Daily Archives: November 5, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 184

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate minority-elect president with questions of whether or not his diminished mental capacities allow him to understand what ‘collusion’ means, Trump’s GOP brown shirts prefer party loyalty over policing our dimwitted dip shit – which makes them just as guilty as he is, Trump’s collusion woes from his growing Russia scandal are just getting started, all of our lackluster lame duck president’s problems are everyone else’s fault – never his, questions abound about when – not if – Trump will be impeached, even Trump’s mother is worried about her deviant son and his behavior, how the joke Trump calls his fraudulent tax reform scam would destroy most Americans while enriching Trump and those that own him and much more.

Donald Trump may not be clear on what ‘collusion’ means article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

It’s difficult to tell if Trump is capable of understanding much of anything with his diminished mental capacities…

Everything Just Got Worse for Donald Trump article from The Nation. –

Just because his pity party over his imminent implosion is entertaining as hell, don’t count on our national embarrassment’s impeachment coming yet.

The Broken Check and Balance article from The Atlantic. –

Congress is supposed to keep the executive office in line but so far that isn’t happening as Trump’s GOP brown shirts continue putting party above commonsense and the law – which makes them just as guilty as he is.

6 Loose Ends in Mueller’s Investigation That Could End Up Shaking Trump’s Presidency article from Alternet. –

Trump’s collusion woes from his growing Russia scandal are just beginning:

“Despite denials by the White House and dismissive right-wing media coverage, special counsel Robert Mueller’s opening salvo—the indictments and a guilty plea—has stunned Washington for its aggressiveness, legal positioning and comprehensive strategy that suggests the Trump campaign and White House’s problems will only deepen.

“The first big takeaway from Monday morning’s flurry of charging and plea documents with respect to Paul Manafort Jr., Richard Gates III and George Papadopoulos is this: The president of the United States had as his campaign chairman a man who had allegedly served for years as an unregistered foreign agent for a puppet government of Vladimir Putin, a man who was allegedly laundering remarkable sums of money even while running the now-president’s campaign, a man who allegedly lied about all of this to the FBI and the Justice Department,” wrote Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes for LawfareBlog.com.

“The second big takeaway,” they continued, “is even starker: A member of President Trump’s campaign team admits that he was working with people he knew to be tied to the Russian government to ‘arrange a meeting between the campaign and the Russian government officials’ and to obtain ‘dirt’ on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of hacked emails—and that he lied about these activities to the FBI. He briefed President Trump on at least some of them.”

By Tuesday morning, we know Manafort and Gates are taking one legal path—fighting the special counsel’s indictment, its accusations, in court, while Papadopoulos already has pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents, and is most likely cooperating with investigators to reduce his sentence. Mueller’s first moves have been characterized by lawyers as a classic opening salvo in launching “a big case,” which raises a series of questions and loose ends starting with: what else does he know and who else is targeted?…”

Donald Trump as the Bully-in Chief: Weaponizing the Politics of Humiliation article from CounterPunch. –

How our dimwitted dip shit Bully-in-Chief attempts to intimidate and threaten as he ignorantly tries to instill an authoritarian regime.

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