Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s miscreantic misadventures of our popular vote losing president by questioning the fate of his presidency and the many reasons his tenure in the White House will be short, our Loser-in-Chief still trying to spin the blame for his popular vote loss while contradicting his ‘intelligence’ chiefs – who he’s making a habit of tossing under the bus, criminal activity from Trump’s past could come back and haunt him, our impotent leader’s credibility problem goes global, when ‘making America great again’ actually makes America worse, our fake president’s claims about fake news and fake media and much more.
Pondering the many reasons to impeach Trump and the fate of his presidency.
Trump Is Less Convinced About Russian Hacking Than His Intelligence Chiefs article from NPR. –
Still trying to spin the blame for losing the popular vote on everyone else.
An American President Was Greeted in Poland by the Confederate Flag article from Esquire. –
The things that need to be done to pacify America’s national embarrassment on his second foreign trip.
The president of the Red States of America article from The Week. –
Trump won’t visit the states that didn’t vote for him – for obvious reasons:
“President Trump seems to believe he is president only of something called the Red States of America.
Since taking office, Trump has conducted campaign-like rallies in Iowa, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Florida. He carried all four states in 2016, and while Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Florida are all legitimate swing states, not one could be honestly described as blue. In fact, the only reasons Trump has even set foot in truly blue states since his inauguration was for military ceremonies in Virginia, Connecticut, and Maryland, to visit his New Jersey golf resort, to give a graduation speech at hard-right Liberty University in Virginia, and to meet with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at a New York City military museum.
The idea of addressing or appealing to the wide swath of people who live in these blue states seems never to have occurred to our president. They are just golfover states to him.
There’s another striking thing about President Trump’s treks in office in comparison to the early days of Obama — he is not acting like the situation facing the country is nearly as serious as he says it is, and he is not doing much to press the agenda he and his allies claim is critical to a national turnaround. By July 2009, the indefatigable Obama had held multiple town hall meetings about health-care reform and given major addresses about his administration’s policy proposals, including on credit card reform and the stimulus bill. Whatever you think of his policies, it’s undeniable that Obama had a podcast wonk’s command of the details and obviously took them seriously. Trump has not done a single town hall. He has addressed audiences that are almost exclusively friendly by design, including the Conservative Political Action Conference and the National Rifle Association. His public remarks and tweets betray a policy knowledge wormhole large enough to steer the Starship Enterprise through…”
Trump Kicks Off G-20 Summit With Rage Tweets Referencing Russian Election Meddling article from The Huffington Post. –
Because nothing says presidential like spreading lies and fake news in your demented land of delusion…
Ex-intel chief Clapper: Trump’s suggestion that more countries meddled in election is ‘news to me’ article from Yahoo! News. –
More on how Trump threw U.S. intelligence under the bus while trying to cast doubt on his ongoing Russia scandal.
The Police State Can Come After Trump Protesters, But It Can’t Make Them Cooperate article from In These Times. –
Trying to criminalize dissent against our Loser-in-Chief is proving difficult…
Felix Sater is cooperating with a money laundering investigation. That’s bad news for Trump. article from Think Progress. –
Trump’s criminal past – in this case money laundering – could come back to haunt him:
“The Financial Times reported Thursday morning that Felix Sater, former business partner of President Donald Trump with deep ties to the Mafia and Russian government, is cooperating in an international investigation into an alleged money-laundering network. Sater has a history of channeling money from prominent families in the Eastern bloc into Trump properties. This could pose problems for Trump, given Sater’s history of outing former close associates in exchange for immunity.
According to recent reports from The New York Times and Bloomberg, these financial connections are also being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller as part of the investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with Russia.
Sater is undoubtedly one of the more unsavory people the president has conducted business with. He was famously involved in a clash at a bar where he stabbed another man in the face with the stem of a martini glass, an assault that landed him in prison for a year. He pleaded guilty to racketeering as part of a $40 million stock fraud scheme orchestrated by the Mafia but avoided jail time by becoming a valuable federal informant for the FBI and CIA. Andrew Weissmann, the prosecutor who negotiated that plea deal, has been hired by Robert Mueller.
Then-U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Loretta Lynch said in a letter to Sen. Orrin Hatch during her confirmation as Barack Obama’s Attorney General that Sater provided “information crucial to national security and the conviction of over 20 individuals, including those responsible for committing massive financial fraud and members of La Cosa Nostra.”…”
The Falsehood at the Core of Trump’s Warsaw Speech article from The Atlantic. –
When a fairly good speech is soured by the person giving it.
Experts: Trump’s ‘Voter Data Request’ Is Illegal and Can Be Safely Ignored. article from The Daily Kos. –
Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s creation of a fraudulent voter integrity commission’s request for voter data from all 50 states is illegal – as are most of the scams created by his dubious ‘Executive Orders.’
Trump’s problem is that he has no credibility – or legitimacy for that matter…
Trump’s voting commission relies on evidence that doesn’t exist article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Our minority-elect president’s fraudulent voter integrity commission will do anything to try and justify his lies about voter fraud:
“Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell (R), a member of Donald Trump’s ridiculous “voter integrity” commission, appeared on MSNBC yesterday and had a rather unpleasant exchange with Katy Tur. After he eventually let Tur ask her first question about the absence of evidence of widespread voter fraud, Blackwell turned to a familiar talking point.
“Let me say that the Pew Foundation found that we have corrupted voter registration files, which means that we have folks who have either registered to vote in two states or we have folks who are still registered to vote who happen to be dead and you create vulnerabilities for the integrity of the system.”
If you watch the clip, Katy Tur reminded viewers of the relevant detail that Blackwell chose not to mention: the Pew study didn’t point to any evidence of voter fraud. He was asked about fraud, but Blackwell’s “proof” was unrelated to the question.
For voter-suppression advocates, this Pew Center report has become a life-preserver of sorts. Whenever Donald Trump has been asked to substantiate some of his more outlandish voter-fraud claims, he insists that Pew provided iron-clad evidence that backs him up. Kris Kobach has also repeatedly cited the Pew research as proof…”
Election Experts See Flaws in Trump Voter Commission’s Plan to Smoke Out Fraud article from Truthout. –
More on the problems with Trump’s quest to justify his farcical voter fraud lies before being ‘elected.’
In Less Than Six Months, President Trump Proves He’s Unfit article from Common Dreams. –
Arguably – albeit barely – he proved that in less than his first 24 hours in office…
U.S. side says Trump pressed Putin on election meddling, now wants to ‘move forward’ article from Yahoo! News. –
With absolutely no proof, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson – former CEO of Exxon – told reporters that Trump repeatedly pressed Putin on election hacking, hoping to move forward and end Trump’s Russia investigation… given that Tillerson lies almost as much as his boss does and has zero credibility as well, the ruse will fail.
No wonder Trump is Putin’s favourite: he’s making America weak again article from The Guardian. –
Trump’s meeting at the G20 Summit reveals the joke that Trump has turned America into around the world:
“In the movie version, they would have talked for a few minutes and then found an excuse to dismiss their foreign ministers and interpreters. At long last, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump would be alone and in private. Putin would look the American up and down, as proud as a father gazing upon his grown son. “We did it,” Putin might say softly, almost to himself. “We actually did it.”
Trump would reply, “It’s your greatest achievement, sir. I am your greatest achievement.” But the time for self-congratulation would be short. Their aides would be back soon. Hurriedly, Putin would give Agent Trump his next set of instructions, then hand him the state-of-the-art microdot camera he would need to photograph the most sensitive documents passing his desk in the Oval Office. Glancing towards the door, Putin would whisper: “Everything you’re doing – the crazy tweets, the attacks on the press – just keep doing it. Every day you’re in the White House, you’re making America weaker. Don’t stop.”
Even the most hardcore anti-Trumpers, those ready to believe the president’s campaign colluded directly with Moscow in corrupting the 2016 US election, don’t think it works quite like that. The notion of Trump as Manchurian Candidate, an agent of the Russian secret service, is fun as fantasy, but it’s no more than that. If there was collusion, it will have involved Trump acolytes rather than the man himself. Besides, any future case against Trump might not have to prove collaboration at all: that Trump sought to impede the FBI’s investigation into the affair, and thereby obstruct justice, would be grounds alone for impeachment.
Yet the assessment by the FBI and others that Russia meddled in the 2016 election – a claim apparently pressed by the US president and denied by the Russian one in their 135-minute meeting – is the prism through which the relationship between Trump and Putin, and between Washington and Moscow, is seen. And, day by day, it is reducing America’s standing in the world…”
No Fooling: Trump Is Actually Not Popular in Poland! article from AlterNet. –
Despite having throngs of ‘supporters’ bused in to make our demented delinquent look popular in Poland, Trump is despised there by the majority too.
5 things Trump did while you weren’t looking: Week 5 article from Politico. –
The importance of keeping an eye on all things Trump does as he secretly destroys everything America stands for.
Trump Blows the GOP’s Cover on Voter Suppression Efforts article from Rolling Stone. –
The sham that is Trump’s attempts to illegally purge millions of voters has become blatantly evident courtesy of our fraudulent ‘President.’
The Fake President article from The Huffington Post. –
The irony of a fake president ranting about fake news and fake media:
“There’s a narcissistic fraud in the White House. An angry, hollow, vindictive man is running the country. What bottomless emotional need does he have for acclaim? It is hard to know where his rampant narcissism ends and serious mental problems ensue. He lies prodigiously and for no reason except he obviously has an unclear vision of what the truth is.
Is his narcissism the driving force behind his lies? Look no further than the lobbies at seven of his golf courses, where he has hung fake Time Magazine covers with made-up headlines of effusive praise for himself. What a bizarre intersection between vanity and fraud. That is a president whose cabinet officials obsequiously offer tribute to his greatness while cameras roll. What is next, Dear Leader… a new haircut?
Trump has lied so much there was a New York Times article listing just the lies he’s told since taking the oath of office. This is to say nothing of the lies told repeatedly on the campaign trail and the ones he used to sell investors before bankrupting six business deals. He tells us he is very rich, but disregards the Constitution to enrich himself and his family. The chief government ethics officer just quit over it.
Trump continues to lie about the number of people at his inauguration. Why is that so important to him? Is he so obsessed with losing the popular vote by 3 million that he established a partisan, taxpayer-funded commission to search for non-existent voter fraud? A Stanford analysis of what Trump’s “voter fraud” panel would do, shows how devastating it would be to legitimate voters, “For every one case of double voting the program identified, it yielded 200 false positives that would purge the registrations of people legitimately eligible to vote.” Luckily, 44 states (as of July 5th) have refused to fully comply and hand over the invasive partisan information requested by the commission. Business Insider pointed out the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t even intend to investigate whether voting machines were hacked in November, and the commission is not bothering to investigate Russian interference. As I write this, it is being reported that Trump has accepted, despite our intelligence community’s unanimous finding otherwise, Putin’s denial that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election…”
If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.