Daily Archives: April 24, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 72

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s latest unintelligible interview is – in addition to profoundly ignorant – something else, it’s much harder making decisions as President than you’d normally make – except the ones that affect your bottom line, pushing his wall funding in spending dispute with Democrats in the final week of his first 100 days – many of which have been filled with resistance, anti-Semitism thriving in Trump’s White House, Trump having a difficult time accepting the fact that he will always be a minority-elect President with no mandate, winners and losers from Trump’s first 100 days, Trump’s ignorance keeps getting in the way, that the GOP keeps obstructing the Trump-Russia investigation speaks volumes as to its validity, the growing disaster of the Trump administration starting to take its toll on the GOP, State Department posts on Mar-a-Lago – our minority-elect President’s Winter White House – raising ethics concern in Trump’s gilded era, a study of our for-profit President’s corporate government is quite revealing and more.

Did Donald Trump just give his most unintelligible interview yet? article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

Trump: Decisions as president ‘much harder than you’d normally make’ article from The New York Post. –

Trump pushes wall funding in spending dispute with Democrats article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

100 days of Trump Resistance: the wins so far and battles to come article from The Guardian. –

“As President Trump approaches 100 days in office, Adam Gabbatt surveys the resistance movement’s biggest moments so far, key groups, and challenges ahead

It’s not just by chance that Donald Trump’s first 100 days have been so underwhelming. The president’s failure to pass healthcare reform, to ban people from entering the country, and arguably to achieve anything of note (beyond his supreme court justice) is down, in no small part, to the efforts of hundreds of thousands of people across the country.

Activists have pressured their representatives, held mass demonstrations and scrambled to protect those at risk in a rollercoaster few months. Trump has until January 2021 to turn things around, but there seems little sign of the resistance fading away…”

The Stain of Anti-Semitism at the White House Isn’t Going Away article from AlterNet. –

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