Daily Archives: September 29, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 174

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with revelations that once again he is lying about his tax ‘reform’ scheme as American’s will bear the brunt of his deception while he gives himself and his fraudulent friends more breaks, more revelations of how much of a loser our impotent man-boy in the White House really is, our minority-elect bully turned Twitter tyrant is fighting yet another losing battle in his war against sports players, our illegitimate president and his corrupt administration are getting desperate for a win, Trump’s inept response to Puerto Rico’s catastrophe is on full display despite his lies about how well he’s handling it, chances of our war criminal president committing more war crimes to distract from his ongoing Russia scandal are growing, the swamp that Trump lied about draining while corrupting it even further is proving quite costly to U.S. taxpayers and much more.

AP FACT CHECK: Smoke and mirrors in Trump tax plan article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

Trump and his GOP brown shirts are still trying to sell us a lie labeled as tax reform that helps no one but themselves.

Believe It Or Not, Trump Is An Even Bigger Loser Than You Thought article from PolitucusUSA. –

Mocking Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator John McCain in private reveals how demented our dimwitted dip shit truly is…

Watch: America’s Mobster President – New Evidence in Dutch Public TV Documentary of Trump’s International Money Laundering Circles article from Alternet. –

Trump, through his fraudulent business dealings, has had shady connections for years that will probably come back to haunt him.

President Trump Should Attack Toxic Inequality, Not The NFL article from Forbes. –

But he won’t because his attacks on the NFL – like the rest of his delusional rants – are nothing but a distraction from his failed, imploding presidency:

“Last year, San Francisco quarterback, Colin Kaepernick began his peaceful and dignified protest of racial inequality in America, at the same time candidate Donald Trump was telling Black Americans to vote for him because he’d fix their crumbling cities.

According to Trump, “African Americans have sacrificed so much for this nation. . . . Yet, too many African Americans have been left behind.” He said rebuilding of America’s cities would be a priority for his administration.

Now that NFL players across the League have joined the protest to address a problem the President has endorsed, by taking a knee instead of standing while the national anthem is played, Trump is incensed, tweeting that owners should fire these players.

The President’s condemnation of football players who are peacefully protesting for a moment at the start of a game stands in sharp contract to his near-indifference toward the white supremacist who, in Charlottesville, took the life of Heather Heyer, an innocent woman who was also peacefully exercising her right of free speech…”


Unable to accomplish any legislative victories, wildly unpopular and neck deep in collusion and obstruction of Justice charges hasn’t stopped Trump from finding other ways to profit off his failed presidency…

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