Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begins with an explanation of how easy it would be for our demented delinquent to start a nuclear war – as it would be difficult to stop him with no checks in place, America’s most corrupt president is still setting all the wrong precedents, America’s worst-ever president continues talking trash to North Korea while the miscreants in his White House urge the world not to pay attention to it, our national embarrassment loves to bluff but he’s too stupid to think before he speaks, our demented delusionist in the White House is proving to be a major embarrassment to the U.S., Trump’s partisan presidency – catering only to the minority that ‘elected’ him and not the majority and a lot more.
This is how easy it would be for Trump to start a nuclear war article from Think Progress. –
There are no checks in place to prevent our demented delinquent from starting a nuclear war…
Trump has no clue what to do about North Korea – and he doesn’t really care article from The Week. ––doesnt-really-care
Despite the constant threats and warmongering, our Bloviator-in-Chief has no idea about what to do about an overhyped threat.
Trump Is Already Profiting From His 2020 Campaign article from Truthout. –
America’s most corrupt president is still profiting from his presidency as his 2020 campaign begins.
5 Disturbing Revelations Upon Closer Inspection of Trump’s Twitter Feed article from AlterNet. –
In addition to all his other moronic rants, out Twitter tyrant also quotes white supremacists and bots:
“President Donald Trump tweets … a lot. But along with his usual flurry of tweets attacking the media, lamenting fake news, or criticizing practically anyone who disagrees with him, Trump has another Twitter habit — quoting his supposed supporters’ tweets. A look at over a year of Trump’s retweets, quote tweets, and tweets in which he quoted another Twitter handle has left a lot of questions.
Using the Trump Twitter Archive, Media Matters audited the president’s Twitter handle, @RealDonaldTrump, between April 1, 2016, and July 31, 2017, focusing on retweets, quote tweets, and tweets where @RealDonaldTrump quoted another Twitter handle. We used that list to identify unverified accounts that he quoted or retweeted, which we then checked for the original tweet and suspicious or bot-like activity. If an account seemed suspicious (for example, it posted an unrealistic number of tweets or exclusively pro-Trump messages), we examined its tweeting habits during the weekend of the second presidential debate (October 6 to 10, 2016). Finally, if an account seemed like a bot, we reviewed its tweeting habits between August 2015 and January 2016.
Factors used to identify suspicious behavior included the date the handle was created; the number of tweets sent; the general frequency of tweets and use of hashtags and images; the content and frequency of tweets the weekend of the second debate; and what the account tweeted before the October 2015 primary season. Here’s what we found:
1. Trump retweeted and thanked a woman named Nicole Mincey over the weekend of August 5, 2017, as was widely reported by numerous outlets. Mincey was suspected to be a bot, but was later identified by BuzzFeed and others as a real Trump supporter who was using her page to sell merchandise. It was odd for Trump to simply retweet an unknown account because, based on Media Matters’ findings, Trump typically retweets only verified accounts, such as Fox & Friends’ Twitter account or those of his staffers and family members…”
In a crisis, Trump looks like the wrong leader at the wrong time article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Primarily because he’s not a leader and he is and always will be the wrong popular vote losing president…