Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our lame duck popular vote losing president with yet more proof that he has major issues with telling the truth as his lies about immigrants continue imploding, still catering to the minority of morons that support him instead of the overwhelming majority who oppose him and everything the GOP is busily trying to do, a closer look at the Trump’s idiocracy and his lacking mental capacities, America’s most corrupt president can’t understand why bribing foreign officials is illegal as he tries to blackmail Congress into paying for his duplicitous border wall, when your impotent leader is a sexual predator, case for impeaching the ignorant numb nut we call president for obstructing justice meticulously laid out, it appears that staffers in the White House really are running an adult day care center for their minority-elect leader – who continues providing us with facts confirming that he is indeed the perfect argument for birth control and so much more.
America’s worst-ever president lied – surprise, surprise – about all immigrants being hardcore criminals as in fact, very few are but that hasn’t stopped Trump’s racist crackdown on people whose skin is a different color.
Donald Trump’s Sabotage of Obamacare Is Reaching Baroque New Levels article from Slate. –
If you can’t pass your own fraudulent version of ‘health care’ destroy one that’s already in place while screwing over the majority of your constituents.
Why President Trump Values Being Unpredictable article from TIME. –
Being unpredictable serves as the perfect distraction from all his crimes and his failed presidency.
Trump is the most powerless president in American history article from Salon. –
Abusing the power of his office allows our national embarrassment to believe he’s important while his list of broken promises continue piling up:
“Let’s begin with the war in Afghanistan — because it’s a war, and American soldiers are dying over there; because according to the Congressional Research Service, it costs the American taxpayer $3.9 million to keep one American soldier over there for one year; because according to the Cost of War Project at Brown University, our presence in Afghanistan has cost us $2 trillion over 16 years. Think of it. Two trillion dollars. That would have provided 38 years of funding for the Department of Education, 36 years of funding for the State Department, and 148 years of funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which covers 9 million underprivileged children, the funding for which Congress just let lapse. By any measure you can think of, we have spent a staggering amount of money over the 16 years we have been there. Which is at least part of the reason Donald J. Trump, as a private citizen and as a candidate for president, repeatedly said he wanted to get us out of Afghanistan.
Back in 2013, Trump went on what we would now call a tweet storm over the war in Afghanistan, perhaps road-testing what would become his policy of putting “America first.” “We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives. If we have to go back in, we go in hard & quick. Rebuild the US first,” he tweeted. Later, he tweeted: “Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! Rebuild the USA.”
Two years later, as a candidate for president in October of 2015, Trump told CNN’s New Day program: “We made a terrible mistake getting involved there in the first place. We had real brilliant thinkers that didn’t know what the hell they were doing. And it’s a mess. It’s a mess. And at this point, you probably have to (stay) because that thing will collapse about two seconds after they leave. Just as I said that Iraq was going to collapse after we leave.”
Two more years have passed, and Trump is now the president of the United States, and what did he do back in mid-August? Did he announce a new trillion-dollar infrastructure plan that would “rebuild the USA” with projects to repair roads and bridges and put “world class” airports where we now have “third world” airports? No, what he did was announce that he would be sending 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan in a kind of mini-surge, adding to the approximately 8,400 we already have over there. He announced the troop increase in order to accomplish “obliterating ISIS, crushing al-Qaida, preventing the Taliban from taking over Afghanistan and stopping mass terror attacks against America before they emerge,” goals pretty much indistinguishable from those of his predecessors, Presidents Obama and Bush, whose Afghanistan policies he was criticizing in his tweets and statements on the campaign trail last year…”
The Enormous Emotional Toll of Trumpism article from The Daily Beast. –
The fact that Trump is not now nor will he ever be presidential, let alone legitimate, extolls a heavy emotional price on America and the rest of the world.
Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll article from The Hill. –
Polls are never perfect but the fact that Trump has always polled very low since being ‘elected’ speaks volumes…
Trump Failure Hits The Economy As The US Loses Jobs For The First Time Since 2010 article from PoliticusUSA. –
Despite factoring in two major hurricanes that devastated Florida and Texas, the U.S. economy lost jobs for the first time since 2010.
Trump’s 35 percent doctrine article from The Week. –
Catering to an exclusively small percentage of morons that still back him is hurting our dimwitted dip shit and his GOP brown shirts in control of Congress:
“President Trump and the Republican Party are conducting a bold experiment in American democracy: ruling for and implementing policy on behalf of just 35 percent of the voting public.
On issue after issue, Republicans are pursuing (although thanks to their world-historic ineptitude, not actually yet achieving) policy goals that are not just divisive in a split-down-the-middle sense, but that are unambiguously opposed by towering majorities of American citizens. For the first time in our history, we have a governing party that seems to believe it can win re-election by implementing policies that are about as popular as parking tickets, and which will be greeted with all of the enthusiasm that we reserve for a bout of Norovirus.
If nothing else, you have to respect the audacity.
The polling is stark, and holds for social or cultural issues as well as substantive economic policies. President Trump himself is on the wrong side of nearly every single major culture war initiative he has pursued. Broad majorities of Americans believe the president tweets too often (69 percent), that his use of the platform at all is a net negative (59 percent), that health insurance should pay for birth control (69 percent), that NFL players should have the right to kneel during the national anthem without being fired (57 percent), and that they can trust the media to tell them the truth (68 percent). On foreign policy, the story is not much different. While President Trump careens and rage-tweets his way to a needless crisis over the Iran deal, Americans want the accord to remain in place (56 percent to 29 percent). Similarly, a decisive majority opposes military action against North Korea (60 percent to 29 percent) and 70 percent believe the president’s lunatic posturing and schoolyard name-calling are unhelpful in de-escalating the crisis. Americans disapproved of President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement by a mile, too (59 percent to 28 percent)…”
NFL players back in Trump’s crosshairs as Pence stages walk out article from The Hill. –
In what many are referring to as a staged event, illegitimate Vice President Mike Pence – who claims to stand with his lackluster lame duck president – walked out of a San Francisco 49er vs. Indianapolis Colt football game when some of the players were kneeling before the National Anthem.
Mike Pence Used Taxpayer Money To Pay For His Fake Walk Out Of An NFL Game article from PoliticusUSA. –
In addition to Pence’s walk out appearing staged, he also used taxpayer for the White House to create more fake news over it.
The World Is Reeling From ‘F**king Moron’ and Israeli Paper Nails It In One Fell Swoop article from Alternet. –
Insight into the raging debate of our demented delinquent’s mental capacity – or lack thereof.
Trump’s Prop article from Slate. –
Pence made a bad mistake allowing himself to be used as Trump’s pawn during his stage NFL walk out:
“On Sunday afternoon, Vice President Mike Pence walked out of an NFL game after several San Francisco 49ers players knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality. This “spontaneous” move had been planned in advance. Shortly after Pence’s walkout, NBC News’ Vaughn Hillyard reported that the vice president’s press pool had been told ahead of time that he might leave early. President Donald Trump then confirmed via Twitter that he had directed Pence to walk out “if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country.” Given that players from the 49ers, Colin Kaepernick’s favorite team, have kneeled before every game this year, this entire incident appears to have been a pricey, pre-planned stunt designed to fuel the flames of Trump’s crusade against the NFL.
It’s not surprising that Trump would seek to prolong a racially charged dispute in which he believes he holds the upper hand. It is more startling to see him deploy his vice president as a pawn in a culture war of his own creation. Pence did not take this job to perform demeaning tasks for the pleasure of his boss; he was expected to use his ties to the GOP establishment to help push Trump’s agenda through Congress. But following the administration’s failure to repeal and replace Obamacare, Trump seems to be repurposing Pence—and, in the process, testing the limits of his loyalty.
The bond between Trump and Pence has never been especially strong. Trump resisted choosing the former Indiana governor and congressman as his running mate, finally assenting to his selection at the behest of then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort. (Remember that guy?) Even then, Trump tried to drop Pence after he’d been offered the position. Pence performed ably in the role of generic Republican, shoring up support among those who doubted Trump’s GOP bona fides. After the election, Pence fulfilled an important role, leading a presidential transition team that included future national security adviser Mike Flynn.
It’s still not clear whether Pence knew at the time that Flynn had spoken to the Russian ambassador about the possibility that the U.S. might ease sanctions against Vladimir Putin et al. Pence first denied the sanctions conversation had occurred, then claimed Flynn had misled him. In reality, Trump also misled his veep; the president knew Flynn had lied to Pence, but didn’t inform his vice president for weeks. Although he kept quiet in public, Pence was reportedly furious that Trump had kept him in the dark and had allowed him to state a falsehood on TV. Basically, he was mad that Trump had used him…”
GOP Sen. Bob Corker Obliterates Trump By Calling The White House An Adult Daycare Center article from PoliticusUSA. –
After our ignorant Twitter tyrant took to Twitter to bloviate more lies and distractions, he got called out and embarrassed.
Trump Brags About Coining The Term ‘Fake News’ article and video from Crooks and Liars. –
It’s blatantly obvious to the majority of the world that Trump’s elevator does not go all the way to the top…
Trump reportedly fumed to Rex Tillerson about how bribing foreign officials is illegal under U.S. law article from The Week. –
The most corrupt president in U.S. history can’t understand why it’s illegal to bribe foreign officials…
Trump demands Congress fund border wall as price for keeping Dreamers article from The Guardian. –
How America’s most corrupt ever president is trying to blackmail Congress to get them to agree to pay for his duplicitous border wall:
“The Trump administration on Sunday issued a list of hardline immigration demands, including funding for a wall on the Mexico border and a crackdown on admittance of children from Central America, as its first move in negotiations for a deal to allow young undocumented migrants known as Dreamers to stay in the US legally.
Democrats rejected the list as “immoral” and “far beyond what is reasonable”, setting up a likely showdown in Congress. On Monday Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democrat from New Mexico and chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, said if Republicans and the White House refused to back off, Democrats led by the CHC were prepared to derail legislation.
“They are not going to have Democrats to get them over the finish line on anything they need,” she said on a conference call with reporters, adding: “We’ll use every leverage point we have at our disposal to protect these Dreamers.”
Dreamers and groups who advocate for them also reacted with horror. Christian Ramirez, director of the Southern Border Communities Coalition (SBCC), said the decision to use Dreamers as a “bargaining chip” was “shameful”….”
Trump defends ‘beautiful, soft towels’ he tossed to Puerto Ricans article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Once in a while life is grand in Trump’s land of delusion, especially when reaffirming his self-described awesome response to Puerto Rico’s hurricane crisis…
The Adults in the Room article from The New York Review of Books. –
On the bad joke that is Trump’s failed presidency and the few actually holding it together.
Trump and Weinstein article from Common Dreams. –
Revelations from Robert Reich on what happens when powerful men are sexual predators.
Top 5 Signs Donald Trump Might Be a Moron article from Alternet. –
As our gift that keeps on giving has proven repeatedly, Tillerson is right: Trump is a moron:
“Carol E. Lee at NBC reported Wednesday that last summer Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state, called Trump a “f*cking moron.” The remark came after a number of incidents in which Trump had contradicted Tillerson on policy, and directly after Trump made salacious remarks to a crowd of boy scouts. Tillerson at one point had led the Boy Scouts.
The justice of Tillerson’s remark is obvious. Here are some examples:
1. Trump joined with Saudi Arabia in beating up on little Qatar, calling the small Gulf monarchy “terrorists.” Qatar hosts the US Air Force base al-Udeid and helped capture Khaled Sheikh Muhammad, proving itself a key ally in fighting extremism. For Saudi Arabia to accuse Qatar of fostering extremism is a bit rich, but Trump joined in.
2. The Iran nuclear deal is one of the more successful such negotiations in modern history and a model for how the UN Security Council could curb nuclear proliferation. Trump is determined to undermine the deal, which would reinforce the suspicions and militancy of countries such as North Korea, making it even more difficult to handle…”
The case for impeachment: New report meticulously details evidence that Trump obstructed justice article from The Raw Story. –
It has been blatantly obvious for quite a while the ignorant numb nut we call president has routinely obstructed justice.
‘He Has Abused His Power’ – Robert Reich Lists All The Reasons Trump Could Be Impeached article from Crooks and Liars. –
Yet many more reasons our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator should be removed from office.
President Trump tries to sell policy agenda with Twitter attacks on NFL, Congress, Dems, Corker article from USA Today. –
More of our moronic lackluster lame duck president’s ignorance on Twitter offers many more reasons why his account should be suspended and removed from Twitter…
President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days article from The Washington Post. –
Revealing yet again why Trump is nothing more than an illegitimate, minority-elect president and a liar with no mandate who will never be presidential:
“Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.
Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.”
Yet nothing in the plan revealed that day offered clarity as to how it was “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.” Instead, he outlined four still-somewhat-vague proposals while repeating some golden-oldie false or misleading facts about taxes, which we fact-checked in a roundup.
This tendency of Trump is all too familiar to The Fact Checker. He is quick to make claims full of superlatives — the greatest this and the most beautiful that — with little to no empirical evidence to support them. Trump proposed deep tax cuts, but so far, he has released only a nine-page framework that would start negotiations with lawmakers. Yet since five months ago, he flatly proclaimed his plan “is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.”…”
Trump’s White House formalizes its praise for itself article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
The cringe-worthy lengths our illegitimate president and the deviants in his cabal go to to try and justify his corrupt actions are gaining notice.
The latest White House leaks showcase Trump’s art of the tantrum article from Vox. –
It turns out that our demented delusionist can’t even conduct a Twitter tirade without it being orchestrated for him in advance…
Trump struggles to overcome his economic illiteracy article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Which isn’t surprising given that Trump can’t overcome his regular illiteracy either…
8 Deranged Moments from Trump’s Latest Interview That Confirm He’s the Monster We Thought He Was article from Alternet. –
Just a few of the many reasons that Trump is actually the perfect argument for birth control:
“Donald Trump sat down with Forbes magazine this week, and as with all of his interviews, it’s a real doozy. Perhaps the only expectation Trump has ever exceeded is that he’d be the worst president in modern history, and each of these remarks reminds us why. The man is wrong on stats, wrong on facts, incompetent at his job, and just an all-around terrible person.
Here are eight of his more deranged moments, affirming the shallow, petty and ignoble motivations that guide his presidency.
1. He challenges his secretary of state to an IQ test.
Rex Tillerson reportedly called Trump a “moron” (or to be more specific, a “f**king moron”), a phrase that has been uttered about Trump billions of times by people in his administration and around the world. Obviously still smarting from having a staffer state the obvious, Trump suggested perhaps he and Tillerson should take an IQ exam to prove he’s smarter, as adult human beings are wont to do…”
Trump Brags About His Poor, Stupid Supporters Paying His Legal Bills article from The Daily Kos. –
Stupid is as stupid does… and in this case the minority he calls his supporters are paying for it.
Why we need to tyrant-proof our country in case the next illegitimate president isn’t such an idiot…
American Kakistocracy article from The Atlantic. –
On how America is governed by criminals and cons with no regard for the public.
If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.