Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with our Twitter tyrant having yet another one of his famous meltdowns – this time over his lousy poll and more fake news (which is only fake when it reflects on him poorly), our fake president falsely cries about fake news while starting his own fake news network, the depths of Trump’s corruption include censoring information to suit his duplicitous political agendas and having corrupt cronies dictating U.S. foreign policy – both of which are potentially unlawful, supporters and the majority of the U.S. public aren’t the only ones turning against our demented delinquent, twice a day Trump’s staff reportedly prepares a ‘propaganda document’ full of his great accomplishments – headlines, tweets and hosts of other complimentary propaganda – to keep their delusional wannabe dictator happy, having a warmongering psychopath that wants to be a dictator in charge could prove costly to America, how America got to the place where a profoundly corrupt moron ended up in the White House and much more.
Trump fumes as presidency hits 200 days from The Hill. –
Trump’s popularity is plummeting and it’s driving him crazy as he engages in yet another Twitter meltdown.
The part of the job numbers Team Trump doesn’t want to talk about article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Not looking at the whole picture seems to be a big issue for our Loser-in-Chief and his incompetent administration…
Trump, who has repeatedly claimed he doesn’t watch CNN, angrily live-tweets CNN segment article from Think Progress. –
All from his private golf club where he says he’s ‘working hard’…
Fake News? Trump Launches ‘Real News’ Series article from NBC News. –
The irony of a fake president claiming fake news while starting his own fake news network:
“WASHINGTON — If you don’t like what they’re saying, change the conversation. Or, in the case of President Donald Trump’s campaign, produce your own news series.
In the fight against what Trump has decried as “fake news” about him and his administration, his team has launched their own version of events: Taking the president’s frequent laments about a lack of media focus on jobs, the stock market and the economy and turning it into a weekly video posted to Facebook focusing on just that.
“More great economic news on Friday,” former pro-Trump cable news commentator Kayleigh McEnany says, seated in front of a blue Trump-Pence themed wall to give “the real news.”
McEnany rose to political prominence during the 2016 election for her fiery exchanges in defense of Trump on CNN. She left the network this weekend, a source with knowledge of the situation told NBC News, asking to leave in order to pursue another opportunity…”
Trump hands US policy writing to shadow groups of business execs article from McClatchy News. –
Bypassing government employees by having corrupt, hand-picked business executives writing U.S. policies may be breaking the law.