Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with yet more evidence that he truly is profoundly ignorant, Trump’s growing Russia scandal will soon consume him entirely, our gift that keeps on giving is digging himself a bigger hole he won’t be able to slither out of as it becomes obvious that he is not now nor will he ever be presidential, an overwhelming majority of people are beginning to realize that Trump has some serious mental issues going on, calls for Trump’s impeachment are growing louder and more popular and much more.
Trump finding new ways to bungle the tax-reform fight article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Speaking and acting without thinking is proving costly to our dimwitted dip shit.
Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio article from The Hill. –
Trump’s pardon of Arpaio could prove controversial for him, primarily because it’s politically motivated as Arpaio exemplifies what happens when law enforcement breaks the law.
Trump Companies Earn Millions While Bankrupting Secret Service article from Truthout. –
The growing list of Trump’s conflicts of interest – like raking in millions as a sitting president while bankrupting U.S. taxpayers that pay to protect his sorry ass – deserves closer scrutinization.
The Latest Explosive Developments in the Russia Probe Might Have Sealed Trump’s Fate article from Alternet. –
Trump’s Russia scandal will end up consuming him:
“It’s been another wild ride this week with President Trump holding one of his serious teleprompter speeches announcing that he has a secret plan to win in Afghanistan that he can’t tell us anything about, and then turning around to hold a raucous campaign rally in Phoenix reminding the world that he’s really an undisciplined narcissist. More than one pundit observed that Trump is more clever than he seems with his crazed behavior, because as long as he’s giving succor to Nazis and neo-Confederate racists nobody’s talking about the Russia investigation.
That’s giving Trump way too much credit. He is an impulsive person who has shown no sign that he’s that strategic about anything. And even if his frantic efforts this week were attempts at misdirection, it was to no avail. There have been quite a few developments in the Russia story, none of which are good news for the president.
The first big revelation was in the blockbuster New York Times story on Tuesday about Trump’s deteriorating relationship with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Trump has been tweeting his disappointment with McConnell for some time, so it was no big secret that he is unhappy with him over the health care vote. But apparently the two men had an angry confrontation over the phone on Aug. 9, in which Trump cursed at the majority leader over his inability or unwillingness to “protect” Trump from being investigated over Russia.
Trump doesn’t seem to understand that the Congress is an equal branch of government, endowed with oversight responsibilities. But if there was ever any chance that congressional Republicans could provide cover it went out the window when Trump fired the FBI director and then reassured the Russian ambassador the next day in an unpublicized meeting in the Oval Office that he’d relieved the “pressure” by doing it. Everything in his behavior since then, including his incessant whining about Jeff Sessions’ recusal from the probe as a personal betrayal, has made it more impossible…”
What pardoning Arpaio would mean to the worst people in government article from The Week. –
Our gift that keeps on giving just keeps digging himself a deeper hole he won’t be able to slither out of…