Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Imploring those that work in our illegitimate, minority-elect President’s impotent White House to abandon ship before it goes down, Donald Trump Jr. appears to confirm the Comey memo is true, with appointed special prosecutor heading his Russia scandal Trump won’t be able to easily obstruct justice any more, Trump’s GOP brown shirts getting nervous over supporting their Liar-in-Chief who has created his own worst nightmare, Trump’s delusional dipshittery which allowed a minority to give him the White House is going to end up leading to his downfall, the relentless – albeit well deserved – bias against Donald Trump, our War Criminal-in-Chief is busy illegally bombing Syria again, revelations of what would happen in a post-Trump era – unless we were fortunate enough to have his entire illegitimate cabinet removed, the mounting evidence that Trump is trying his damnedest to cover up his malfeasance and more.
Dear White House aides: Save yourselves. Save us. article from Yahoo! News. –
An appeal to those that work in Trump’s impotent White House to abandon ship before it goes down.
Sources: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians article from AOL News. –
Claims that Trump’s campaign was in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties via phone or email 18 times during the last 7 months of the 2016 primaries.
Donald Trump Jr implies the Comey memo is true article from The Independent on Yahoo! News. –
Our illegitimate president’s son isn’t doing his father any favors by implying that his father did indeed obstruct justice…
Why Donald Trump can’t fire his way out of ‘Russia thing’ this time article from The Guardian. –
Our profoundly corrupt Liar-in-Chief won’t be able to easily obstruct justice any more:
“Appointment of Robert Mueller to investigate Kremlin collusion bypasses president and demonstrates seriousness of the allegations against his circle
With the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel, the future of Donald Trump’s presidency has become significantly more precarious.
Since coming to office Trump has acted as if the post was an elected monarchy – and up to now, he has been cosseted in that illusion by a largely servile Republican party. But what differentiates the US presidency from a monarchy, even under these conditions, are the permanent institutions, made up of civil servants, prosecutors and lawyers. Trump derided them as “the swamp”, in which everyone was for sale. Now “the swamp” has struck back.
Trump compounded his firing of the FBI director, James Comey, by smearing his reputation and putting it about that the boss had lost the faith of the rank and file. That offended phalanxes of investigators with extensive skills and powers – not the sort of people you want to alienate…”
Trump’s Worst Nightmare Comes True article from Politico. –
It’s about time – since the majority of America’s nightmare came true last November when our dimwitted, illegitimate dumbass ‘won’ the election…
As Impeachment Talk Hits the Mainstream, Over a Dozen Nervous House Republicans Have Flipped on Trump article from AlterNet. –
It appears some of Trump’s GOP brown shirts in Congress are getting nervous.
What made Trump can/will break Trump article from Al Jazeera. –
The delusional dipshittery that put our Ignoramus-in-Chief in the White House will eventually lead to his downfall.
This Is the Wrong Way to Describe the President of the United States article from Cosmopolitan. –
Words of advice: When it comes to Nikki Haley – or any of the other miscreants in Trump’s administration – consider the source:
“The UN ambassador Nikki Haley called Donald Trump “CEO of the country.” That’s fundamentally wrong.
When did the presidency become privatized?
This week, UN ambassador Nikki Haley defended President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI director James Comey by saying Trump is “CEO of the country” and so “he can hire and fire anyone he wants.” During the campaign, Trump billed himself as a skilled dealmaker, fit for the presidency because he runs his own company (sometimes into bankruptcy). Since his November victory, some media outlets have referred to him as the “CEO President.” And inside the White House, CEOs and other business leaders are among Trump’s most trusted advisers.
But why in the world would we want a CEO president?
CEOs may be socially conscious, but at the end of the day, their duty is to shareholders, not to the general public — and that duty is, more or less, to make them money…”
The Trump Presidency Falls Apart article from The Atlantic on Yahoo! News. –
Though technically it began falling apart the second our illegitimate, minority-elect president took office.
The Relentless Bias Against Donald Trump article from Medium. –
Trump has earned that bias repeatedly with his profoundly ignorant self-inflicted gaffes.
Michael Flynn won’t honor subpoena to provide documents article from The New York Post. –
Acting like a guilty man does not help prove your point that you’re innocent…
In light of Flynn revelations, Mike Pence has some explaining to do article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Like our dimwitted dumbass that calls himself president, Pence is a liar:
“As Donald Trump faces an increasingly uncertain future, there’s no shortage of scuttlebutt about what it’d be like if Mike Pence were elevated to the presidency. The chatter grew a little louder when Pence launched his own political action committee yesterday – an apparent first for a sitting vice president.
But before the far-right Hoosier starts measuring any drapes, now seems like a good time to note some of the troubles plaguing Pence in the broader Russia mess.
We talked earlier about a striking New York Times scoop on Michael Flynn, the former White House National Security Advisor, who’s at the center of much of the controversy. And while the article only mentioned Pence in passing, note who it was that Flynn spoke to when he admitted to Team Trump that he was under investigation.
Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case.
Who led Trump’s transition team? That would be none other than Mike Pence…”
The Post-Trump Era? article from Common Dreams. –
Were frumpy Trump removed from office we would be stuck with Pence, in which case the GOP’s dystopian agendas would rush easily through Congress. If Trump goes the rest of his illegitimate cabinet needs to go with him.
Paul Ryan and House Republicans are in total denial article from The Chicago Tribune. –
Trump’s GOP brown shirts are going to learn the hard way.
‘Frickin’ Illegal’: Congressman Says Trump Has No Authority for Latest Bombing article from Common Dreams. –
Our War Criminal-in-Chief is busily bombing Syria illegally again.
Donald Trump Talked Michael Flynn Into White House Job – and Wants Him Back in the Administration article from The Daily Beast. –
Trump was well aware that Flynn was under investigation – despite lying repeatedly about it – and both could pay a heavy price for it:
“President Donald Trump pressured a “reluctant” Michael Flynn into accepting a job as the White House’s top national security official even after Flynn warned the president that he was under investigation over undisclosed lobbying on behalf of a foreign government, The Daily Beast has learned.
The president’s continued loyalty to his ousted former aide is so strong, in fact, that the two have remained in touch despite the potential that their communication could be portrayed as White House interference in a federal investigation.
Now both men could pay a huge price for it.
“He did not want to be national security adviser,” Michael Ledeen, a friend of the retired Army general, told The Daily Beast on Thursday. “He didn’t want to be in the government. He wanted to go back to private life.”…”
Did Trump Commit High Crimes and Misdemeanors? article from Common Dreams. –
It’s blatantly obvious that Trump has been trying to cover up his malfeasance.
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