Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
GOP unwilling to investigate Trump’s Russia scandal speaks volume as to how corrupt today’s political establishment has become, how Trump’s disastrous first 100 days turned America upside down, Trump’s orchestrated North Korean political stunt, the U.S. is going down the toilet but Trump’s personal family fortune is thriving, Trump signs order enabling offshore drilling despite low industry demand, Trump’s lies are working brilliantly – on the minions that voted for him, Trump complains about difficulty doing his job and Twitter responds accordingly, Trump compared to a monster straight out of ‘the twilight zone,’ Trump’s position on immigration could result in his wife being deported, Trump earns dubious title of best troll in all of politics, how Trump’s Idiocracy reshaped the Liberal movement, what Trump has done – a breakdown of all the destruction from our lackluster leader’s tenure so far, it’s OK to commit voter fraud in North Carolina if you’re a Trump voter, 7 odious whoppers so far from our Liar-in-Chief and much more.
Why It’s Impossible for Republicans to Investigate the Trump-Russia Scandal article from Mother Jones. –
Having GOP brown shirts protecting our minority-elect President will end up going horribly wrong.
One nation, two Trumps: America as divided as ever after first 100 days article from The Guardian. –
The 100 Days That Turned America Upside Down article from AlterNet. –
Donald Trump’s North Korea briefing was a political stunt to get senators to come to him from Salon. –
“When President Donald Trump’s administration announced earlier this week that they were holding an all-hands-on-deck meeting at the White House about the North Korean crisis, the most obvious question was why they would hold a meeting usually reserved for Capitol Hill.
The answer, it seems, is that they put on a show for its own sake.
Nothing new was divulged during the Wednesday meeting, according to a number of senators who attended and spoke with CNN afterward. After briefly appearing to discuss the crisis in North Korea, Trump passed the baton to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford.
“It was a sobering briefing, and an important opportunity for the entire Senate to hear the emerging plans of the Trump administration to confront what is a very real threat to our security,” Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Connecticut told CNN…”
The Trump Family’s Massive Grift: As a Business and Branding Venture, This Presidency and His Family Are Doing Swell article from AlterNet. –
The country’s going down the toilet courtesy of our corrupt Liar-in-Chief but the Trump family fortune is doing very well.
In 100 Days, Donald Trump Hasn’t Done Much Except Show Off His Signature article from The Huffington Post. –
Worst. 100 Days. Ever. article from Common Dreams. –
Trump aims to expand U.S. offshore drilling, despite low industry demand article from Reuters on Yahoo! News. ––finance.html
Trump’s lies are working brilliantly. This new poll proves it article from The Washington Post. –
Trump’s lies work brilliantly – on the those that voted for him:
As we stumble toward the 100-day mark of the Trump presidency, the president’s frequent assaults on the news media appear to have taken on a distinct purpose. With the White House visibly agitated by the possibility of brutally negative 100-day coverage of President Trump’s tenure so far, he has insisted that the press is misrepresenting his record, while also vastly inflating it himself — thus preparing his voters to dismiss everything they are being told about his historic lack of accomplishments.
A new Post-ABC News poll suggests that this may be working for Trump. It finds that enormous majorities of his voters believe the news media regularly publishes false stories. Even bigger majorities of them believe the news media’s falsehoods are a bigger problem than the Trump administration’s falsehoods are, while only small fractions think the administration tells falsehoods or that his lies are the greater problem. Just look at these findings, which I pulled from the crosstabs:
* 80 percent of Trump voters think it’s a bigger problem that news organizations produce false stories, while only 3 percent of them think it’s a bigger problem that the Trump administration makes false claims. (Among Republicans overall, this is 69-14.)
* Only 17 percent of Trump voters think the Trump administration regularly makes false claims, while 76 percent of Trump voters think it doesn’t. (Among Republicans overall, this is 31-65.)…”
Subject of Flynn seems to panic Trump and his allies video from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Trump says he ‘thought it would be easier’ to be president, Twitter responds accordingly article from AOL News. –
It’s difficult being a fraudulent, illegitimate minority-elect President.
Criminal Justice in President Trump’s First 100 Days article from The Brennan Center For Justice. –
Paul Krugman: Trump Is a Monster Straight Out of ‘The Twilight Zone’ article from AlterNet. –
The more Trump pushes for vouchers, the more evidence pushes back article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
“The city of Washington, D.C., with the enthusiastic support of the Bush/Cheney administration, adopted a school-voucher program in 2004, hoping that using federal funds to subsidize tuition at religious and other private schools would boost student performance.
It didn’t. The Washington Post reported late yesterday:
Students in the nation’s only federally funded school voucher initiative performed worse on standardized tests within a year after entering D.C. private schools than peers who did not participate, according to a new federal analysis that comes as President Trump is seeking to pour billions of dollars into expanding the private school scholarships nationwide.
The study, released Thursday by the Education Department’s research division, follows several other recent studies of state-funded vouchers in Louisiana, Indiana and Ohio that suggested negative effects on student achievement.
It leaves the Trump administration in an awkward position. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who was nominated and confirmed despite her opposition to public education and ignorance about education policy, is one of the nation’s leading advocates of privatizing schools through voucher schemes. It’s a crusade she continues to pursue with great vigor…”
Donald Trump is the best troll in all of politics article from CNN. –
How Trump reshaped the U.S. liberal movement article from Yahoo! News. –
Actually, Trump’s idiocracy is responsible for reshaping a lot of resistance movements…
Watchdogs: Trump’s Disastrous 100 Days Fueling ‘Golden Era of Activism’ article from Common Dreams. –
Trump Administration Position on Supreme Court Case Suggests Melania Trump Could Be Deported article from Slate. –
Forget Andrew Jackson. The Right Thinks Trump Is Calvin Coolidge! article from Common Dreams. –
“Comparisons are odious, and contrary to conservative opinion, Noisy Donald Trump is no Silent Cal.
Republican Calvin Coolidge, who in 1923 ascended to the presidency following the death of the corrupt and dunderheaded Warren Harding, was a man of few words. But some of the most famous of the few were, “The chief business of the American people is business.”
Donald Trump, on the other hand, is often a man of many words, but rarely do they fit together to make a coherent sentence or complete thought. And we know for sure that he, too, believes the chief business of America is business, especially when it’s his business. Oh, and Jared and Ivanka’s, whose junkets on Dad’s behalf appear to be merchandising missions for The Trump Empire. And his two safari-loving sons still holding forth from the family palace in New York, putatively running Pop’s business while protected by a moat of barriers and security guards — take that, you huddled masses.
Coolidge was known as “Silent Cal.” When a dinner party hostess told him, “You must talk to me, Mr. Coolidge. I made a bet today that I could get more than two words out of you,” Coolidge replied, “You lose.” The last thing our current president would be described as is silent. Trump can’t stop tweeting and gibbering. And he doesn’t like losers…”
Why I Fear and Loathe Trump Even More Now Than On Election Day article from Counter Punch. –
Because he’s the bigger joke of the lesser of two evils the public was forced to vote on.
THE GLOBAL EFFORT TO FLATTER IVANKA article from The New Yorker. –
If her past miscreantics are any indication, her specialty in the White House is fooling everyone into thinking her work will benefit them all when in reality it only benefits her.
Here’s the sad news of what ‘mother of all bombs’ did for U.S. fight in Afghanistan article from McClatchy News. –
Hint: It wasn’t nearly as accurate, concise or effective as the Trump administration claims.
In North Carolina Voter Fraud is OK if Committed by Trump Supporters article from The Daily Banter. –
“A North Carolina district attorney has declined to press charges against a woman who admitted voting for Trump in her deceased mother’s name.”
What Trump Has Done article from FiveThirtyEight. –
Tired Of Winning Yet? Here’s What Trump’s Accomplished In 100 Days article from The Huffington Post. –
Seven whoppers from Trump’s first 100 days article from PolitiFact. –
If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.
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