Daily Archives: August 25, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 163

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begin with our Liar-in-Chief’s broken promise to end the illegal, unwinnable occupation of Afghanistan – opting instead to bow down to the War Hawks in Washington who wish to continue profiting from it by extending it, the importance of discussing our demented delinquent’s diminishing mental capacities, still trying to deflect attention from his unwavering support of neo-Nazis and White Supremacists during a rally full of more protesters than supporters, our dimwitted dip shit has broken virtually every promise he made while campaigning, the list of reasons to impeach our delusional Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator are growing, the lies keep coming from our lackluster, lying lame duck president in his alternate reality, aside from the morons that blindly support him, Trump is only fooling himself as his mental instability worsens, Trump’s war on the media – like his presidency – is failing miserably and much more.

The Conflict in Afghanistan Is Trump’s War Now article from Common Dreams. –

The minority that ‘elected’ Trump are going to be very disappointed by his latest broken promise of ending America’s illegal war in Afghanistan.

Trump Has a Nullification Crisis article from Slate. –

As America’s worst-ever president’s neo-Nazi / White Supremacy issues continue growing, Trump’s finances are starting to be affected.

It’s Time to Talk About Trump’s Mental Health article from Common Dreams. –

It’s becoming embarrassingly obvious that we need to evaluate the increasing mental instability of our demented delinquent…

‘Sh*tshow of the highest order’: Internet loses it after Trump’s ‘insane, absurd, off-the-rails’ speech article from The Raw Story. –

Our lackluster lame duck president tried to rally his base, without much luck:

“Donald Trump on Tuesday night spoke at a campaign-style rally in Phoenix, Arizona. After spending 45 minutes maligning the “fake news” and re-litigating his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia (while intentionally leaving out his “both sides” remark), Trump hinted he will pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio, argued anti-Confederate protestors are trying to take away “our history” and complained—live on TV—that the mainstream media is too scared to show him live on TV.

The entire event was vintage Trump and ought to dispel and notion of a “pivot,” which, believe it or not, was an idea floated Monday night after the president stayed on-script during a speech on Afghanistan.

It was a free-wheeling, decidedly “off-the-rails” speech that no-doubt satisfied Trump’s cracking base.

Here are some stellar reactions to the president’s doozy of a campaign rally (who’s he running against, exactly?), if you lack the time or will to react yourself:…”

Trump supporters post fake photos of huge crowds at Phoenix rally – as real images show room half-empty article from The Independent on Yahoo! News. –

Still trying to claim that his base isn’t dwindling, our national embarrassment’s supporters resort to posting fake photos – possibly in hopes of creating more fake news about their minority-elect leader…

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