least 38 weeks at his own properties at taxpayer expense during his first year in office, how to prepare for year two of our dimwitted dip shit’s term and much more.
Donald Trump’s Ruling Passions article from The Nation. –
Our national embarrassment continues providing such profoundly ignorant, outlandish tweets and actions because he’s a narcissistic publicity whore who enjoys the attention regardless of the consequences and to serve as distractions from his corrupt policies and failed presidency.
Trump’s wealth comes from money laundering, and it’s gotten worse since he entered the White House article from The Daily Kos. –
For years our nefarious narcissist’s illegal business practices have made him millions which is why he’s freaking out about Mueller following the money.
Trump’s War on the Press Follows the Mussolini and Hitler Playbook article from The Daily Beast. –
Our fake president’s war on fake news is predicated on his Hitler-aspiring desire to turn our so-called Democracy into a dictatorship.
Secret Money: How Trump Made Millions Selling Condos To Unknown Buyers article from Buzzfeed News. –
More on the millions Trump is making with his money laundering while sitting as president:
“More than one-fifth of Donald Trump’s US condominiums have been purchased since the 1980s in secretive, all-cash transactions that enable buyers to avoid legal scrutiny by shielding their finances and identities, a BuzzFeed News investigation has found.
Records show that more than 1,300 Trump condominiums were bought not by people but by shell companies, and that the purchases were made without a mortgage, avoiding inquiries from lenders.
Those two characteristics signal that a buyer may be laundering money, the Treasury Department has said in a series of statements since 2016. Treasury’s financial-crimes unit has, in recent years, launched investigations around the country into all-cash shell-company real-estate purchases amid concerns that some such sales may involve money laundering. The agency is considering requiring real-estate professionals to adopt anti-money-laundering programs.
All-cash purchases by shell companies do not by themselves indicate illegal or improper activity, and they have become more common in recent years in both Trump buildings and other luxury home sales across the United States. Developers such as Trump have no obligation to scrutinize their purchasers or their funding sources…”
Trump claims he is ‘not a racist’ despite all evidence to the contrary article from Think Progress. –
Regardless of how many times and how vehemently he denies it, there are decades of documentation that proves he is indeed racist.