Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Our misadventures begin today with America’s image plunging to new lows under our illegitimate, minority-elect President, Trump’s last false claims – devoid of evidence as usual – of a Syrian gas attack take center stage as the Trump cabal appears to be preparing yet another false flag Syrian chemical weapons attack as a prelude for committing more war crimes and ignorant attempts at regime change, quoting Trump as an anonymous source explains why the National Enquirer is joining his ministry of propaganda to spread his lies, our Blackmailer-in-Chief is threatening to force poor people into a lose-lose situation if his fraudulent ‘healthcare’ tax giveaway isn’t passed, our national embarrassment’s White House has no credibility – nationally or internationally, the growing list of arguments to use in case you ever get into a squabble with a Trump voter, in a little over 5 months Trump has told more than 337 lies and a lot more.
Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows article from AOL News. –
America’s image has deteriorated greatly under our Loser-in-Chief’s lackluster leadership.
Return of the Inauguration Crowd Size Matter article from Roll Call. –
Despite our Liar-in-Chief’s dubious claims, no evidence that photographs were altered was produced.
Seymour Hersh Casts Doubt on Reported Syrian Gas Attack article from AlterNet. –
On Trump’s Syrian false flag chemical weapons attack in April and what really happened.
White House warns Assad may be preparing chemical weapons attack article from The New York Post. –
Here we go again: Prepare for another false flag Syrian chemical gas attack as justification for committing more war crimes and attempts to overthrow the regime there continue:
“The White House accused the Syrian government Monday of preparing for another chemical attack against their own people — and threatened a “heavy price” if they went through with an atrocity.
A statement from the office of the press secretary said that the purported attack could lead to the “mass murder of civilians” and warned Syrian president Bashar al Assad he would be consequences.
“The United States had identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime,” the statement read. “The activities are similar to preparations the regime made before its April 4, 2017.”
The White House added that the main goal of US forces in the region are to eliminate ISIS from their Syrian strongholds…”
Trump’s Favorable Ratings Abroad Are Even Worse Than at Home article from Mother Jones. –
Our national embarrassment we call a president has done a great job of making America look foolish abroad.