Daily Archives: June 22, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 126

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President begin with the real scandals being ignored by corporate media’s obsession over our demented leader, the list of Syrian war crimes committed by Trump is growing, our Con Artist-in-Chief lied about reducing drug prices and is preparing an ‘Executive Order’ that appears to be penned by Big Pharma, our national embarrassment’s infrastructure initiative scam is failing – as is everything else he does, miscreants in our Loser-in-Chief’s White House are still deflecting important questions, our dimwitted dip shit’s lasting legacy taking shape as his net worth and popularity are sinking, now we know why the Senate kept their version of Trumpcare secret – it’s deplorable, Trump lied about having tapes of Comey – who wasn’t the only one Trump attempted to obstruct justice with, why our wannabe dictator’s attempts at authoritarianism are going to fail and much more.

Real Scandals The Trump-Obsessed Media Are Ignoring article from Investor’s Business Daily. –

Real Scandals The Trump-Obsessed Media Are Ignoring

Many of the scandals involve Trump’s predecessor.

Trump team takes victory lap after GOP special-election wins article from Yahoo! News. –

Taking victory laps is nice but Trump and his ilk conveniently neglect mentioning all the voter suppression that helped the GOP candidates win.

More Evidence of US Support for ISIS article from Information Clearing House. –

The list of war crimes in Syria committed by our impotent man-boy leader is growing.

The very shady way that Donald Trump’s new lawyer got very, very rich article from Think Progress. –

In order to work for a fraud you apparently need to be a fraud:

“Donald Trump’s new lawyer is the Donald Trump of lawyers.

On paper, Donald Trump is a lawyer’s dream client. Deep pockets. A seemingly never-ending stream of legal problems. And a high-profile that can transform his confidants into minor celebrities.

Trump’s the kind of client that could pay off a lawyer’s mortgage, put their children through college, buy them a sexy sports car, and leave them with enough attorney’s fees left over to pay for a vacation home.

And yet Trump’s struggled to find counsel to represent him in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign’s Russia ties. As one lawyer told Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff, “the guy won’t pay and he won’t listen.” Trump’s reputation as a blowhard who doesn’t pay his bills and won’t stop sending damaging tweets reportedly left many of Washington’s best lawyers unwilling to represent the President of the United States…”

It’s Trump’s Party Now article from The Atlantic. –

Were it not for rampant GOP voter obstruction and suppression Trump and the corrupt politicians that support him wouldn’t be in office and now the GOP is owned by our Loser-in-Chief.

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