Daily Archives: September 27, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 173

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begin with his flair for being able to whip up his minority base with racism and bigotry, Twitter appears to have a built-in Trump clause that allows him to tweet whatever he desires with total impunity, the latest version of Trump’s fraudulent healthcare repeal and replace bill failed again, 3 contributions from people with business ties to Russia to Trump are currently being investigated as his Russia scandal heats up, how Trump’s distractions have become the new norm since he was ‘elected,’ psychiatrists finally start delving into the many monstrous delusions of our lackluster lame duck president plus a lot more.

Remember this about Donald Trump. He knows the depths of American bigotry article from The Guardian. –

As their leader, our Liar-in-Chief knows how to whip up his minority base with racism and bigotry.

With One Dodged Question, Sarah Huckabee Sanders Admits Trump’s Attacks Are Racial article from PoliticusUSA. –

Praising NASCAR – which is predominantly White – while bloviating about the NBA and the NFL reveals that Trump is indeed racist.

‘Son of a Bitch’: Trump’s Outburst Fits a Larger Pattern article from Alternet. –

Despite the fact that the majority finds our national embarrassment’s Twitter tirades revolting, Trump keeps appealing to the moronic minority that still supports him.

Trump Has Been Losing to the NFL for Decades article from The Daily Beast. –

There is a lot of darkness in Trump’s delusional, mentally unbalanced mind towards the NFL since his failed bid to buy a team years ago so he tries to pawn his non-existent superiority off on everyone else in everything he does:

“So President Donald Trump has taken back NBA champion Stephen Curry’s invitation to the White House, had his press secretary declare that it was a “fireable offense” for ESPN anchor Jemele Hill to call him a white supremacist in a conversation on Twitter, and called on National Football League team owners to fire players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. He also called those players he wants fired “sons of bitches,” because I guess he needed a heat check.

In each instance, the target of Trump’s petty ire was a black sports figure publicly rejecting his Make America Great Again siren song at a time when members of marginalized groups are speaking up about the existential threat posed by a president appealing to the surging tide of white supremacy. It is quite the trick for a president to publicly belittle African Americans while ignoring freshly ravaged Latino Americans in blacked-out Puerto Rico, but Trump somehow makes it seem as natural as jumping on Twitter to respond to whatever mess Fox News just reported.

But Trump is an equal opportunity grudge-holder and score-settler, whose call to fans to boycott the NFL is a direct shot at the wealthy white businessmen—many of whom supported his campaign—who rejected him from their club.

It was less than three years ago that Trump tried and failed to buy a NFL franchise. “The @nfl games are so boring now that actually, I’m glad I didn’t get the [Buffalo] Bills. Boring games, too many flags, too soft,” is how the Donald summed up his failure, which was really just a matter of Buffalo Sabres owner Paul Pegula outbidding him by a reported $400,000. “Football has become soft like our country has become soft,” said Trump on the 2016 campaign trail, clearly showing none of the classic behavioral traits of a rejected paramour…”

Twitter finally breaks silence on why it’s never suspended President Trump article from Mashable. –

Twisting opague rules to allow our impotent delinquent in the White House to get away with spewing terroristic threats on Twitter will only work for so long.

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